Saturday, March 1, 2014

Respect, a clear sin of omission.

First of all Let us pray to our Captain , "O Mary conceived without sin, pray to your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to change the water of our lives to another color, turn Lord Jesus like you did in Cana, the waters of our lives into wine, so that our lives could have another color, the color of Your Love Amen" Have you ever heard these words: "You have to have respect the beliefs of thy brother" have you? and it's almost always from the lips of a priest... what a shame, how sad... But even more sorrow and sadness when we remain silent either out of fear or respect. I'm not exempt from that serious, SERIOUS sin... over a week ago a Jehovah's Witnesses were proselyting in the parking lot of Walmart, I had left my job at 7am, in my mind I said " Oh Lord let them come to me and I'll break them in two." when I mention breaking in two, what I mean is to break their false theology with the truth. Nobody came, so I went in to Walmart to buy food for my family, when I came out they came to me... " Here is the Watchtower, a monthly magazine of the kingdom..." or something like that they said in Spanish, I asked him if they were Jehovah's Witnesses to which nodded yes, and waht did I do? I cowardly said "Sorry I'm Catholic " to what he told me : I understand ... respect, no?" To which I assented... The Lord sent them to me and I cowardly show the "respect" card when what I needed to do was to ask them: "When your church was founded?" To which if known (they almost never know) woul've said it was founded in 1878 by Charles Russell , and then I could've tell the same guy, "Your church was founded in 1878 by a crazy gringo, mine was founded by our Lord Jesus Christ in the apostles over 2000 years ago." So we all have to pray for Holy Spirit and Holiness to release the words of the Spirit to all, because we know that without Jesus and the true teachings of Catholicism many will be lost. But the Lord with my lack of guts, Today has taught me that many of us are behaving like this, many more because of the WRONG teachings of our leaders, others for fear of confrontation and ridicule. Never be like me! I'm at a stage in my life I want to shake all the fear and error of the teachings of many priests who follows Judas Iscariot , the world and satan, teaching RESPECT when Jesus and his disciples never respected the erroneous and pagan beliefs of anybody... just in case, was Jesus joking when He started wiping people out of the Temple? Perhaps when Paul was proclaim like a god did he said,yes, I am... ? Haven't you seen how in England you cannot talk and say anything about the Gospel because if you do then you go to jail, look how many cowardly priests, including here at Gloria TV when talking about the catechism echoes which is also in the Bible which says that homosexuality is a perversion (catechism 2357), then they come saying "talk Mercy is better" Did Jesus talk ONLY Mercy to the sinners? How about when He said DO not sin AGAIN? Didn't He said if your hand causes you to sin cut it out? And to the Pharisees He said, "CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL." talking about a lack of Mercy, but lots of Justice. But the legalistic, sedevacantists and antichrists here is us... Atheists do good!... Where at that time did Jesus said that? Jews have their covenant intact! if they do then they do not need Jesus... understand ? Even the Yawveh said the old covenant was broken in Jeremiah 31:31-34. You cannot interfere with the spirituality of the person! Jesus NEVER said that, Jesus said "Go and baptize in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, who believes is saved and he that believeth not has condemned himself" But the omission sounds more attractive and beautiful ... respect, if we all respect the beliefs of everybody is very possible that people will to go to hell and if they don't believe then shake the sand out of your feet as the disciples once did. Apostle Paul's rebuke to Peter in front of everyone, but if you critize the pope then one is Lefebvrist... a letter from Benedict without his signature and via the Vatican and have been advertised like crazy, because they know throughout the whole Internet the most criticism to the bishop of rome is that his papacy is not legitimate. Do not be surprised if this item is taken down from Gloria, as Francis cheerleaders follow him blindly without question him, (although many saints have said that we should all be correct even the pope - San Damian), there is a very ugly video in youtube about Francis eating his own snot, yes you heard good brother... eating up his own snot (, but I think even that will be cheered by his cheerleaders, Francis has made sincere catholics to have their backs against the wall" proselytizing is a solemn nonesense" he once said, everyone who shed their blood for proselytizing the gospel must be crying in heaven ... DONT FOLLOW OMISSION, BETTER YET FOLLOW CHRIST IN THE APOSTOLIC tEACHINGS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, WOED TO ME AND YOU IF WE STAY SILENT. blessings.

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