Monday, March 10, 2014

Diabolical desorientation, the popes gave us instructions how to defeat it.

Before we start let’s pray to our Captain: “Oh Mary conceive without sin, pray to your Son our Lord Jesus to change the waters of our lives into another color, change Lord Jesus like you did in Cana the waters of our lives into wine, so that or lives have another color, the color of your love. Amen”

What do you think diabolical disorientation means, by definition is just that, disorientation done by the devil, but how can we see or hear when all this disorientation is around us? How distinguish truth from a lie and lie from truth...

God Almighty created us for one reason only… to love Him, to be with Him, respect Him and seek only to do what it pleases Him, He created us, so He could have a family, but then came confusion which started by satan telling Eve that God was a liar, that if they tasted the fruit from the tree then they will become gods.

Even though God Himself told them not to, they chose to hear someone else, someone who wasn't the Creator and this was the first disorientation, the first lie in the bible, the first temptation of the devil, to say that God was a liar and we all fell for it.

Jesus came to this world to break the chains of sin that bounded us to eternal damnation, through His teachings in the Gospel and through His disciples, we had everything that we needed to thrive for greatness like pope Benedict XVI once said.

The devil has done much damage in the Catholic Church and he had lots of help from Judas Iscariot his bishop, many souls have been lead stray by bad Bishops and priests during this 2000+ years of Catholicism, first we had the teachings of the Church unchanged like it supposed to be, but bit by bit the snake has found the way to sneak in and tell man: God is a liar you can be a god yourself.

Vatican II happened even though warnings from heaven that an evil council was to happen(Fatima), this council was evil because everything was left up in the air, ambiguity was done in such a way that the definition needed wasn't there, priests could interpret the council in any way they wanted... but this was also true before the council, I mean many wolves were leading stray as well.

I was watching a St. Francis of Assisi movie the other day and St, Francis wanted to preach to the Muslims and specially to the Sultan in order to stop the war, but when finally the grace of God through St. Francis hands got peace for all, they were deliberating to see if they could accept the treaty, someone said should we continue the killing? In which St. Francis said "to Kill is a sin" and a bishop there contradicted this saint and said that a peace treaty is against God's plan because a doctor and St. of the Church said that killing a Muslim was a good thing.

A doctor of the Church against one of the ten Commandments of God, this is one example of thousands, another example the protestants, in Vatican II says that they are not condemned and because of this, Ecumenism started in order so that they and everybody else felt more welcome, because a true pope sign in on that and much else, various forms of sedevacatism started.

I once spoke to one sedevacantist who told me that I was going to Hell because I was embracing the Novus Ordo and the conciliar Church, I said to her, "Excuse me what do you think of Fr. Pio?" and she said because he did the N. Ordo mass he could be in hell.

Diabolical disorientation indeed, bad catechism from the start, communion in the hand, sedevacantism, hypocrisy in our Church by most of our leaders and even by us when we are NOT catechized properly with Love.

The Novus Ordo is VALID, communion in the hand is a sin because it leads to abuse and denial of the true presence of God (see how the Vatican gives communion), NOT kneeling to receive the Holy flesh… priests, even Bishops are propagating this ERROR, sedevacantism is an error, but many don't see themselves as sedevacantists, the SSPX recognizes the power of the pope but they don't want to recognize Vatican II.

Pope Benedict had the best approach ever and it is a true sign of wisdom from heaven, Benedict welcomed the SSPX, remove the excommunications and Bishop Fellay didn't want to sign up about Vatican II, if Benedict did it this with them, he was prepared to give in something, but he also expected something in return, stop attacking Vatican II, by doing so you undermine the power of Peter.

Benedict had the right approach, I mean, you could have Latin mass, all of the graces in the teachings before the council, but stop proselyting against the Vatican II; please understand if many popes are FOR the Novus ordo, the they are FOR Vatican II and saying you can't go to a diocesan Latin mass, that you can't pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet because it was once prohibited, you are actually undermining the power of the pope and popes who reign after Vatican II, so therefore you can't say you are NOT sedevacantist when your actions speak otherwise, the Novus Ordo is VALID even though the Latin mass is superior.

Diabolical disorientation is what is going on, we need to embrace what pope Benedict XVI wanted to achieve in that meeting with Bishop Fellay, that! is the true way of Christians, the Latin mass should be given in every church, the SSPX should be with us just doing their thing protecting the beauty of tradition without undermining the power of the pope and rejecting the Novus Ordo, we shouldn't put down people because of their Christian faith BUT at the same time stand our ground with truth which has is in our Church and its tradition, Catholicism is a beautiful thing a gift from Almighty Father said venerable Bishop Sheen, many ERROR is out there, but also among us because of all the wolves at the service of the devil and Judas Iscariot... tradition is very much persecuted but also traditionalists persecutes what it is VALID, is it evil, yes because we make it evil, when we don’t recognize who is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings our Savior Jesus, when we want to DO instead of letting Him do what He wants to do.

True: Protestants have damage the Church, Jews have damage the Church, Communists have damage the Church, Masons have damage the Church, Atheism has damage the Church, but the gates of hell will never prevail, yes we must stand our ground WITH the truth through the teachings and tradition of Jesus and His apostles, but do know that some of us want to embrace Christ deny the world, pick the cross up daily and follow Him, some of us can’t enjoy Latin mass, some have been saved with a Divine Mercy Chaplet, some of us are converted protestants and don’t understand why you kneel to a statue when the Blessed Sacrament is to the left side of the altar, most of us need unity and fraternity without renouncing truth.

John the disciple saw how someone was throwing demons out in the name of Jesus and wanted them to stop, He said that to our Lord but he said "Let them because whoever loves me can't speak ill of me." But because of much abuse over the centuries, Protestantism occurred and they took many souls stray, but how about those who had gone in the jungles were Catholicism never has been, converted many and died for their faith, died for the Gospel, are they in hell? Of course not, they embraced Christ, all this Christians… Coptic, Orthodox been martyred in Africa, are they in hell? No! Don’t judge the book by its cover.

There are many contradictions that lead to disorientation, many traditionalists say Mother Theresa of Calcutta wasn't good because she was among the idolaters, have we become Pharisees all over again? Divine Mercy Chaplet is no Good? Wao! Saint Liguori dealt with Jews, he had lots of Mercy with them, did he became a Jew? No... did Mother Therese became shiva? No! We need to drop our masks and thrive for greatness like pope Benedict XVI said, and crush the diabolical disorientation with the Rosaries and the Chaplet, like John Paul II would've wanted.

Forgive me for all this words, I'm against Hypocrisy, because I've been a Hypocrite most of my life but I want to throw myself to the feet of my Lord and thrive for greatness, me the most miserable worm out there, I want heaven through Jesus Mercy.

blessed pope John Paul II, pray for us

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