Monday, January 26, 2015

To the Remnant...

We were created in Heaven and it was our sole purpose to come here to the world to Love God despite the obstacles, we were created to make people happy through our Love for God and following His will.
We are the image of God walking this earth, so in other words, we are mirrors of Him, but when we see the Lord hanging in the cross, with Holy flesh opened and His Holy Blood dripping to the ground, His example impaled for our health, do we all reflect that? Blessed are those who do!!!

Loving the Lord is hard work, Jesus said it Himself…
“Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.”  Luke 13:24-25
And the first effort is Loving Him and that is gained by trusting, trusting, trusting Him… begging Him for more Love and that Love will reflect His example…
Remember Him in the cross! Remember every detail from Gethsemane to the Blood and Water bursting out for our salvation… He never turn His face from insults, He did not debate while hanging in the cross and the Remnant army were those who stayed at the foot of the cross despite horror, while most of the disciples were hiding in fear.
Many will say Lord, Lord but because their love didn’t prevailed and despite doing great things, they will not enter Heaven (Mat 7:22), Judas is one example of many. The Remnant gather the disciples, then after all the sorrow, strength came from Jesus resurrection and the descent of the Holy Spirit, so that proves what the bible says, all strength comes from the Lord (Psalm 121:2).
Imitate the Lord in all, He taught the Truth with voice and example, He proclaimed the Gospel sometimes by not saying one word, so let’s imitate Him, let’s be His army, let’s be His saints, let us be beacons of light in this world of darkness, Love will make us shiny mirrors of His Glory if we LET HIM IN.
So Love the Lord and if you do, you will follow His commandments and if you follow His law then you WILL proclaim the Gospel, and His Glory will speak through you.
Surrender to Him, cast fear away, stay faithful, don’t condemn people to hell, denounce the lies, don’t point fingers, no debates, stick with the truth, pray, pray, pray… remember, we were created to Love God despite the obstacles and the obstacles are getting harder and harder.

St Cure of Ars said this: “Your audience is in front of saints and angels.”
All strength comes from Heaven, so beg the Lord of the impossible to be possible, for you to be that Mirror and those in Heaven looking at you shall rejoice, because we are fighting the good fight, the imitation of our Lord is a courageous thing to do in a world full of deceit, deceit sadly proclaimed even in our own churches.
Stay faithful despite horror, be a beacon of His Light, be a Mirror of God… Remnant. May the Lord give you the grace to show the world His Love, Mercy and Truth, Amen.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Only Catholics go to heaven.

Don't get scandalized my brethren, read it all and seek perfection like Jesus commanded us to strive to be perfect, like our Father in heaven is perfect.

Jesus: "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand." Mark 3:24-25

Heaven doesn't accept division, there is NO division in heaven... Our salvation was purchased with Holy blood, Jesus Christ suffered, died and resurrected in order for all of us who thirst for salvation could get saved by believing in the only begotten Son of our Lord.

Jesus took our transgressions and those who ACCEPT Him as Lord, will be saved:

For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Rom 10:13

The Catholic Church IS the Church founded by Jesus in Peter and before the Church produced (through schisms) other Churches, hundreds of years passed by with true doctrine unchanged, Holiness in truth and division out of the errors of men.

Yes, division is not accepted in heaven and the division with the Orthodox, Coptic, Christians is a direct result of men, yes, men divided the Church not God, but He allow this to happen in His infinite wisdom, many Judas has been allowed to hurt the Church like Judas hurt our Lord with his treason. 


Is there a possibility that a person could live his life according to what God wants in other religion? People who don't lie, love God, who hates iniquity, violence and rejoices with truth? People who have never heard of Christianity or people who have never heard about the Catholic Church?

Innocence is something that God likes, what about those who were born in an evangelical Church and never heard about the one true faith? What about those Indians before they even knew the white men existed? What about those who have given their life for the Gospel and are not Catholic?

This is where our Lord says... "for men is impossible for the Lord all things are possible." Mat 19:26

Today the Catholic Church recognizes that someone who have lived according to the Love and Justice of our Lord, not necessarily goes to hell, because of the truth revealed in Christ manifested in the Bride of Christ the Catholic Church, this little ones could reach heaven due to the Infinite Mercy of God.

So, Martin Luther ran away from the Church because many Judas were there doing what they wanted, this is called the errors of men, those who loved themselves more than loved our Lord, but Martin Luther fell in the same trap those men were in by rejecting part of the truth, not only in disobedience but also changing some of the truth to his like and letting many fall from grace by that same disobedience.

Martin Luther ran with the truth which was given to the Catholic Church and despite his error, those throughout time, who were innocent of his mistake and the mistakes of those Judas in the one true faith, are getting to heaven only with an act of Mercy according to what they lived in Love, Justice and Truth.

That DOESN'T MEAN THAT WE SHOULD STOP PROSELYTISM OF THE GOSPEL, that doesn't mean that because some people out there is living the Gospel more than a person who knows forth and back Catholicism we should stop the proclamation of the Gospel left in the Catholic Church. What it means is that we need to STOP condemning people to hell because that's God's job, stop thinking of ourselves like we are above everyone else, what it means is that we need to surrender to God and humble ourselves, become little... because we proclaim the Gospel, but conversion depends on the person and God, like St Bernadette I believe once said:

"I'm here to inform not to convince..."

If the Gospel doesn't open eyes, nothing will... So, we need to let God act, we need to stop the heated debates, because in the end, God will call whoever He wants out of His Mercy, what we need to make sure is CONTINUE Loving the Lord and proclaim the truth in the Gospel... because the world needs the truth which is reflected in the Sacraments, so yes, proselytism is needed.

Only Catholics enter heaven and those Catholics could be Muslim out the Mercy of the Lord, they could be Evangelicals out the Mercy of the Lord, could be Buddhists out the Mercy of the Lord, could be Mormons out the Mercy of the Lord, could be Jews out the Mercy of the Lord... avoid HATE and do know that all people in heaven despite their different backgrounds, could enter Heaven out the Mercy of the Lord as Catholics, because Catholic means Universal and universal Love in other words infinite Love, Divine Love is only in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His Mercy is for those who love God more than anything. 

Did St Francis condemned anyone while he proclaim the Gospel? Neither did the King of Glory, so proclaim the Gospel and stand firm, be humble with Love, always rejecting the world, knowing that outside of the Church there is no salvation and outside of the Church is the world. God will call those He wants to His Mercy that is why Jesus needs our hands and our voice, not our hate.


Monday, January 19, 2015


(1 Samuel 17) David battle Goliath and won because he trusted the Lord…
(Judges 7, 8) Gideon commanded 300 men and with trust in our Lord gain victory over 135,000 men…
(Joshua 6) Jericho’s walls came down not by the strength of men, but by the Lord Himself…
(Acts 5:29) St Athanasius fought Arianism single handedly, 95% of the Catholic world was submerged in heresy, but he won because he obeyed God rather than men….  
(Acts 12:5) Padre Pio was imprisoned by his own Church, but today he is a Saint…
(Mat 11:25) The Little Children of Fatima were imprisoned and many doubted the apparitions, but today no Catholic doubt this apparitions and Portugal is consecrated to our Most Blessed Lady’s heart…
(John 19:37) All the seers of Garabandal suffered and despite Padre Pio’s love, they were misled to refuse what they saw one time, many believers turn away and those who stayed later doubted after Joey died, but those who puts their  trust in the Lord shall see in the end a proof of His Glory…
The Lord makes things happen despite Few, the Lord makes it happen despite fear, even in the middle of the storm, the Lord will never leave or forsake you, Peter and the disciples despite abandoning our Lord in fear, then trusted a little more and got prepared to receive the Holy Spirit in the up room.
There are many Jericho walls, today the remnant is very slim, even those who say they are for the cause, deep inside they aren’t… many who say they are for the Lord they’re not, some got discouraged, some didn’t believe and accepted the Kingdom like little children; without trust, then the graces to resist the world are lacking, because the graces stop in our doors of free will.
REMNANT, the Lord knows your heart, the Lord knows that the remnant are only a few, but like Gideon’s 300, like St. Athanasius, like many other saints… it only takes trust so that the sea opens, the breath of fire will stop the chariots, the false prophets will not prevail, the enemies of God and their heresies will NOT be enough to stop His Justice for them and Mercy for all the lost sheep in need…
REMNANT, by trusting we become tools of Mercy and at the same time of HIS Justice, we are not the judges, we are not the executioners, we are not God, we are not supposed to steal His Glory, His Glory is only His…
TRUST, despite horror… TRUST despite all odds, TRUST despite the persecution and the God of armies Yahweh will save and judge through His only Begotten Son Jesus (Psalm 45).
The Saints  weren’t saints from the get go, so TRUST, and the Lord shall rid you from all your fears, grant you the graces, and will let you see clearer and clearer.
Many doubted, many went home, many cursed the children, but the miracle of the sun happened and all changed… all the true prophets have been given messages that didn’t happen in the way or at the time many wanted, but they did happened at the time the Lord wanted, so even if it takes a thousand years, or a few seconds do know this… Jesus will come and hopefully He’ll find us doing what He commanded.
TRUST REMNANT… May Jesus  makes you a Saint out of pure Mercy, Amen.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Brown Scapular: The Roman Rite.

In order for us to receive the promises given by our Lady of Mount Carmel, the promises of the Brown Scapular, we need to take the Brown Scapular and let a Catholic priest recite the Roman Rite prayer, after that blessing, anytime you need another Brown Scapular blessed for yourself a simple blessing will do.

Procedure for the Blessing and Investiture of the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

To be eligible for THE SCAPULAR PROMISE, one must be enrolled in the Family of Carmel. This is a simple ceremony, which takes only a moment and can be done by any Carmelite or duly authorized priest. The words used by the priest when enrolling a person in the Confraternity of the Scapular are as follows:

Priest - Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy.

Respondent - And grant us Thy salvation.

Priest - Lord, hear my prayer.

Respondent - And let my cry come unto Thee.

Priest - The Lord be with you.

Respondent - And also with you.

Priest - Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, sanctify by Thy power these scapulars, which for love of Thee and for love of Our lady of Mount Carmel, Thy servants will wear devoutly, so that through the intercession of the same Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and protected against the evil spirit, they persevere until death in Thy grace. Thou who lives and reigns world without end.  Amen.


Receive this blessed Scapular and beseech the Blessed Virgin that through Her merits, you may  wear it without stain. May it defend you against all adversity and accompany you to eternal life. Amen.


I, by the power vested in me, admit you to participate in all the spiritual benefits obtained through the mercy of Jesus Christ by the Religious Order of Mount Carmel.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May God Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and earth, bless you, He who has deigned to join you to the confraternity of the Blessed Virgin Of Mount Carmel; we beseech Her to crush the head of the ancient serpent so that you my enter into possession of your eternal heritage, through Christ our Lord.

Respondent - Amen.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Francis Street: the Pastoral deception.

On a little street in Dublin in Ireland the new 'approach' of the Church was seen, Father Martin Dolan of the St Nicholas of Myra parish told his flock to vote for same sex marriage equality, and went a little further by saying "I am Gay myself", the people stood and applauded Fr Martin's bravery and it is more than likely that Ireland, a Catholic heavy country will have their vote and according to the surveys more than 71% of Catholics stand for this lie from hell... it seems that this is more a Francis street than St Francis of Assisi street.

And everybody keeps saying the same, "Doctrine will remain the same, but a pastoral solution will be given", Pastoral vs. Doctrine, Doctrine vs. Pastoral.

Sound doctrine is what or forefathers have left us from the past, the truth revealed to us have been the same, always... but nowadays the world that entered the Church through some crack with the smell of sulphur and thickness, the smoke of satan, have clouded the minds of many priests for long.

Can you imagine God the Father Almighty, setting His Divine law and not acting according to His promise? Can you Imagine God sending Moses to Egypt and then left him there to the Mercy of the Evil one? Can you see for one moment God telling Jesus to come back to heaven before the wedding of Cana and dismiss His promise of salvation to all? Right after the wedding of Cana the proclamation of the Gospel was given, can you imagine Jesus not following His word because there are other ways?

Exactly... nonsense, but is there an example of this in the bible where a prophet knows doctrine but instead chooses to ignore it and approach things in another way, distancing from God's own words? There are many examples, King Saul in the old testament and Judas in the New Testament.

Saul was anointed by God and this king was also a prophet and the Spirit of God change his heart, but instead of obeying God he chose his own way then (1 Samuel 15:10-23), like Judas, he too was possessed by an evil Spirit, despite knowing what God wanted, he did not kill all the enemies when he was supposed to, taking the best livestock and let some enemies to be alive... after not having his way, he killed himself.

Judas knew the Gospel Jesus preached, but like Saul he too took the best for himself (John 12:4-6), sold God for 30 silver coins and not having his way (Mat 26:14-16), ashamed and remorseful like Saul, didn't want to face the choices made, the pastoral solutions away from what the Gospel taught, so both killed themselves.

Priests are killing themselves by rejecting the Law of God because it is a "modern world" and there is a "need" for a modern way to interpret the Gospel, that right there, is a lie from hell.

That was and still is the Judas way, running things their own way according to their "feelings"... Saul got a victory but he thought that was because of him, he disobeyed the Lord instead of embracing psalm 118 they embrace their own needs.

"God has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes" (psalm 118:23)

Today our priest are not embracing the following:

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teaching..." (Heb 13:8-9)

If you read Hebrews 13 and see how the Church behaves today, you notice that there is something definitely wrong, a priest coming out from the closet, a priest with many years of service despite what God has said through our forefathers, a priest cannot be an homosexual, now, with the top declaring "who am I to judge" and then boasts about it by encouragement to people to be part of a culture of Falseness:

"Vote for marriage equality"

Francis street in Ireland, the Land of St Patrick, one of the most Catholic nations in the world and almost all Catholics are embracing the falseness of the world and the boasting of sins, like it is the most beautiful thing. The pastoral, the way of doing things today... divorce from the law of God, this is how they are operating today, that's what Judas did and that's what it claim his soul, the pastoral totally divorce from the doctrine will definitely claim many souls...

"The doctrine will remain, but the pastoral is another thing"... Lies, lies from hell and because they came from hell they look beautiful in the world but venomous they are... and because of this many are listening what they want to hear... worldliness, beautiful lies away from what is God, which is Love, Love which rejoices in truth. (1 Cor 13)


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What is False Mercy?

False Mercy is by simple definition the contrary of Divine Mercy and Divine Mercy is love acting for us, Divine love from the offended which is God to the transgressors which is us, so... False mercy is just that, action build to deceive.

False is something that is not true, something that doesn't hold at all, is something that looks, sounds, feels or smells real but at the same time is not. When falseness combines with Mercy the definition becomes a little broader, it is a set of things, because Mercy is one thing us humans seek to heal our souls, to silence or guilt and reach out to God to welcome us back, something we need to feel at peace, it is the Light of God and without we are in darkness.

Darkness today feels normal, the world is entirely in darkness, it is run by darkness, but our souls are made in God's image and what belongs to God needs God, so when Mercy is preached immediately creates in us the spiritual urge to embrace it, as we are spiritual beings, but we are blinded by the world and by our very flesh, so False Mercy becomes attractive when we hear what our flesh wants to hear.

A homosexual who hears "who am I to judge"(1) feels relieved, their conscience goes into a "relative" peace, because they have been told all of their lives, "your behavior is wrong, wicked, the bible tells it so, homosexuality is not only a sin, but an abomination" (Lev 20:13) (2), calming people consciences are not the job of who are preaching Mercy, but to tell you the truth so you can find the light of God.

"...For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” John 18:37

False Mercy is what you want to hear, to relieve your conscience and that "peace" is just a lie... you see, a lie or falseness with tiny pieces of truth is a lie altogether, Homosexuality, divorce and re-married, stealing to a thief, doing borderline wrong, seeing sin as nothing, that we are all save, all of this, without true repentance is False Mercy.

When His excellency Bishop Fellay told the world about those who preach false Mercy to people:

" telling them there is an open door when there is none. The door that is being opened is a door to hell! These prelates who have received the power of the keys, that is, of opening the gates of Heaven, are closing them, and opening the gates of hell." (3)

Many started helping false Mercy with the "respect" card, by not saying the truth, those who don't say the truth are harming those who belong to God, by not knowing the truth they stay in sin and after death, sin with no repentance, can open the doors of hell; truth will set you free (John 8:32) (4) said the Lord, because total truth will make you want to rethink, you either embrace the truth and repent (John 18:37) or you'll reject truth and continue in your sin.

False Mercy has the whole world and the devil protecting it with a call of bigotry, lack of understanding, sometimes calling people haters and legalists, even if you are denouncing the wicked acts, not who commits them, they say that you are judging people, when you are proclaiming the Gospel, because you are only repeating what God says and the world don't like it, hate for those who proclaim the truth.

"If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you. John 15:18-19

But the world needs those who proclaim the Gospel to become corrupt and preach false Mercy, so many souls relax about seeking perfection and because the flesh has the urge to sin and you can't control yourself, then you sin, but with false Mercy is alright, because God "understands"... God doesn't give a law to then ignore His own law don't be deceive.

People want to embrace false Mercy because it gives you what your flesh needs, it calms your conscience with exactly what you want to hear, not what your soul truly needs, this is why many embrace strange teachings and many pastors are happy to give it, because they are blinded themselves out of their own sin, sin they believe don't exist or believe that God "understands" and forgives you automatically.

False Mercy is on the outside beautiful and attractive, way too easy and way too mundane... Loving the Lord is hard, following His commandments only creates enemies and pure hate from those you use to love or those who come to know you, despite that, follow the Lord and don't despair, don't hold a grudge... continue to love truth and trust the Lord.

Reject False Mercy, reject darkness, reject the devil and his works, many will say he doesn't exist but he does, and many will fight to protect him even un-knowingly FIGHT, fight, fight... your Lord Jesus is with you, nothing will harm you, even those who claim to be His apostles, preachers of falseness, look at their fruits, their bad fruits and you'll know them, false prophets (Mat 7:15-16) reject darkness, may the Lord give us the grace to repent and love Him perfectly in truth.


1) Pope Francis telling reporters "Who am I to judge" on a Gay priest.
2) If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.
3)  Bishop Fellay remarks on the Synod celebrated on October 2014.
4) "and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
5) Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

Monday, January 5, 2015

What is Mercy?

What is Mercy? Mercy is Divine Love in action, and this action can be seen hanging from the cross, God who was deeply offended, instead of applying His Divine Justice to all mankind, God sent His only begotten Son so the chains of sin of those who accepted Him as the Son of God, the Savior and King of Kings could be saved, Holy Blood would've been needed, so God acted... He used His Mercy, His Mercy Incarnated in our Blessed Mother' womb, Jesus Christ arrived as promise.

Mercy comes from God and He and His Son are one (John 10:30) since God is Love (1 John 4:8) and Mercy comes from Love so too Justice comes from Love... So Mercy and Justice are not divorced from one another as Love rejoices in truth (1 Cor 13:6) and what is truth? Truth is Jesus (1 John 14:6) and Truth is the very principle of Justice, so it is fair to say that Justice is also Jesus.

"Your throne, O god, stands forever; your royal scepter is a scepter for justice. You love justice and hate wrongdoing; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellow kings." Psalm 45:7-8

Talking about Mercy alone is an illusion, an idea that could only be sold by the devil himself, like Mercy understands sin, that it celebrates the sinful nature of men, because God is Love and His Mercy has no bounds (which is true), like if Mercy would stop Justice forever (which is not true) once Mercy comes in Justice will also do God's will, if you repent with a true a sincere heart Mercy will be given and the grace to walk towards holiness, pain will be the result of that Justice which will sanctify us all, pain to those who have repented with contrite hearts (Hebrews 12:6-11) so this means, the repentant thief will return what was stolen and depending on the situation, a little suffering will satisfy his conversion by paying to society his bad deeds... Many examples to portray... but a little suffering coming from a little chasticement to teach righteousness, will suffice, as the Master and Teacher is Just and Merciful as He is Love.

"Divine Love from the affected (God) to the aggressor (us)" that's Divine Mercy and immediately after Justice: righteousness, taight in discipline if you are willing to follow the Lord, if your not, then Justice will call out for vengeance for those affected by your iniquity... This is why the most sincere call from both Mercy and Justice is: 

"The Kingdom of God is at hand REPENT and BELIEVE in the Gospel." Mark 1:15

If you truly repent Mercy will be yours, if you believe, Justice will be yours, if you follow the Lord's discipline, suffering will come as your call is to be perfect as your Almighty Father is perfect (Mat 5:48) proclaiming Mercy without Justice is a mirage, an illusion... every time Jesus spoke of Mercy, afterwards He spoke of Justice the most brightest example was the Sermon of the mount as Jesus talked about how Mercy acted and How Justice acted... Jesus said 9 times blessed those who are for God and how those who are not for God, He compared them as salt without flavor:

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. Mat 5:17

Therefore to walk towards holiness the first thing is a contrite heart asking for forgiveness, then Divine Mercy will find you, but, if you truly are contrite, you will embrace Justice and accept pain, discipline will find you, then Love and Fear for the Lord will grow... you will embrace His commandments and strive for perfection.

May you see the Lord in everything, may you rejoice in suffering out of Love for whom suffered first, may you embrace Mercy with Justice and act according to it. Amen

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Say Yes, like our Most Blessed Mother Mary

Do you want to be a saint? Say yes, you need to want it, say yes like our Blessed Mother said yes, she was full of Grace, because God gave Her all the Graces, "Hail, full of Grace..." (Luke 1:28) Archangel Gabriel said...
I would like to be a saint, I'd like to say and live the most beautiful yes written in Holy Scripture, the Yes of our Most Blessed Mother Mary... all you can do?
Say yes, come Lord Jesus.
Every second, every moment our Blessed Mother kept in Her Heart our Lord's doing, She embrace His Will and cherish everything with Love, She gave herself in such a way, no wonder She is the spear of the Lord in this end times.
She will lead all those who say yes pointing to our Lord saying "Do whatever He tells you" (John 2:5), and the waters will convert to wine, the wedding shall have perfection because our Lord's wants it so... our Blessed Mother will lead the way to Her Son to those who say yes... so please, say yes.
Jesus Mother, the Woman, the vessel of Salvation in this Global flooding of darkness, is the one taking us to dry land, to Jesus... She is the one who will crush the head of the serpent when God commands Her so, so say Yes and be in the winning team, not because you have the strength, because you know you don't have it and say Yes, come Lord Jesus.
NO saint ever have rise to sainthood without loving more than life itself the Holy Mother of God, Mary... Mary will point the way, now, do you want to be a Saint?

Say yes and follow Her instructions and you shall do the Lord's will, then you'll hear: "You have kept the good wine until now" (John 2:10)
Follow Her instructions and Scripture will be fulfill with you each time "Whoever finds me finds life and wins favor from the Lord" (Prov 8:35)... remember, the waters will turn into wine.
Many Blessings.