Monday, March 24, 2014

Has Francis brought ANATHEMA to himself?

I am amazed that you are so quickly forsaking the one who called you by (the) grace (of Christ) for a different gospel (not that there is another). But there are some who are disturbing you and wish to pervert the gospel of Christ.But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach (to you) a gospel other than the one that we preached to you, let that one be accursed!  Galathians 1:6-8

Evangelii Gaudium is called the Joy of the Gospel... why an exhortation is called deliveratley Gospel, some might say is an exhortation but I don't believe in coincidences, I believe in Mercy not a mindless Mercy, as Justice and Mercy goes hand in hand as Love  rejoices with truth.

Has Francis brought anathema to himself?

If we read Galathians 1:6-8 well yes indeed he has... why are we saying this? because we are sedevacantist? No were NOT, because we are NOT Catholic? I was born Catholic in 1972 and last year was the first time in my life I went to a latin mass, so NO I don't have the honor of being a traditionalist, is because we are Lefebvrist? No, I don't know much about Lefebvre even though I have defended the SSPX because it was being targeted with HYPOCRISY, but I also have defended my Church against the SSPX with their HYPOCRISY and their light sedevacantist ways... sedevacantism is a sin, period.

Our Lady in Fatima said that an evil council was in the making and many things in Vatican II are blurry and ambiguos so yes our lady was warning us about apostasy...

What is apsotasy? Apostasy is from the greek apostasia which is the formal disaffiliation from or abandonment or renunciation of a religion by a person.

What is heresy? is any provocative belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs.

Has Francis brought anathema to himself by saying in video "Muslims with the Coran"? by not following HIS commandment in which Jesus says clearly: "He said to them, "Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:15-16

This is just a fruit of many bad fruits left by the BREEZE of FRESH AIR or the SAINT in human form as many people has called him.

by their fruit you shall know them and Francis has eaten a lot of Kosher as well without telling the Jews they need Christ, he has said that it is wrong to proselityzed when Jesus says otherwise...

So, Has Francis brought anathema to himself and all who are actually following this exhortation which is called a Gospel, and you could say that is an exhortation but an exhortation implies belief and action, the same implies with the Gospel, belief and action.

In EG #247 says CLEARLY: We hold the Jewish people in special regard because their covenant with God has never been revoked, for “the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable” (Rom 11:29)

For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable. Rom 11:29

Now there is a clear difference between CALL and COVENANT in Romans 11:29 which Francis says covenant instead of a call and we all know that a pact and a call is not the same. Now Jeremiah 31:31-34 Almighthy Father talks about a pact, talks about a covenant.

The days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their fathers the day I took them by the hand to lead them forth from the land of Egypt; for they BROKE my covenant and I had to show myself their master, says the LORD. But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD. I will place my law within them, and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people. No longer will they have need to teach their friends and kinsmen how to know the LORD. All, from least to greatest, shall know me, says the LORD, for I will forgive their evildoing and remember their sin no more.

It's clear that the old covenant was broken by the Jews themselves and Jesus came and they rejected Him, but als popes in the past like pope Benedict IV in ex quo primum have said something about this, pope Eugenis III in the council of Florence which said that the mosaic covenant has been revoked and abrogated.

But Francis needs to correct Almighty Father as well in this heretical Gospel... so yes, calling tradition samll mindedness in EG#83 (“the gray pragmatism of the daily life of the Church, in which all appears to proceed normally, while in reality faith is wearing down and degenerating into small-mindedness”.) opening the doors to abortion in EG#214 (On the other hand, it is also true that we have done little to adequately accompany women in very difficult situations, where abortion appears as a quick solution to their profound anguish, especially when the life developing within them is the result of rape or a situation of extreme poverty. Who can remain unmoved before such painful situations?) Giving communion to wicked people EG#47 (The Eucharist, although it is the fullness of sacramental life, is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.[51] These convictions have pastoral consequences that we are called to consider with prudence and boldness. Frequently, we act as arbiters of grace rather than its facilitators. But the Church is not a tollhouse; it is the house of the Father, where there is a place for everyone, with all their problems.) or EG#252 when Francis calls SACRED  to the writings of Islam

Has Francis brought anathema to himself, you bet... and he wrote all of this HIMSELF, and in the Vatican all they could say: "Yes this is all Him because he always have acted according to this exhortation..."

What we should do? Pray, pray, pray... is late the hour and they will change the magisterium soon, if they do they will break the Church with schism, schism foretold by many saints and the Bible... although the vatican is right in this Evangelii Gaudium, Francis deeds are in accordance with this Heretical Gospel Evangelii Gaudium, and now we know why Benedict XVI in His title pope Emeritus, still hold a key of Peter in his coat of arms... he is, still the pope in the light of truth that Francis has brought anathema to himself.

A pope that officially teach explicit and clear heresy flatly contradicting the infallibly defined dogma of the Catholic faith, then you will know that he is the false pope prophecied in many Church approved prophecies and Marian apparitions. St. Robert Bellarmine, St. Alohonsus Liguori, St. Antoninus and Pope Innocent III all teach that when the pope demonstrates himself to be a manifest heretic, i.e. a plainly manifested public heretic, he ceases to be pope (or, if already was a public heretic he was invalidly elected) because he is not a Catholic -- not a member of the Catholic Church. Bellarmine explains that the Roman Pontiff is the visible head of the Church, and the head is a member. One who is not a member cannot be the head, and therefore the election to the supreme pontificate of a public heretic is canonically null & void.

Dark times are up ahead, 2 synods will come and we should prat, pray, pray... Benedict is still the pope because Francis as being a heretic since long and brought anathema to himself. God love you, Go bless you. amen

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