Friday, March 7, 2014

Praying the Chaplet is an error?

Have you ever heard: that the Divine Mercy chaplet is bad and wrong to pray it? You are not alone many people out there hanging out with that misconception, because this devotion was locked by two popes, but released by two popes also, everyone who says it's wrong to pray this, denies these two Popes: Paul VI and John Paul II, therefore these people do not know it yet but they have sedevacante ink in them, granting a pope more authority than the others, it is a mistake in their part as sedevacantism, according to the saint and doctor of the Church Robert Bellermain (INGLES http: / / ) it's an ERROR.

Whoever likes practicing the Divine Mercy devotion go ahead and do it, it's not bad on the contrary is good, nobody is saying NO to the Rosary, it'll be much better if you make them both daily, is an ERROR from the sedevacantees by saying that the crown is not good and this error has corroded many Catholics hearts.

Devotion to the Divine Mercy is good and valid, to say otherwise is from sedevacantism and sedevacantism is WRONG... NO ONE IS HOLY, WE SHALL BE SAINTS BY THE MERCY OF JESUS ONLY , but having Mercy doesn't mean the CONDONING of sins and erase truth, those who are truly tied to the Divine Mercy this don't stand still, always knowing that after Mercy comes Justice, this is why Jesus says, "be perfect as your Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48) but also says, "Without me, you can do nothing" (John 15:5).

We must not for one moment neglect our situation around the Mercy received, practice Mercy and Mercy in context, which is Love in Action, Love is Mercy, Justice and Truth... "Be perfect as your Father is perfect" but being perfect is impossible without Jesus and His action in us, therefore, what He taught us we must practice... in His teachings the whole truth is and practice that on behalf of our brother is Mercy, but not you can't live the beatitudes knowing that the salt which loses its flavor is skinned in the streets (Matthew 5:13).

The Divine Mercy is lived, prayed, shared, knowing that you should let yourself die, you must fully surrender to Jesus and He will be the one doing for you... the chaplet was curiously released exactly when it was most needed, right after the Vatican II disaster, so it was no coincidence that it was with papal lock until Paul VI freed all banned books and John Paul II took it under his wings, this chaplet was not made for that time of Faustina Kowalska but for this time, but sedevacantism always has something to criticize, they do not understand that the same power that had had Pious XII John Paull II had, the chaplet is good, the devotion is good...

Some sedevacantees declares that father pio is in hell (because he did the novus ordo), that Garabandal subsequently is of the devil, therefore, even though some popes made mistakes at the time, I do not doubt for a moment that they were popes, John XXIII didn't obey Fatima, but Mother Mary mentions him in Garabandal, Paul VI built a Mass according to the world, but he is mentioned in Garabandal, JPII kissed the Koran but he is mentioned in Garabandal, Benedict XVI is mentioned in Garabandal and in the prophecies of Pope Pious X, these popes are real and did recognized (from Paul VI onwards) the Divine Mercy devotion.

Now who abuses the Divine Mercy today? WOLVES DRESSED IN SHEEP saying that is better to respect others that's why they prefer forgive and not condemn, that's why I did not join a traditionalist newspaper which I was invited to (and I love tradition and the Latin mass more than Vatican II), but I know many traditionalists and sedevacantees and so far I have NOT found one who likes the devotion to the Divine Mercy, I consider myself a child of the Novus Ordo (because my mission is more suited to this Mass than to the Latin mass-which I like better than the N. Ordo) and I'm called to tell the world about the Mercy of Jesus, to anyone who wants to hear, the chaplet has NO defects, it is a perfect prayer that would make it even better, if prayed after the Rosary daily, yes! DAILY!

No demon would ask you to do the Rosary and then make the chaplet, now theologically: the chaplet is supported biblically, as we offer to Almighty Father the body , soul , blood and divinity of our Lord Jesus; John Paul II realized this and recommended personally to all of us to live this devotion, but he never stopped promoting the Rosary on the contrary he love it so much that he added the Luminous Mystery.

So whoever tells you that the Mercy chaplet was forbidden by two popes (Faustina's diary), immediately think of Paul VI who released the banned books and John Paul II made valid this devotion of pure love, whoever comes to you with that nonsense that it is bad to pray and follow that devotion, simply put that person in prayer and not listen to them.

Jesus could not leave His Church without this weapon for long, as Paul VI thought the church would destroy itself with self-criticism after Vatican II, the faucet of grace has been closing slowly after Vatican II and you this is true as you can see that there are no more cure of Ars and father Pio been born in the world after Vat. II, think about this, pray and you'll see it's true... way too much LIBERATION have been promoted after Vatican II by the enemies of God, promoting false mercy.

The responsibility of the one who has the devotion of Divine Mercy in their life is to pray daily for the conversion of all sinners, the Holy Virgin Mary at Fatima said that more souls go to hell for lack of prayer by us for them than anything else; so only asking Mercy for yourselves and not for the brother is like those Protestants carrying the false idea of "once saved, always saved" rather than, once saved, always saved by denying yourself, taking your daily cross and following Jesus, but where Jesus was headed when he said that? days later He was to be crucified in the Golgotha , so we have to follow Him in persecution and in martyrdom.

Persecution and Martyrdom you will get when you pray for others, you will fall into an arduous chase by the devil, but you have Jesus and his beautiful Sweet Mother, the Rosary and the Chaplet together for the love of sinners and their conversion to the Heart of Jesus...

REJECT (fraternally) anyone who comes to you saying, that the Chaplet of Divine Mercy is wrong, it'll be wrong is if you stay ONLY in the sweetness of Mercy alone and begin to CONDONE sins for the sake of being Merciful, that does NOT work! Pray for the conversion of the world, abandon yourself to Jesus, gladly accept the persecution and fear not to die for Him, martyrdom is a gift , that is heaven in a silver platter.

Blessings, St. Faustina Kowalska pray for us. Amen.

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