Friday, March 21, 2014

FRANCIS AFTER 1 YEAR: the blind leading the blind.

Hello, my name is Dr. Rafael Gonzalez known as yuca2111 at Gloria TV, today I found something that caught my attention, I'll try to be short and hopefully explain my finding.

Since September 2013 I'm posting articles, videos and reviews that I exchange with many here... when I started my ministry speaking about God's Mercy in 2013 I started giving cards on the Churches about praying the Chaplet of Mercy, cards warning of how bad is communion in the hand... when I spoke to someone about some visions or dreams of mine, either to priests, my family, friends... I was viewed as a leper, as too much of a saint, an exhibitionist because I liked to kneel before the Eucharist, at least until there was the persecution.

I have seen many in the Church have pushed people to leave her, have pushed them to the SSPX, simply because they really love Jesus and tradition, these people see no other choice, after their priests would rebuke them to accept communion kneeling, when people pursue them with much hypocrisy, they go to the SSPX... and I do not blame them...

From the Catechism I was taught (which was poor ), I read about the persecution of the church, but I have NEVER heard of a persecution within the Church.

I know that St. Padre Pio was locked in his cell, San Francisco of Assisi had to go to the pope because of the persecution in his village, San John of the Cross had to flee their own brothers... everything was a great reading which I enjoyed, I would have given anything for someday have seen or lived what those saints had to endure...

Jesus has said many times that we need to be like the Father, to be perfect, so looking to please heaven I look to be increase spiritually each day... I am not better than anyone, I do not know why Jesus loves me so much because I am the worst of the worst, although I have seen angels, demons, Jesus , Mary, the Father and the Holy Spirit, nothing prepared me for this... seeing how much HYPOCRISY the CHURCH HAD.

It all started by wanting to report the same hypocrisy that is corrupting the Church, if you love you can't act according to a lie, but rather act according to the truth, I wanted to tell about Mercy but not as if Mercy accepts all kinds of evil and foul machinations from everybody, since I know I'm bad, I can easily see evil.

Many in the Church go about with the biggest nonsense: " Poor gay brother, do not judge...but love him" "Oh the poor thing has 40 children, a abortion should be nothing to her" "Oh poor she who was raped and is now pregnant, give her this little pills the Lord forgives her" "Praise God for my brother the Jew, they are the chosen people, and poor things who have suffered much!" (although they don't accept Jesus) "Oh poor Muslims, Allah loves them."... "A contraceptive method that's nothing."

NO Muslims accept Jesus and telling them that their faith will take them far is NO help, but surely will help them get to hell, tell the atheists who do good that is ok, but if they don't have Jesus they will go to hell, to say the covenant of the Jews has never been revoked (Evangelii Gaudium # 247) is the largest heresy said by any Catholic pope since the Arian pope, but nothing happens BECAUSE I am advised by the devil, I'm a Lefebvrist without knowing who was Lefebvre or having any SSPX church here in my hometown St. Petersburg Florida.

By me openly say that Francis... is not valid, not only because he has done and said heresies before been Pope (remember that no one can be pope even if he was chosen by the majority vote, the Bishop in question has done or said heresies) also the curia influenced the decision of Benedict XVI to abdicate (even though you present documents to show otherwise without his signature via a 3rd person), all the time I've focused on telling the truth , but no one hears.

I've talked to priests who have told me I am NOT Catholic and that I'm been advised by demons, others told me "the truth you preach is very strong" but still the truth, another told me NO matter who, nobody has the right to open the doors for abortion. (Read as Francis in the EG# 214 talks about how a woman in extreme poverty or raped woman an a abortion seems like a quick solution to their EXTREME DISTRESS).

Now this is my finding, many here talk about dark forces guiding me, the devil himself talking to me, but nevertheless, Francis still praised by many even praised with HERESIES he says... How is it possible for those who make PURE EVIL ( homosexuality, abortion , communion to the depraved, atheists, Jews, Muslims) WE HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THEM AND BE MERCIFUL WITH THEM, but if you say "The German Bishops are big sons of * & ^ * & for killing millions of babies with the morning after pills in Catholic Hospitals" or "Francis: the faith of your fathers (Muslims) will take you far" or "The pact of the Jews has never been revoked (EG # 247) then the Lefebvrist, Protestant, me who divides, the demoniac, legalistic and antichrist is me!

I assure you that Bergoglio has never denounced a sin of the flesh (masturbation, sodomy, prostitution, pornography... ) HE HAS NEVER DONE IT and if you he ever did in some extend WAS NOT condemning it! but the dividing foe, twisting his words, who doesn't understands the context, it's me!

GOOGLE all that he said, there are even videos, but if I talked about understanding and accepting Gays certain people will post icons of happiness for being Merciful, would comment endlessly. If you don't tell your brother his error, he will continue sinning... telling the truth is a must, I want to go to heaven and I want you too as well.

I remember a priest telling me that the devil was advising me because I was denouncing the pope, while he said to me "Yes, abortion is wrong"... but I felt that gigantic "BUT"... and I realized that within his soul; false Mercy has damaged the church, now it is because we hate Francis, NO! but hating ERROR by whomever and denouncing it in time can save souls.

So that's my finding, more Hypocrisy perhaps? maybe not, maybe blind leading the blind, if I was posting Mercy to gays, understanding to Muslims, promoting the culture of encounter with the atheist who rejects Jesus, I would have thousands of views, lots of likes, and they wouldn't say that the devil is advising me... but because I say the truth clearly I'm a legalistic, Lefebvrist, devil and antichrist.

Jesus healed 10 lepers, only one returned to Jesus and it was predicted that many will lose their faith because of following error in other words apostasy, the false prophet and later after the great war (which is just around the corner) the antichrist...but Francis is viewed as a saint, that everything he speaks is Mercy, but who is the owner of that Mercy?, Jesus said whoever does NOT believe will be condemned, but Francis preaches a Jesus saying "The faith of your fathers will take her far" to the Muslims.

Prestigious journalists have attacked in the past (attacked priests, cardinals and the error itself) things that Francis has done in this papacy when he was a bishop, but now that Bergoglio is the pope they are now silent, but when we say this to them that they are hypocrites and have a double standard, then they call us enemies of the church... I HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MUCH HYPOCRISY IN MY CHURCH, I HAVE NEVER SEEN MANY PEOPLE CONFUSING ERROR AS PURE LOVE... THAT GIVES ME THE CREEPS!

The pope will go to Jerusalem with Jew and Muslim, we know of his affection for atheists, and his love for homosexuals and abortionists, and allows communion to evil people (Biden / Pelosi), Francis "I do not believe in a Catholic God, I believe in God" Now a homework: tell me what church in the world accepts ALL types of religious denominations in their ranks without trying to convert them (proselytizing is a solemn nonsense said Francis remember?) and also this church believes (not in a catholic God) but in God... Blessings.

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