Sunday, June 24, 2018

Hear no evil… stop no evil.

We see what’s going on; it’s not only heresy after heresy, the fruits are clear to see…

All throughout the world those who are traditionalists sacked, excoriated, persecuted, called rigids, pelagians, gnostics, legalists and who started this? The “humble pope”, heretic Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

You can see Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles celebrating a mass, with a 2 homosexuals as couple with their adopted son offering the bread and wine and that’s fine.

Hear then Bishop Lynch saying that homosexuals couples can be “holy” and now he’s Bishop Emeritus.

Those who always were pro-homosex, elevated to places of power like Fr. Timothy Radcliffe (Vatican advisory)

The welcoming of a known pro-life Bishop to the USCCB seat (Kurtz), Francis telling him “I want no ideology”, pro-lifers around the world are no longer backed like before.

No Bishop of Ireland talked to the country about voting for life and death, not even antipope Francis, but as soon death was chosen, the Bishops were highly motivated to welcome homosexuals to the next synod, turning the page on what just happened.

Many countries stood up on their “reasoning” on Amoris Laetitia, about giving the Eucharist to adulterers… now communion to those who won’t repent are reachable.

A beautiful gathering with Lutherans at the Vatican and giving communion to all of them…

All around the world are thousands of such cases in which entire countries are falling into the abyss… souls, precious souls given to the father of lies forever and yet we don’t see anyone fired, excommunicated, set aside for such heresies and blasphemies.

Francis hears no evil anywhere, unless of course, if it’s someone preaching tradition and sound doctrine, can’t you see? Pro-homosexuals, adulterers, Lutherans, any kind of evil, any kind of deviation that’s fine, but sound doctrine, truth and our Lord that’s not…

Brethren JUST CHECK THE FRUITS; 100 days of heresies can’t be compared with 2 days saying the right things, like when both Ireland and Argentina fell to abortion laws he decided to speak about such comparing abortion to Nazis, the damage it’s already done.

The silence, the heresies, the confusion is on purpose… the no discipline to pro-LGBTQ, pro-abortionist Bishops, pro-anything contrary to Catholicism is not stopped, but hailed.

While in Argentina he allowed a priest (Jorge Ignacio Garcia) to baptize a child from a transsexual couple, now the man has been elevated to Auxiliary Bishop of Lomas de Zamora.

No… heretic antipope Francis hears no evil, so how can he stop it if wickedness is normal to him? But a heretic man does see sound doctrine as evil and will try to stop it, just to please his master, the devil.

Open your eyes… 

God bless you.

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