Friday, June 29, 2018

God’s anger is good for business.

The more is done against His Holy Word, the flow of money will rise, as the way of the world is to please its master the devil.

Think… think… Have you ever heard from a priest in the last 10 to 20 years that engraving your skin with a tattoo angers God? I am 45 years old, raised as Catholic by my Mother; she worked tirelessly to put me through expensive Catholic schools and never heard those words.

“You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord.” Lev 19:28

We go to the beach and we find women naked everywhere, but also inside the Church (dressed improperly), people don’t have any fear, as they go as indecent as they can and most priests don’t say anything.

Never saw a tattoo parlor when I was a kid, today they’re everywhere, business is good for vaping parlors, cigars, tanning, bars, pot pubs, plastic surgery and much, much more, they’re all surfing in cash, scoring on people’s ignorance and God’s anger.

If you have a tattoo and didn’t know… just don’t do it again.

God will forgive all of us who were young and naïve, bad will be for those who know and still do it (and for those who receive the mark of the beast - this people shall not have Mercy). 

And if you still don’t believe that a tattoo is bad, think about this... the Temple of God is your body, do you see graffiti as awesome in the Temple of God? There’s a reason why people who destroy their Temple (suicide) don’t get to heaven.

"...For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple." 1 Cor 3:17

Look, evil sells in this world, so yes money will flow as long you anger God, that’s how demons think…

"The devil led him up to a high place and showed Him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. If you worship me, it will all be yours." Luke 4:5-7

But how our pastors approach such evilness or any evilness at all? They go all in, celebrating sin…

September 4, 2014 Francis at Santa Martha: “Of what things can a Christian boast? Two things: his sins and Christ Crucified”…

Cardinals telling their sheep that gay marriage should be blessed, that divorce and remarried couples should defy God and get to the Eucharist, those who are apart from the Church (evangelicals) and despise her can get the Eucharist, that “small minded rules” of the Church are silly, and all sorts of religions ARE a path to salvation.

All those strange teachings above and more, are being proclaim in beautiful words as we encounter one another as one. Cash flows and iniquity sells, erroneous teachings give away souls and most don’t say anything, that’s how the devil likes it… he sure does.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Heb 13:8

The Church changed in 1965 to be more “inclusive” and that opened the door, or perhaps a window, for satan… 

If Christ was the same yesterday and the same today and shall be forever, why change? Christ doesn’t change, furthermore Almighty Father, each time the Jews tried to change something in His Church, God didn’t have it, He would’ve punish them quickly.

Well… the good old days are long gone, cash revenues comes from every corner for those who go against God, and priest no longer fear for fire to consume them for changing the Church and this is why we have receive punishment, famine… as we thirst for good priests who fear God.

No great saint has been born into the world after 1965 and that is revealing, on how God views this wicked generation.

Stop the revenues, stop wickedness, don’t be a part of this twisted game the world plays to please its master, resist evil, shout out truth in His Holy Name and persist in love.

A big hug in Jesus Christ, Amen.

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