Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Chaff, the wheat and Francis Cheerleaders.

Jesus had 12 disciples and he chose Judas knowing beforehand that he would betray Him, 11 disciples one traitor... Peter did His best attempts to fall away but Jesus gave him the chance to be courageous and embrace righteousness.

After Vatican II many fled the faith, many threw away their habits, threw away tradition... Vatican II was allowed by God, but He did warned us through Fatima and we didn't listen... so this evil council was ALLOWED in order for the chaff and wheat to be separated.

God Almighty Knew, that many will fall away like Peter did with the difference that Peter came back to his senses, but this 'fall away' has few coming back to their senses, this is the price that St Leo the Great saw coming, this is why Jesus gave us a weapon: The Divine Mercy Chaplet.

Karol Wojtyla was prophesied to take the seat of Peter by Padre Pio, he helped Paul VI on Humanae Vitae, the most Disobeyed Encyclical ever which revealed that contraception was a grave sin.

Karol Wojtyla took the cause of Sor Faustina Kowalska, her autobiography was translated poorly and this is why it was objected by Pious XII, once corrected during the time of Paul VI, the Divine Mercy Chaplet cause was approved and later, Padre Pio's prophecy became true, Wojtyla became pope.

Jesus didn't left the Church orphan, He has stood beside us and despite a man centered mass, Jesus allowed this dishonor to Him like a new Crucifixion, like He allowed Judas and the many Judas of now to preach falseness.

TODAY, many are sleeping, passing life with their eyes closed... the Church is becoming small for those who are faithful and soon they will see the Anti-Church proclaim 'False Mercy' to all.

The Novus Ordo will be the center of this new pagan religion that will preach: Sin doesn't exist, so the mass will change once more... the Novus Ordo dishonors God as it right now, but He allows this for those who say they Love Him prove they do... it is a test.

Soon when the abomination of desolation is set, all who are faithful NEEDS to flee when it happens, because if you don't, then those sins will become yours, like when St. Athanasius was alive, the structures will be seized, but the faith will be ours.

Cheerleaders of this Woodstock Church, this New Babylon, Egypt, Sodom will rejoice with this 'Automatic Mercy', it will be sad in our eyes then, like it is now... 

Pope Benedict was pushed out and he has fled in suffering, a Judas was placed in his throne and everything he preaches is beautiful and even miracles he displays, but few will see his true face. Sad but true, many embrace him even though he has contradicted Jesus words every time and the World loves him, the 'pope' of the World is indeed an enemy of God. (James 4:4)

Good priests are confused...

We don't need good priests, what we need faithful priests, who loves their Lord in all His commands, courageous priests to give all for their flock in order to save souls and lead them to sainthood.

Poor Cheerleaders, they're walking towards paganism and doing this with a smile, confusion is all over and confusion looks like Mercy, lies sprinkled with pieces of truth and nobody says anything.

The Wheat will suffered much as the chaff grows around them and the enemy of God wants confusion to be set and hatred in the faithful in order that all the harvest could be lost... but God wins, even with a small Church, God will be triumphant through our Lord Jesus and His weapon, the Woman... our Blessed Lady.

Rosaries up, Chaplets up... it is time to suffer, it is time to proclaim the truth each time with Love, flee those who proclaims 'truth' with hate, there is a difference between authority and hate, Jesus spoke with authority without saying bad words, so if you are tempted to call a bad name to the man seated in Peter's throne or his cheerleaders... don't, instead pray the chaplet.

If you can't say anything with Love then don't say anything at all, pray for the cheerleaders souls, pray for those who have embraced the world, pray for their souls... not their intentions. Amen

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