Sunday, June 23, 2024

Open letter to the Bishops in Philippines.


In December of 2023 the Catholic Bishops conference of the Philippines embraced apostasy when they gave legitimacy to false prophet’s Francis apostate declaration fiducia supplicans, which basically rejects God’s teachings on grave sin. In a nutshell, this is what the traitors in Manila proclaimed:

·         Priests should NOT judge, DENY, or require ANY prerequisites when blessing same sex couples.

·         The Church’s traditional teachings on marriage should be reiterated.

·         Any rite that could be mistaken for a wedding should be prohibited.

·         Priests who are invited to bless couples in irregular situations should choose the appropriate words to reveal the church’s intent.

Signed by a traitor Bishop, who… should’ve known better, instead they preferred the way of the world; look how they constructed the wording around the first line up: “Priest should NOT judge” this goes against 1 Cor 2.15 in which God through the Apostle declares…

“The spiritual man judges EVERYTHING.”

How can you tell the deceiver from the just? By judging justly (John 7:24), yet they chose to embrace the constant enunciation given by the world about not judging, our Lord Jesus Christ said not to judge yes, but the context was judging while being a hypocrite, He was calling out the pharisees, and you can tell He was talking about them, when He said on that whole same paragraph coming out of His beautiful mouth, hypocrites should take the beam out of their eyes to SEE clearly and THEN help out your brethren who are blind by specks… Do you understand? In order to see a speck you HAVE to judge.

The world’s wicked gospel doesn’t want you or anyone to judge, even less if it is righteously and this is precisely the same wording used by this conference, a word the world loves to use.

The traitors also state, priests SHOULDN’T DENY blessings for same sex couples, I mean, the dismay and shock by some around the world was so apparent that even false prophet Francis had to ambiguously say in an interview: “blessings are for all”, true… but that IS NOT what fiducia supplicans proclaims, that IS NOT what the traitors of this conference of Bishops embraced: “Priests SHOULDN’T DENY blessings on same sex couples.”

In the eyes of the world a couple is when 2 people are together trying to become a family unit, no matter their religion, race or gender… God’s couples definition is more definitive, as the Creator made man and female and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply. Now… Can 2 men reproduce in a relationship? Can 2 women have a baby on a desert island? Let all gay men be on 1 island and all lesbians be in another island away from it all, and in 70 years they will all be dead with NO descendance.

The Philippines used to be the Catholic Church poster child, a novus ordo dream… people use to fear God in such a traffic chaotic island, but the CBCP has made sure, that apostasy is to be embrace by all, ANY priests who are actively blessing gay unions ARE confirming them in their sin, basically, they are ensuring their souls to hell.

Many people love to walk down to hell, most they even do it with a smile, such people prefer their “own way”, fill their mouths with the “no regrets” band while the world celebrates them, I know, my own son is doing that as a trans gay and it is painful to watch, also seeing my entire family in one way or another “supporting” his behavior, yet, one must be a little bit brave and tell them what God says: “…NO homosexual will enter the kingdom of God…” (1 Cor 6: 9-11), but seeing Bishops acting in collusion with the world is so disheartening.

The Philippines Bishops have the chance to shake off their betrayal, the same way when Apostle Peter betrayed our Lord, by ACKNOWLEDGING your treasonous ways, asking forgiveness and then repair the damage done by appeasing the Lord’s many sheep on such traffic chaotic island.

When you bless someone committing grave sin (like irregular and gay couples), you ARE betraying our Lord, such a trojan horse can only devastate, destroy and bring perdition to souls, IT feels like this time around, the Filipino Sheppard went out to look for the lost sheep while leaving the 99, going great lengths to find it and yes, your feet hurts, you constantly complain about such a horrible terrain, the times twisting your ankles, the insect bites, the sweat, the heat, you are so annoyed and sometimes furious… then you finally find and catch the sheep by the edge of a deep cliff, but the sheep kicks you, it shakes, doesn’t want to be with you, nothing calms the sheep down, then you finally blow up and let the sheep jump off to its ruin, the same thing is what the Bishops did.

Apostasy is being taken like if it is mana my Filipinos friends, Francis has proclaimed AGAINST the command of our Lord to evangelize all nations, DID tell the whole world all religions are well viewed by God and now this fiducia barf… How does apostasy look if not like this? Bishops should know better, instead Filipino Bishops and many around the world rejected the truth to celebrate the world and its master, a trojan horse IS inside the island and now most priests, whom prefer obedience (even if it is wicked), will bless grave sin and lose their sheep’s souls and also theirs.

Remain faithful! Open your eyes PH! The false church is inside and they are proclaiming beautiful and poisonous lies. Do know the signs of the times? Falseness has become beautiful while truth today is just written words… Written, but not proclaimed. Open your eyes, the Lord is coming to set all things straight and that’s a promise from Him.

“Jesus, I pray for courageousness amongst all priests in the Philippines and the world, let them truly remember that time when they swore the Holy oath about drinking the chalice of suffering, to remember how beautiful is martyrdom for the faith, how lovely is giving it all for the sheep; I ask You, my sweet God and Savior, to open their eyes and souls to your Mercy and Justice and so they can come back to their senses and save souls instead of ruining them, I ask this on the merits of Your entire passion.” Amen.


A big hug in Jesus Christ

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