Tuesday, June 4, 2024



While back, around the beginning of this disastrous pontificate, the resistance to the false prophet Bergoglio were just a few people, this circle of friends denounced the lies presented as truth, I remember a woman who was struggling with that, I mean, she saw the lies alright but had a hard time calling Bergoglio what he demonstrated with his fruits: a false prophet.

This Hispanic woman (I can’t remember her name), went to Church and prayed and prayed, she kept on asking about Bergoglio, what to do about him? Then, an invisible someone told her one word: “fidelity”. From that moment on she spread that all through the internet and Bergoglians took the message as obedience to false prophet Bergoglio.

My comrade in arms back then, switched from denouncing the lies, to try to squash the resistance by the misunderstanding that fidelity was obedience.

Obedience is not fidelity, you could resist and be remain faithful at the same time, she misunderstood what fidelity is, to remain faithful (fidelity), is to DO what Jesus commanded with love, yeas… to do His instructions, either by His own beautiful lips or through the Holy Spirit instilled with the Apostles; PLEASE remember, God tells us though Hebrews 13: “…DO NOT be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings…”, you can’t obey something that contradicts God.

Obedience has a close significance to the law while fidelity has it on faith and to remain faithful is to embrace the promises to come from God, this is why hope and faith are so close to each other, while obedience to the laws and truth revealed by God has the same closeness.

Way back then, I didn’t understand telling people who don’t had a strong faith would fall away easy to other false religions when they either seen or heard the pope was actually an antipope or false prophet, now today, we must repeat that same word revealed to my ex comrade, who mistook the meaning of fidelity with the word obedience, WE NEED TO REMAIN FAITHFUL, or better yet, we need to show fidelity to God who has given us His promises and NEVER has broken one of them like we always do.

Some people want to stop the resistance to false prophet Bergoglio and the denouncing of all the lies presented as truth because of the brethren whom faith is too weak or little, but the Apostles NEVER hid anything from anyone, even Peter in front of the High priest said… yeah, you guys killed the Messiah, Apostle Paul had basically a sword for a mouth, and DID denounced Peter when he made a grave mistake, and he stuffed Peter like a turkey on thanksgiving in front of everybody.

Now, everything is up for grabs with such evil men running our Church, proclaiming we shouldn’t evangelize other religions, let wicked people to remain in their grave sin while approaching the Eucharist and giving what’s sacred to those who commits abominations and scandal… those are signs of falseness and wickedness by the top.

There are people who could see Bergoglio embracing the worship of pachamama, kissing the foot of presidents, washing the feet of criminals, telling Catholics ALL false religions are good… then throwing a bone to Catholics then turning around and do the opposite, like telling Bishops not to allow gay men to go to the seminaries and then appoint 3 promoters of homosexualism to a critical office for the faith, yet people would still call for obedience to a man with such strange behavior.

We must remain faithful while all the Apostles are turning and tossing in their graves with Bergoglio destroying left and right inside the Church, yes, we must embrace fidelity, BUT we should never embrace strange teachings…

REMEMBER, WE ARE THE CHURCH, each one of us is an extension of that light put on top to dispel darkness, we are the Catholic Church, we aren’t calling for a new religion, we are calling for you to remain faithful and ever watchful.

The lies dressed as truth MUST be denounced, by his deadly fruits Bergoglio has revealed he’s a false prophet and no false prophet can be a true pope, but an antipope.

Even if he comes and excommunicate us, he has no power, destroyers cannot save only destroy, false prophets only can show the way to spiritual ruin… St. Athanasius was excommunicated by his pope back then, today the name of that pope isn’t remembered, but St Athanasius IS a doctor and saint of the Church because he was faithful, not obedient to strange teachings.

Oh, my sweet Lord, bless every catholic despite their blindness, bless every single one of my detractors, forgive them if they ever insult anyone over a false prophet they defend, I ask that You open their eyes and let them see we shouldn’t obey men, we better obey You, let us be faithful, please strengthened our faith and love for You. Amen


A big hug in Jesus Christ

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