Tuesday, January 9, 2024


Moses left to hear the instructions of Almighty Father at the top of mount Sinai, while corruption was brewing in the people’s hearts before he even began to ascend, after so many days, the chosen people took upon themselves shame and dishonor by preferring to embrace a golden calf.

Why would God delay His 10 Commandments? He could’ve given the Holy tablets to Moses in an instant right? Instead, God let time pass and watched how their flesh overtook them and apostasy created the most bittersweet (but hallow) sensation, the feeling of being “gods” without God.

Most wanted to live their lives through their feelings and own views, they rejected God, after seeing miracles and great displays of Divine Power, most chose the world, and then their decision got them destroyed, each and every single chaff got thrown into the fire.

The leadership who embraced this insurrection were the ones who got destroyed first, but… what happened to those who could’ve said something but didn’t? Those who could’ve been more proactive against this golden calf idea? What about those who knew well and did called things like they were… apostasy.

What it’s happening right now in the Catholic Church, has never happen in any time in the history of the world, the only comparison that we could do is with what the chaff did to try and overthrow Moses and secure for themselves the beginning of the Church for the chosen people… Nowadays, NEVER, in the entire history of mankind, apostasy have traveled so fast to each and every person, since technology has made that possible, the Bergoglian apostasy has reach all the corners of the Church in a matter of seconds.  

Bergoglio has infected the Church with his “teachings”, that’s what he calls it, from letting atheists to remain in their unbelief, to Muslims and all kinds of false religions to remain in their false religions, letting divorce and remarried to remain in their grave sin of approaching the Eucharist while in mortal sin, to now… bless Sodom and Gomorrah.

The name of the game is confirming souls in their grave sins or perhaps how the world likes to call it: giving people what they want.

I’m sure the Egyptian apostates had their defenders, some coming from a place of good will others with so much wisdom that became fools themselves. Catholics needs to understand that FALSE PROPHETS at the very top of the Church has happened in the past, antipopes, it is a concept based on true facts, wolves dressed as sheep is not just a metaphor.

When Bergoglio started, he attacked, almost immediately the very words of God about people who divorce and remarry and IT WORKED!!! With all the synods and half-truths, heresies and falsehoods dressed as truth, priests were giving the Eucharist to divorced and remarried couples like nothing, most didn’t need to advertise how the sacred was being thrown to the mud. A priest, who before Bergoglio was struggling with such notion of giving the Eucharist to the unrepentant, then all of the sudden the top declares it ambiguously as “an act of Mercy”, to give the Eucharist to the “weak”.

Now… where was the outcry? Nowhere to be found… on the contrary, few spoke about it and happily paid the price and the practice still continues harder than before. The Bergoglio defenders are out there saying all sorts of things defending the Petrine office, but to me, there is no office, to me there’s only the cross, crucifixion is the only way.

“Don’t divide, don’t divide” the bergoglians say, but they are the first dividing with confusion and persecuting those who resist and persist in the traditions and the true teachings; confirming people in their sins has people calling haters on those who prefer to speak out about Francis errors, but it is a reality that too few are calling out the errors and many more are celebrating the confirmation of people in their grave sins, which is: Apostasy.

Apostasy WAS prophesied in the bible, I mean, in order for Jesus to return the apostasy needs to happen and the man of perdition to be revealed, BUT that doesn’t mean people should stay silent about such horrible heresies… I’m NOT saying people should reject Catholicism and go to another false religion or create a new one, NO! We must remain faithful, and at the same time we must open eyes, you can’t stay silent, you can’t say the truth one day and remain silent the next few decades, you must be consistent even in the face of martyrdom.

This is exactly what happened with the chaff in the desert, they embrace corruption, the confusion was rampant and embracing whatever at the time seemed and felt right IF you were lukewarm, despite seeing a cloud of fire at night, seen the seas open, watched death pass by, touched darkness eclipsing Egypt, the river turning to blood… it didn’t matter, with confusion rampant, most embraced their flesh instead of remembering the Divine Mercy of God such Love setting them free from Egypt.

Why is it that no one wants to call apostasy… apostasy… Why? It could be that most priests seen their vocations as a career, some others are super scare, I mean, few priests have been set apart and shunned for doing their duty, others do it by resisting and call the errors without naming the culprit… people need to open their eyes, try to see in which time we are living, the Lord is almost about to return… will He find faith on earth? Or perhaps he’ll find golden Pachamamas everywhere? Will He find courage? Will He find His beloved doing what their supposed to do?

Indeed, we are living in such a unique time, we should be grateful to be in this moment with our lamps full, proclaiming there’s no other God in whom salvation can be found, only in Jesus and the teachings that stood persecution, martyrdom and many, many false prophets… in the end God wins and the Church will survive, that is a Holy promise; so, WE MUST REMAIN FAITHFUL DESPITE FALSE PROPHETS, OPEN YOUR EYES AND DEFEND THE CHURCH.

A big hug in Jesus Christ.

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