Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Switcheroo Francis

False mercy’s doing in this world is to make you feel alright about your conscience, to give you the impression that God “understands” your sinful behavior, so it’s ok to sin because God is merciful and He “understands.”

Divine Mercy comes from Divine Love and God is Love says Apostle John (1 John 4:8), Divine Justice comes from Divine Love as well, so one without the other is denying the source which is Love, when you go to confession at the very end you’ll receive your penance and that is a part of Justice, little sins or great sins Justice demands amendment so forgiveness and sanctity could be fulfilled in you, in such amends righteousness and forgiveness will ensue your path, so you see, Mercy without Justice cannot be and false mercy preaches no Justice, as it doesn’t preach repentance, false mercy is there to deceive.

It is sad to live to see our beloved Church ran by false mercy preachers, telling you EXACTLY what your sins want to hear, to relativize all so that your soul puts its guard down, working your salvation with fear and trembling as Apostle Paul says (Phil 2:12), will no longer be working.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio known as “pope” Francis tells you exactly what you want to hear to let your guard down all in the name of “mercy”, but you can’t serve 2 masters (Mat 6:24), but False Francis (how I like to call him), is doing exactly that… he goes to homosexuals and tell them what they want to hear like “God made you gay” and goes around and says “we can’t have seminarians who are gay.”
We have tons of examples, rotten fruits from False Francis fulfilling prophecy after prophecy about apostasy flowing from the top: “Atheists do good and we’ll meet there”, “If a gay looks for the Lord who am I to judge”, “Christians with the bible, Muslims with the Koran with the faith of their fathers that will take them far”, “No one is condemned forever that is not the logic of the bible” (Amoris Laetitia 297), and on and on…

He goes and preaches that abortion is murder but awards a well-known abortionist Lilianne Ploumen with a knighthood award, proclaims Emma Bonino as a “forgotten great”, she who murdered more than 400 babies in the womb in her lifetime.

You can see a trend here right? He doesn’t call such people to repent, nor preached to them that the only way to go to Heaven is through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To abortionists is all laughter and awards, to pro-lifers he tells them the magisterium, to atheists it’s alright to be friends and not preach them Jesus, to catholics beautiful words and gestures… we can’t serve 2 masters, we can’t preach one thing and do exactly the contrary, it is not I or anybody else who has judge False Francis, the Gospel denounces his rotten fruits as evil.

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema.” Gal 1:8

Anathema is just cursed, condemned… anyone living under such darkness has a place in hell and it is sad watching this man throwing many souls in the confusion train, placing pro-gays to power, proclaiming heretics as heroes (Martin Luther), letting the unrepentant to have the Eucharist while hitting hard on many faithful for their faith.

False Francis main objective is to eclipse the faith with a worldly suit of lies fitting all false creeds and backgrounds, all this under a banner of “unity, inclusion and understanding.”

Jesus came to this world to seek what was lost and preached repentance as His Kingdom of Salvation is at hand, within reach… He said to the adulterer to “go and sin no more” (John 8:11), His Apostles walked the earth and preached the Good News of Jesus to all false religions out there and many converted, many died proselytizing the faith, but now False Francis preaches that “proselytism is a solemn nonsense.”

The Chinese Church betrayed by his siding with the communist government atheists, the German faithful betrayed with intercommunion, sex victims of Gay Priests betrayed all over the world, those who evangelize Jews betrayed, Faithful Catholics betrayed with his constant “switcheroo” on faith and morals…

The only rock solid constant thing False Francis has established is his dislike for traditional minded catholics and anyone who try to critic him fraternally, but everything else is just false mercy and more false mercy all to set a worldly religion, martyrs died for the very things False Francis is denying today.

Bergoglio will tell you exactly what your sins need to hear, a pool of water on your burning conscience, relativize truth so working your salvation with fear and trembling wouldn’t be a work anymore, but an “entitlement” as God “understands” and because He understands will give you automatic mercy while contradicting His own Holy Word.

Again, and we should shout this from the rooftops “Beware of false prophets… by their fruits you shall know them” (Mat 7:15-20), JUST check his fruits and you’ll see, he’s trying to mash the wheat with the chaff under a banner of falseness, beware… stay faithful and resist.

A big hug in Jesus Christ. Amen

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