Sunday, October 4, 2015

Tridentine Forever!

The other day someone asked me:

"Do you understand Latin?"

We were at a friends house, for the blessing of their new house... after the prayers and the blessing, we started to talk about the Latin Mass (among other topics), at the end of the talk, a man participating on those topics asked me that question above, my answer was: "No I don't..."

"Then Why you go there?"

"Because (I said), all the Saints of the Catholic Church went to the Latin Mass, that's why..."

The Latin Mass has a supernatural feel, which starts right when I see those feet walking towards the altar, the feet of he who will offer the Sacrifice and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

When the priest elevates the Holy Flesh of Jesus to offer it to Almighty Father, then, like those who grab his cloak, at the same time, I feel the entire flock grabbing his cloak too, elevating our prayers, hearts, hopes and our sorrow for all the past wrong forgiven or not...

The chains of sin have no power, on those, who have receive forgiveness due to a sincere and broken heart... Almighty Father receives the perfect sacrifice with pain and Love each time, pain for those who reject Him  while eating the Holy Flesh in grave sin and Love for those who have humble themselves before God with sincere unworthiness.

We are ALL unworthy, but a humble and broken heart, God will not reject (psalm 51:17)...

God makes the impossible possible with those who wants to Love Him, love until it HURTS... if you Love the Lord and you are not persecuted, then something is wrong, because the hurt is pure persecution and that's how a true Christian rejoices, when suffering in His Name.

Tridentine Forever! Yes... the persecuted mass, the mass that Saints grew with, not pointing fingers to people, not telling them that they are condemned, but showing the world holiness due to that Love, everlasting Love that will get you so much hurt... so much persecution.

Have you notice something? How much persecution the Tridentine Mass has and almost nothing in the Novus Ordo and Neocatechumenal mass? 

But even though... The Eucharist is still becoming the Holy Flesh of Jesus in this masses and IF there's no Latin mass in your area, then you need to eat His Holy Flesh for you to have life truly (John 6:53), so go to this other Masses.

But there's no comparison...

The Tridentine Mass (Latin), is there for you to grow in Spirit but the other Masses have a ceiling due to the mockery, banalities... the whole process of Crucifixion.

I don't understand Latin, but my heart is thrown down to Jesus feet for Him to have Mercy on me, my family, friends, colleagues and nation... Yes Tridentine Forever, there hasn't been a Saint been born after 1965 like Padre Pio or St. Therese of Lissieux, those who are spiritual knows exactly what this means.

May God gives you the thirst to Honor Him more and more, may Jesus lead you to a greener path in the Latin Mass, may He gives you the Honor to Love Him so much until it HURTS. Amen

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