Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Many Judas walk the earth...

Cain Killed Abel, but before that took place God alert Cain about sin and how he could dominate it... Cain refuse to listen and Abel was murdered.

Although they came from God, they chose to forget about Him and went instead to do evil. Noah was blessed, because he liked to live according to God's ways.

The whole earth was sumerged in death and despair as God passed judgement and they all died out of their perversion,

A second chance was given, but eventually all forgot God's way and Lot had to run away from perversion city.

Many prophets died in the hands of the chosen people, out of their sin, instead of love and righteousness,  power, jealousy came forth... they chose pleasure instead of seeking pleasing God and His commands.

John the baptist called the priests of that time 'Vipers' and Jesus called them 'sons of Satan', many Judas walk the earth today, a spirit of worldliness, iniquity and self love is always asking us to forget about God and His commandments.

Jesus knew from the beginnig who was Judas, how much pain and suffering His disciple will bring upon Him... God knew all along as he is God, you can see Judas in those who rejects God's law... despite knowing the law, despite knowing who came from God and spoke for Him, this Judas all around seek pleasure and not commitment.

Today we see this from our own Church as many like Hypocrisy, pride and their own Gospel instead of pleasing God, you see, they all know God because they have studied for years, but God knows who will be saved and who, despite knowing (at least on paper) who He is, prefer pleasure.

Someone once told me 'Are you willing to forfeit heaven for 1 second of pleasure?', that person was speaking to me about Jesus, today he has embrace homosexuality, has a boyfriend and has referred to the bible as just another book...

Perseverance is a hard thing to do, that is why we need to embrace what Jesus said 'Without me you can't do anything' John 15:5, did Judas persevered? No, think about it... despite the dead rising, the leppers healed, Peter walking on the waters, the bread and loaves miracle, Judas chose betrayal... betrayal is such an easy thing to do, each day we refuse God and concede to our flesh, the door for betrayal opens more...

Many Judas walk today in our Church, laity, religious, clergy and even in the very Top.

The good thing is that we can repent like Peter did, but even tough Peter needed Jesus to say 3 times 'Do you love me?... Feed my sheep'

Today many Judas and many good disciples are meeting in this wicked synod and I have to tell you beforehand, the Church has already lost... the conformation of this summit is an insult to God Himself because dogma is CLEAR... This synod, even if they don't do anything, have open the door to worldliness and many priests will turn away from grace, more and more than before...

This is what Apostasy means, when we take our silver coins instead of embracing our Lord's suffering... and how this synod began?, with a testimony of how a gay couple are accepted, because love thy neighbor is the best way to follow Christ they say, BUT the one thing they are forgetting is this... in all Holy Scripture God NEVER CONDONE SIN.

This Synod before it started had one mission and one mission only, to reject all of God's law and embracing a tiny fraction of the Law like Satan in the desert. 

Judas in his mind thought he was doing the right thing... for himself, and this is what the modern Judas of today are seeking, what is right for them, the new pharisees, the new Judas... the enemies of God, and we have to pray for perseverance and courage, ,as Jesus was persecuted... we too shall be persecuted, as Jesus was killed... we too shall suffer out the hands of assassins: bad priests, the new Judas who walk the earth.


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