Saturday, September 6, 2014


Please read part I ( watch part II ( order to understand this final part,  PART III: THE SIN OF PRIDE.

Someone who I love was praying the Rosary and suddenly saw the evangelicals and Catholics fighting amongst each other, but then they stopped once the rosary was handed to both of them and both  started to recite the Rosary walking towards the Golgotha to be crucified with our Lord.
For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13
When Jesus came into the World and despite being the owner of infinite Glory He became poor, shepherds and Wiseman Kings (pagans) came before Him and in harmony (as ONE) they worship and adore, that was in His 1st coming, but now, for His 2nd coming will He find the same harmony? Will He find the Evangelicals in union with the Messianic Jews, Catholics, Coptic, Orthodox  like He and His Almighty Father are, one? One in love and truth…

Before any further you need to know this, without any arrogance or sentiment of pride, I say this with respect and humility, The Catholic Church was establish by Jesus Christ Himself.

The same Catholic Church who is falling more day by day in a deep apostasy…

All of us who try to be Christians we need to put down our guns, before there was any orthodox and Coptic churches, existed only the Catholic Church which had many Saints and many Judas in their ranks…
Whatever happened in the past it happened because many Judas had their way in both sides, but we need to embrace His commands in order to please our Lord…

Jesus said to them, "Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” John 6:53

Without the Sacraments we are lost and we ALL need the Eucharist to be raised in the last day…

Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. John 6:54

I remember a dear friend of mine who is an Evangelical, she knows that Jesus IS in the Holy Eucharist, she knows it is the Body of our Lord, but she respects His commands and wouldn’t dare to eat His flesh without permission from the Catholic Church; she was suffering because she liked being an Evangelical while craving for the infinite love in His Holy Flesh. Somebody told her the experience St. Therese  Lissieux had with her first communion:

“It was like a drop of water reuniting for the first time with the ocean” St Therese Lissieux

So my friend went to a Catholic priest and now she is sacrificing herself for the love of God, to unite her with Jesus, to be that drop of water, her sacrifice will not go unnoticed in heaven.

Pride can take life away from you, the same pride which is turning most of us Catholics into the new Pharisees, humility will only please our Lord let’s seek to be little, let’s seek to serve, let’s seek to fulfilled His commands.

When Pharisees reign when Jesus was born, they all thought they were superior… nowadays some people think they are already saved and relax themselves, even though spiritual war is all over, Evangelicals thinking “once saved always saved” Catholics “Outside of the Catholic Church there’s no salvation” That phrase right there made believe most Catholics that they are all saved and they have the RIGHT to condemn to hell non-Catholics.   

Those who condemn others to hell are condemning themselves by not letting Jesus be the Judge, let’s humble ourselves, let’s please Him in the most perfect way, let’s imitate Him… He says “Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of Heart.” Mat 11:29

He didn’t say “proud”, He said “humble”… so let’s practice that now, every word in the bible has the Holy Spirit imprinted… so let’s repeat a few words from the bible itself and we will end with a petition…  pray with me all you Christians out there disregarding religion:

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee… Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb… Jesus”

Petition: “Holy Mary, Mother of God (Jesus) pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen”

Now let’s seek to be humble in imitation of Jesus who pleased the Father, so let’s please Him by following His commands… Let’s strive to have the sacraments the RIGHT way, through THE Church that He started, the Church that will not end despite starting tribulation and embracing Apostasy, let’s not condemn to hell anyone, because that’s God’s job.

We are almost at the start of the revealing of the Antichrist, and the Eucharist WILL BE CANCELED SOON fulfilling the prophecies of prophet Daniel 12:11, Mary of Magdalene (John 20:13) and Jesus (Mat 24:15). Terror is slowly creeping in and once full blown apostasy sets in, it’ll be difficult having the sacraments in those days and you NEED to have life within you, so cast away pride, the weapon of choice by Heaven will be perseverance through the Rosary… Full Apostasy is almost upon us, throw pride away and suffer tribulation with us united in harmony and on our way to be crucified with our Lord. Amen

“LEARN from Me for I am meek and humble of heart.”

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