Saturday, January 25, 2014

Jesus pretended?

The meaning of the word pretend is this: to act as if something is true when it is not true. (1)

Because people will try to seek their own meaning of the word "pretend", let's examine in context what exactly the Bishop of Rome said exactly: “In the Gospel, Jesus does not become angry, but pretends to when the disciples do not understand him,” the Pope explained, adding that at Emmaus Jesus says, “'How foolish and slow of heart." (2)
Basically Bergoglio is saying that Jesus is faking it, Jesus is saying Hypocrites to the pharisees and it was also fake... When He whipped all those people in the temple, afterwards He said to them that it was a joke?
When Jesus said the Sermon on the mount He said many Merciful words, but there is a popular mistake among us, in our minds we stay with the Mercy words ONLY, but Jesus follows Mercy with Justice when he says: "You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." (Matt 3:13) If we lose taste, in other words don't follow the truth, we are thrown out!! but wait Jesus pretended.

I used to evangelize in the Dominican Republic, door to door for the Catholic Church and never in my wildest dreams I would've said to anybody "Jesus love you maybe", I mean if He pretended to be angry He could've pretend anywhere right? This pretend thing can cloud His Divinity, because God will never have 2 faces about what He is teaching, God will NEVER contradict Himself, if He was angry He was angry, if He was sad He was sad, not like Judas, wanting to "sell" the perfume of a woman who poured it onto to Jesus, when what Judas wanted was actually to get the money for himself. (John 12:4-7)  
Do we love Jesus and are following His commadments? What about what Bergoglio says about atheists to heaven and when Jesus said "whoever doesn't believe will be condemned" (Mark 16:16) oh right... He was pretending... The Holy Spirit is with Jesus did He pretend too? I mean Jesus said "the Father and I are one" (John 10:30) so... did the Father pretended too?

The Bishop of Rome doesn't know the HERESY he has said, if he knew what he actually said, then it is only MALICE, we hope and pray he doesn't know... but he keeps making and saying so much errors, that one fear for the souls of men.

Are we blind? or is it that out of the 1.2 billion catholics only 1% actually reads the word of God, confess, go to the Eucharist and adore... or is it that yes we are very uptight and we need to loosen up?
"So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth." Rev 3:16
The way back to our true home, Heaven is full of deceit, because that road starts here in the world and those who are supposed to know Jesus, those who are supposed to feed us with the truth sometimes makes it hard if they betray Him like Judas did, when they come up with their own version of the Gospel, I mean, atheists to heaven, Jesus pretended, Mary was cheated at the foot of the cross... Really? I prefer to follow Jesus in the apostolic teachings of our dear Catholic Church... than follow men and the world.

Love rejoices in truth says Corinthians 13 and obedience must be an act of Joy because we rejoice in truth, but if truth is compromised and discernment is lacking then we could end up like those soldiers who committed horrible crimes with the excuse of "just following orders", DON'T be deceive, open you eyes, it was Peter who stood in front of those Pharisees, spoke the truth and when they faced the truth and rejected it, then he concluded "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29), so 1st Love and Joy will be ours in truth and obedience can be achieve with tons of happiness.
I hope we open our eyes in time, because time is our enemy when we are led astray, STAY FAITHFUL.
May God keep you now and forever.Amen

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