Thursday, September 19, 2024

Truths Catholics don’t want to hear


St Jerome once said, only 10 out 100,000 Catholics enter Heaven. Totally true, most of us (me included), we’re working towards either purgatory or hell (sadly), our efforts are not achieving the extra mile to become saints, purgatory a place we shouldn’t try to go to, all of our plans should be to go straight up to Heaven, letting Jesus and His Father make the Impossible possible, but is true most Catholics are not trying to become saints.

·         Most Catholics don’t even know what the brown scapular is, I remember a lady in the Church asking my mother if I was a deacon because she saw my scapular on me; sadly, she’s not alone.

·         Those who know what the brown scapular is don’t wear them and if they do, THEY MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES MOST DO, they wear the scapular inside their clothes, I mean, according to our Blessed Mother, the scapular IS A SIGN OF SALVATION… Question: Do signs are visible while covered? Signs are meant to be SEEN, it will not be seen if it is inside your clothes, the scapular not only needs you to strive in a path of holiness it is a sign and signs are displayed, like the first Christians did, it is supposed to let the world know you are a devout follower of our Blessed Lady, and worshiper of Her Son.

·         Another mistake people do (about the brown scapular), they don’t let a priest pray the Carmelite prayers and impose the scapular upon you.

·         Maria of Divine Mercy, a seer who warned Catholics 1 year before it happened, how true pope Benedict XVI was going to be cast out (Benedict resigned a year later) and Francis was the false prophet (and his fruits have shown he is); Maria was framed by false witnesses and people tuned out on her prophecies, but Francis prove her right and those of us who knew her, watched how some false witnesses did a number on her in the news and social media, like the pharisees did with our Lord presenting false witnesses.

·         Francis is an antipope, it is easy to see due to his fruits, he has proclaimed to the whole world he isn’t catholic, he doesn’t believe. There’s a reason why he said he doesn’t believe in a catholic God, a reason why he said Sundays is for the family, a reason why in more than a decade he has bended his knees a couple of times before the Eucharist while giving many excuses why he doesn’t kneel, but surely prostrates many times in front of politicians, Muslims, gays while kissing or washing their feet.

·         Francis never teaches about hell because he doesn’t believe it exists.

·         Francis doesn’t believe in the immaculate conception, so following that logic, Lourdes is nothing to him, but Medjugorje is a true apparition because such speaks about how God embraces all religions, the same hellish nonsense he has proclaim many times.

·         Bishops are no where to be found about defending the faith, many nation’s bishops have embraced the heretical gay proclamation of Francis (fiducia supplicans) as valid (Philippines is one example of many).

·         Francis has denied the Catholic teachings so many times, souls have been lost due to his apostasy and worldly cheerleading… How many people will embrace Catholicism after the supreme leader of Catholics says “all religions are good?”

·         Francis has been anathemized due to his depart from Catholicism.

·         Some Catholics love to swallow our Lord in the Eucharist, which is wrong, the definition of the word Jesus Himself used is EAT, swallowing is a part of the process of eating, our Lord never said swallow, He says EAT, He wants you to, now I understand swallowing the Eucharist has become in a way a tradition for some, but such tradition is not rooted in the bible, it is cute but I realize some have scandalized when noting some people motion their mandibles for eating.

·         Vatican II is not popular in Heaven, but it is another walk to Golgotha, it is my understanding Vatican II allowed the chaff to become proud of being who they are and eventually, bit by bit, the chaff have shown themselves for all to see, this anti-pontificate allows them to thrive.

·         No great saint has been born into the world after the start of Vatican II, remember, born AFTER 1959 when it was announced (NO mother Theresa was born in 1910 an JPII in 1920), the key here is after 1959; we had martyrs and perhaps some saints, but NO great saints. Notice there’s a difference between St Francis of Assisi and St Hippolytus, or St Martin de Porres and Fray Leon of Assisi. (Now, each person who is in Heaven is a saint, but not in the same stature of some saints or great saints).

·         No true pope can be a false prophet, no false prophet can be true pope. Right now, the wheel has been taken over by Heaven, and here on earth, the freemasons are at the top ruining the faith of many, be careful.

·         Most priests don’t even know what persecution is, let alone the desire to become martyrs, the only desire by most is for celebration of themselves, the applause and becoming friends of the world.

·         Communists are being protected by the Vatican reign, communities in Nicaragua are being dismantled by the regime and nothing is said by anyone, the Venezuela regime are friends with the antipope and China’s demands are done like commandments by the Vatican and Christians suffer the antichrist agenda.


What can you expect when a popular false prophet/antipope is on top, silent bishops roam wild and cafeteria Catholics celebrate anti-Catholicism, I mean, 80% of Catholics don’t believe in the presence of our Lord in the Eucharist (that % is also true for clergy), so yes, it is a sad time to be a Catholic, but the Apostles and prophets said this would happen. PLEASE… REMAIN FAITHFUL, despite the blatant omission and silence of the bishops, the nastiness coming out from the mouth of the false prophet, and don’t be saddened by perhaps the future excommunication of the few who are proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ inside the one true faith our Catholic Church.

“Lord, the heat coming from the sun gets me at all sides, the sand is hot, no green anywhere, only mirages here and there promoting falseness, PLEASE, be my water, caress me with Your Love, cool me down, don’t allow me to falter and let Your angels take me soon enough before the enemy comes, help Your Church, don’t let anyone be deceived, don’t let anyone follow beautiful lies preached by the false teachers, REMIND your priests of their promise, let them once again desire to please You, remind them how sweet would be martyrdom while professing the faith.” Amen


A big hug in Jesus Christ


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