Sunday, July 29, 2018

Coming Home part II

One of the most serious problems of the Church today is the way in which people are spoken to, traditionalists speak without love almost all the time, and neo-Catholics speak as if they were in Willy Wonka's factory where everything is possible even though it could hurt the soul.

If only someone could talk with love, NOT with that teletubbies joy that the anti-church preaches nowadays, speak the truth with meekness, things would be different in the world.

The beauty and certainty of Catholicism should always be offered with love never with a condemnation contest as many likes to do sometimes.

I have heard the words from Card. Raymond Burke and the Bishop Athanasius Schneider and there’s a tone of love in their words that could make a symphony, all because from High above comes such grace and its beautiful consequence: meekness.

For example…

One of the greatest Truths of the Church is: "Outside the Church there’s no salvation", true, but that does not indicate Jews are condemned, does not indicate that someone (who has never heard the good news of the Gospel), who spends his day honoring God the Father is condemned.

The false prophet Martin Luther brought damnation to many souls by producing a schism, he as every false prophet does, grabbed a truth (the sale of graces) and based on a lie (saved by faith ALONE) produced a fatal schism for many souls, but, we must accept that the ignorance of many evangelicals is their excuse today, as they've never heard the whole truth.

Many will not want to hear those words and it is not for one to relax and think all is well, the Jews, the Muslims, the Evangelicals need to hear the whole truth, the Truth established by Christ in our beloved Catholic Church.

One day I heard someone I love very much (believe it or not), I heard a truth from the lips of Michael Voris that supports the words I say today: "The evangelical religion is a heresy but not necessarily their members are heretics."

I say believe it or not because I started a little revolution of subscribing members of Churchmilitant by making an open letter, asking why they hid the heresies and nonsense of antipope Francis (here).

Jesus said the last will be the 1st and vice versa (Matthew 20), that tells us clearly, that you’ll receive your payment, so it does not matter if you are last or first, you will arrive... of course we speak of those who are called: like the Jews who BROKE their COVENANT, even though they do not recognize that they did (Jer 31: 31-34).

Jesus also told the disciples to let those who brought out demons in His Name alone, because there was no one who does a miracle in His Name and then speaks ill of Him (Mark 9:38-40), but we behave with pride, without humility, by randomly condemning like the Pharisees with whom Jesus was dealing back in His days.

The Traditionalists themselves throw laws from left to right, most of the time you don’t notice Love in their words, meekness that is needed so truth doesn’t destroys, as Saint Benedict of the Cross said:

"A truth said without Love is a destructive lie"

That is true, cemented in the Holy Word of God in 1 Corinthians 13, if I do not have Love I have nothing.

Neocatholics spend their time defending things that are linked to lies and they will never hear a traditionalist with a thunder mouth, but someone with meekness who will explain to them the beauty and the truth transmitted by our Catholic Patriarchs of old.

The best thing that has happened with the Neocatholics is the Mercy Chaplet, a naked Church constantly bombarded with beautiful lies; the Chaplet came in such dangerous time, as for our priests was hard to transmit love for the Rosary.

I say this because I was charismatic youth group director and praying a Rosary for me was hard, in youth groups people felt better singing and speaking in tongues in a disorganized way than to do a Holy Rosary and even less on your knees.

The future of the Church is to go back to the Traditions of our ancestors, knowing that we must speak with Love, that our brothers of other religions are in a certain way at the farthest part of the Church, all due to their ignorance, they either live in the Old Testament or live the Christian tradition that their family taught them, because nobody told them the truth and beauty of the Sacraments in the Catholic Church.

What am I saying with all this? Without Love there is no Heaven and to speak of heaven without love is a falsehood, to condemn closes ears, but to put oneself in the shoe of the other through Love and to speak the truth is an act of Mercy. Do you see a Jew? Talk about Jesus and his true Church... Do you see an Evangelical? The same... You see a Muslim? The same.

But never preach that all are condemned because you do not know who is ignorant, better look to be humble, God got tired of ignorance this is why He asked to evangelize all nations, precisely to put an end to that, but that does not mean that ignorance has ended.

The enemies of God (like Francis) tells you "don't do religious proselytism" in the most beautiful way, relaxing the faithful and inviting them to doom, even though many in other religions are ignorant, now, it is not 100% sure thing they’ll go to heaven by claiming ignorance, because their way of life will be taken into account and in addition, Jesus will have His countermeasures as well, like when He visited and preached to imprisoned souls (1 Peter 3:19).

I returned to the traditions of the past thanks to God and Michael Voris, but if he had spoken as many traditionalists speak today I would’ve NEVER gone to the Latin Mass, that’s why many neo-Catholics almost never hear traditionalists, for the lack of Love in their message.

We must return to the traditions that our ancestors defended and proclaimed, in one way or another it’ll happen, when Jesus returns there will be no more Novus Ordo out of His Holy Will, there will be no division between traditionalists themselves, finally we will be ONE.

So, do not wait for that beautiful event to happen and let's go back, may He find us in a good place, always seeking humility and speak with the meekness that only Love gives.

A big hug in Jesus Christ. Amen.

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