Sunday, March 15, 2015

Last words...

Pray with me my Brethren...

"Forgive me Jesus I love you, I embrace your Love, I embrace the Son of God, I embrace my cross, I embrace your Kingdom and deny the world now." Amen.

I apologize my Brethren for not posting anything... this is my LAST article, as martyrdom and the desert is around the corner; now... for me, it is time to concentrate more on what Jesus have asked, the promise of Garabandal is near, apostasy is about to be establish and the need of proclaiming the truth by word, example and prayer is a must... 

Thank you, for letting me share so much with you, may God bless us with the gifts of Courage to spread His Holy Word, Discernment so we could reject lies presented to us as the Truth and Humility in order to be true disciples of our Lord by accepting the mockery, punches and pain like our Lord did without debates. Amen

Final advice...

1) God has promises all over His Holy Word and He always delivers, so you and I HAVE to fulfill the promises we make to Him... (Mat 5:48)

2) If you are Catholic and you are spiritual or trying to be, don't take the Eucharist in the hand and receive it only in the tongue while kneeling... NO saint has ever receive the Holy Eucharist in the hand miraculously, so that tells you how bad the Eucharist in the hand is seen in heaven.

3) If you go to confession do remember all those times you had the Eucharist while in mortal sin, if that's you, confess to the priest and pray for forgiveness, for being guilty of receiving the Body and Blood of our Lord. 

4) Resist anything new that comes from our apostate Church.

5) Pray for our beloved pope and true Vicar of Christ, pope Benedict XVI.

6) Pray for all the priests and servants of God to stay firm in the truth taught by our Lord.

7) Do know this: a cult needs a head and Maria of Divine Mercy is not that head... but God is, if God is the head and the rosary our weapon then is not a cult but people who has open their eyes to the signs of times, the prophecies of saints and the rampant apostasy by wolves dressed in sheep clothing. Maria writes what God wants us to know for our own spiritual health and everything God have foretold through her writings are in the Holy bible and the words of many saints, we don't follow her, we follow God and we love her as our sister.

8) The Latin mass have been persecuted since forever because it is disliked by satan and his demons, so try to embrace the Latin (Tridentine) mass to gain more advancement in your spiritual walk, even though you don't understand Latin, embrace the mass; remember, this was the mass that every saint embraced and loved. Even if those on top says: "the Latin mass is like going backwards." That nonsense said by them, it's a great relieve for demons.

9) Jesus second coming is upon us, nobody knows the day, but the timeline is: Apostasy and with it the great schism, third world war, the revealing of the antichrist and the return of Jesus Christ.

10) Judas seating on top has enough bad fruits and heresies, so we know who he truly is, the destroyer prophesied by St Francis of Assisi, the false prophet revealed by God in the writings of Maria of Divine Mercy and many Saints.

11) It is not necessary to defend the message, in other words, it is not necessary to defend the Gospel, what is necessary is to proclaim the Gospel and avoid heated debates, let's be like our sister St Catherine of Sienna when she said: "I'm here to inform not to convince."

12) An act of Mercy will change hearts and the greatest act of Mercy since Almighty Father gave us Jesus, our Blessed Mother and the Church is almost here: The warning with the illumination of conscience, foretold by Blessed Canori, many saints, pope pious IX, Garabandal and Maria of Divine Mercy.

13) Do NOT reject or judge anyone, is hard I know, I have to remind myself of this all the time... remember "Inform" let God convince, not you... take the punches and take it in silence.

14) Pray for the conversion of souls, even for your enemies and those who persecute you, but DON'T pray for their intentions.

15) Finally, the Rosary is the weapon of choice by our Lord to defeat the antichrist and his false prophet in this end times, use it as many times you can daily and combine it with the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Archangel St Michael's prayer and the prayers given to Maria of Divine Mercy (Crusade prayers). The seal of the Living God is an act of Mercy by God for all who Loves Him and accept His Mercy, to avoid the mark of the beast and stop persecution at the doorsteps of your home, embrace the seal of Almighty Father (get it at:

Apostasy is coming and many will embrace it, pray for our brethren NOT to fall, remain faithful to tradition like the 5 prepared  virgins waiting fro the Groom, as our Lord is coming for His children. Amen.

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