Thursday, April 17, 2014


After the last supper Jesus went to the Gethsemane He took along  the sons of Zebedee (John and James), Peter and there apart from them kneeling he prayed. Mat 26:37

John didn’t understood what the Lord was saying when he dipped the morsel and gave it to Judas because how could you? after hearing the most beautiful sound in all creation… the sound of Jesus heart beating for all mankind… I mean how could he not be distracted? First it was,” Master who is it” and then trying to enjoy that beautiful sound.

At the Gethsemane Jesus was praying to Almighty Father, at the same time all wheels were in motion, Judas the traitor was about to appear…

All three were sleeping, Jesus always took those three everywhere (transfiguration) and they were sleeping as the traitor got near, Jesus told them to follow Him in prayer but they decided to sleep instead, the Lord calls for something, but man follows their desires… “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” Mat 26:41

John woke up to find that Jesus was to be apprehended by the Jews and now sees the traitor with them, now he realizes that Judas was the one who Jesus said was going to betray Him.

The one who Jesus love, fled the scene for a totally different reason than all the rest, yes indeed, all Apostles fled including him, but he ran where? To Jesus Mother… Mary; after this, you could see John stuck like glue to our Holy Mother Mary, everywhere She went during Jesus passion, John was there to witness…

And that beautiful sound? An ocean of Mercy pounding for all mankind, that sweet sound in Jesus heart was Mary the Queen of Mercy… This is why John fled, he didn’t felt fear like all the rest, he went to retrieve the Queen of Mercy as She too had to suffer as co-redemtrix for all mankind. Luke 2:35

Mary is Mercy in human form, Her Mercy lies in Her blessed womb: Jesus.

I’m writing this words at 3:07 am and my heart is filled with beautiful Mercy… John heard Mercy and took that Mercy to His house, Mary the Queen of Mercy is the weapon of choice by Almighty Father in this end times, as Her Rosary and the Scapular will save the world fulfilling prophecy. 1 Sam 17:40

The example of John in this end times (were confusion and lies are presented like candy by our own clergy), this example is important to persevere in truth,  now you have to ask this question: do most priests, bishops and cardinals have taken Mary into their homes? Have they rush in the sad hour to get Mary like John did? Can you see in them a past history of consistency devoted to Mary as John did? This is why John was the loved one, Jesus saw true dedication to the priesthood through Mary.

John went out to seek Mary, he took Her into his house and kept listening the most beautiful sound from Jesus own heart, that sound: our Mother, our Captain the Queen of Mercy, Mary who wants you to embrace Her son in everything, like she did, John is the best example of that.

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