Monday, September 30, 2024

Something is about happen

Lazarus came out from the crypt, yet those who saw him rise wanted him dead… What about the son of the widow? And the daughter of Jairus? Despite all of this and more, the people who welcomed Him as the Son of David with joy, raising and waiving palms in the air chanting: “Hosanna in the highest!” Turn around and cried out crucify Him!

After Jesus died, the feeling amongst those people was like if, the end arrived, the dead were rising up, the very foundations of the earth were shaken, BUT… Did anyone believe later on? The Apostles were running and hiding, they feared for their lives, they weren’t thinking about sensing how faith was amongst the Jews, but sensing from what transpired, people later on went about their lives like nothing happened.

That same degree of cold-hearted indifference is found with the same people who saw Egypt’s plagues and how Almighty Father lead them through the wilderness with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night… The frigid and solid hearts of men eclipsed the sweet Mercy of God given to them, the opportunity to humbled themselves and embrace His Love was sided as most prefer the ways of the world. So please…

The DAY IS COMING, when God once more show His sweet Mercy upon the world, will let all men know He is God.

“Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of Heaven, with power and great glory.” Matthew 24:30

SOMETHING is coming, God is making this happen, humanity has mocked Him way too much, they are erasing His Word as we speak, they’re eclipsing His Teachings, disregarding His Commandments, despite that, His Love for all men is way too great, His Mercy is that profound… Jesus sign (The cross), will emerge in the skies for ALL to see, all will know He is God, and then… Yes, notice those 2 words by Matthew: and then…

Those 2 Holy words sound to me as some time will pass by, the Warning and the illumination of conscience will happen and time will pass for everything else to happen: The enemies to disregard such as nothing, the stoppage of the Eucharist, the abomination of desolation and the reveal of the antichrist.

So the warning and the Illumination of conscience they’re about to happen, but some are skeptical on both of them despite both prophesied by saints and also, it comes up in the lips of Jesus when He spoke the parable of the bridesmaids, the maids are woken by a warning: “The groom is coming…”, then all the bridesmaids who woke up KNEW the level of oil their lamps had, the unprepared didn’t had any oil, the prepared weren’t afraid to be left out.

The Bridesmaids were all sleeping and they all got woken up at the SAME time, they all HEARD the voice, they all KNEW who the groom was and so… the level of oil. How many times during your lives you go to sleep and woke up immediately prepared for all things? They ALL heard, they ALL knew, they ALL saw.

SOMETHING big is coming, the time for humanity to humble themselves is upon us… GET READY!

NOW, after this miracle of Divine Mercy, the enemies of God will combat the Warning and the Illumination of conscience with silly arguments and levels of hypocrisy like they always do, people will take the bait because of their rock-solid hearts, like most funerals, people will cry that day, but the next day life’s goes on, priests will either fold or find courage and renew their vows to fight the world.

Talking about the warning and the illumination of conscience is a big red flag for Catholics who promote it, most people love to hear the “story” for a little bit, but won’t CHANGE their wicked lives accordingly. With a false prophet as pope, who, in many ways and levels have shown he is an enemy of Jesus but people prefer to disregard his heresies; this man minions will fight tooth and nails all of it now and then, I mean, they have been doing it for decades… Why the children of the devil would stop?

All the prophecies are happening RIGHT NOW before our very eyes with both the Vatican and the Jews in relation with the world, while the Bergoglio’s Vatican are REJECTING thousands of years of Catholic teaching and Jesus own words, Israel is surrounded by enemies, which by today were being hammered by Jewish military.

Before the reveal of the antichrist, the warning and the illumination of conscience will happen, both will be quickly explained by the enemies of God as natural occurrence and not from Divine origin, the apostasy will continue rampant by the false church and people will throw away this Divine Mercy miracle from God, I mean, if the most amazing Divine Mercy miracle of all time (The Eucharist), has been cast aside every day for ages and ages… Can you imagine how this miracle will not be too?

We have someone at the top contradicting Catholic faith every single day, souls have fallen away and got confused over his beautiful lies, yet, people continue their lives like nothing is going on, but God let us know this beforehand through His prophets, because He loves us.

PREPARED YOURSELVES, go to the Eucharist while still the Lord, because the Holy Sacrifice will be taken away fulfilling Daniel’s prophecy on the Eucharist being stopped (Daniel 12:11), pray the Rosary, repair/amend, remain faithful until the end. (It would be wise to stock up some food for your families as well).

Brace for what’s coming, be prepared… OUR LORD WILL NOT LEAVE US ALONE, we belong to Him, even if the antichurch excommunicate us! Jesus will have our backs, He will lead the way.

“Jesus, give us Your Mercy, come into my heart, though, I don’t know how to open such doors, so please my Lord, take control… Let me dissolve into Your Mercy and let me be Yours, forever.” Amen.


A big hug in Jesus Christ

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