Sunday, September 15, 2024

IF you ask for Mercy be prepared for also for Justice


St. Thomas Aquinas once taught: “Divine Mercy without Justice is the mother of dissolution”; and it is dissolution we find anywhere in the Church, from traditionalists preaching novus ordo goers are cafeteria Catholics, from novus ordo goers being so omissive and permissive hurting our Lord’s Heart, but also heretics calling all the shots and people taking the bait.

Whose fault, is it? Priests… There is no doubt in my mind, heart and soul we are living in a dream composed by freemasons and enemies of the Church and priests are allowing it.

When some of us started down the path of trying to teach about Divine Mercy, I personally found a dilemma, in which, (and I know most people who taught Divine Mercy found the same): Priests were teaching Divine Mercy has nothing to do with Divine Justice, when both come from the same source: Divine Love, in other word, God.

I remember talking with a priest about the monstrosity of today and he basically told me, priests nowadays ARE trying to build bridges of friendship, they were out and about like fairies making friends.

Then, the mother of my children told me one time that I wasn’t preaching Mercy but Judging people way too much, sadly, she wouldn’t budge when I tried to explain to her Mercy and Justice always are balancing each other, one cannot go alone without the other, one goes were the other goes and that showed me a truth: IF YOU ASK FOR MERCY, BE PREPARED FOR JUSTICE AS WELL, but priests are making friends.

Justice can come in the form of amending your wrongs, reparations, there’s NO doubt, whoever asks for Mercy has a better chance IF they’re SINCERE, and being sincere within your soul is about abandonment at His Feet, knowing you don’t deserve His Mercy and the resolve you put about personal CHANGE, repentance goes a long way this way and true repentance always demands reparation and amendments in your life, this is a form of Justice.

CHANGE, something that Justice demands so much, not all Justice have to be with fire coming down from the Heavens, but it sure is difficult when your life goes through the obstacles you yourself created and also allow the world to make it difficult for you to overcome.

We have many people complicating Divine Mercy, to the point that part of the laity navigates in oceans of falsities, false mercy, one example could be most people don’t believe God will punish the wicked due to His Mercy… How many friends did the Lord made while whipping the Jews hard for their money hunger ways inside the Temple? Yet the clergy is concentrated in kissing the ring of the devil by celebrating sin as the most wonderful thing.

Complicating things is this apostate pope, he is leading the charge in the beautiful lies department to the point of clear apostasy and most priests look the other way and follow the leader on the path of lies dressed beautifully as truth; some because they don’t care, some because they don’t believe, others because they are afraid of losing their jobs, when the truth is: IT’S NOT A JOB BUT A VOCATION, A PROMISE, they swore to drink the chalice our Lord took, but they prefer to be safe for now, it’ll be sad when our Lord judges them and the apologies will no longer function.

It is true, priests are judge way harder than the common people, but… they’re supposed to know better (Please let’s pray for them).

I remember talking to a very popular priest in the Philippines, asked him about such rampant apostasy from Francis and his response was shocking: “This is the fault of those around him, it is not him.” If there’s a word for singling out the evil deeds on the executives and not the CEO, please let me know, but the buck stops with heretic number one: Francis.

Telling all the Catholics around the world priests should bless gay couples, and now solidify his Abu Dhabi apostasy by saying all religions ARE a way to God. I remember his excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider trying Francis to take back such horrendous contradiction to our Lord’s teaching, in which Jesus said no one goes to the Father except through Him and now, Francis confirms what we all knew then that poor Bishop Schneider didn’t, Francis is delighted on being of the world, he doesn’t believe in catholic teachings, even though, once in a blue moon he could proclaim it, he is an apostate and delighted to be so, because he doesn’t actually believe.

Yet, people will look the other way, priests mostly… it is a sad time to be Catholic, but it’s a promise our Lord made, the Church will not be destroyed, but sure is taking a beating from the inside.

This generation of priests no longer teach on sound teaching, they prefer the applaud of the world, BUT nevertheless, we must remain faithful despite the desert being so hard on us.

“My Lord, I ask Your sweet Divine Mercy for all Christians as all of us are being plunge in strange teachings, false Mercy and heresies left and right; give the proper tools to your servants the priests, shield them with courage to rise up against the worldliness inside the Church. I pray for those who have turn their backs on You my Lord, I pray for their souls, not their evil intentions. Let your people embrace truth once again, as truth is Mercy and also Justice. Amen”


A big hug in Jesus Christ

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