Sunday, January 28, 2024



Since false prophet Francis sat in the throne of Peter, many people have defended his errors, heresies and even clear-cut apostasy on his “personal believes”, some in the clergy have also defended him by saying “the law hasn’t change” (despite them doing differently). Confirming people in their grave sins have brought them applause from the world while proclaiming such as “mercy”, but it has been clearly many steps away from what the Church has always taught.

The Francis defenders will not open their eyes, while they will say the same of those who have been pointing out the lies dressed as truth; the first time in a entire decade of beautiful lies, False Francis says “he prays and hopes hell is empty”, but in the flight back to Rome from the Philippines when that earthquake happened, he proclaimed to the world: every sermon, letter, speech, exhortation, encyclical ARE teachings, that’s another word for magisterium.

Why people won’t open their eyes? Why priests, who know the law, ditch the good news of Jesus to embrace a strange gospel? The bible is very specific about such people in both the Old and New Testament and it comes down to non-believe.

One Old Testament example was, the Jewish people, despite seeing the plagues of Egypt, how the sea opened, and both the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night went in front of them and MANY other signs and miracles most chose to embraced the golden calf. Jesus talked about the chaff, how they grew around the wheat, also when the sons of a Jewish chief priest tried to exorcise demons without believing, the demon beat them down… in their hearts they didn’t believe.

The same is true with personal believes… how can you speak about Jesus if you truly don’t believe what He taught, I mean, NO ONE spoke more about hell than our Lord Jesus, also, our Savior taught about the gnashing of teeth and the torments souls get there… Lazarus would be the best example but if don’t believe in what Jesus said and taught and you are a priest, Bishop or even worst, a “pope”, you are nothing but a hypocrite, a false prophet an enemy of the Faith.

Jesus taught about hell, evangelizing, the Eucharist, how those who did NOT believe would be condemned and how He was God… Francis has proclaimed that non believing in Jesus is ok as long as you do good, many times said in public audiences and official documents that false religions are well viewed by God, how foolish were people from the past and now who evangelized other false religions because Francis declared “religious proselytism was nonsense” (all the Apostles, martyrs, Saints and faithful departed must be rolling in their graves as they were the most “nonsense” people ever as they did proselytism on a daily basis), how he has allowed his cronies to give the Eucharist to those in a perpetual state of sin... again, confirming people in their grave sin is what they want, not to change people’s sinful behavior.

How can you teach Catholicism IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE in what was taught by Jesus, the Apostles and all our Patriarchs? You can’t, but we are in an era when apostasy is the most beautiful and amazing thing, people get to have their favorite sins, no need to change, and such will be called as accompanying people, mercy, opening the Church to those who felt marginalized and many more beautiful deceiving phrases.

We are dealing with the first “pope” in the history of the Church who:

·         Have abandoned the shoes of the fisherman for the shoes of the world.

·         Abandoned the traditional robes of the popes because he wanted shut, and I quote him: “the carnival is over.”

·         Allowed atheists to remain in their non believe.

·         First one to declare the Jewish covenant given by God to them WASN’T broken.

·         First to deny many times the existence of hell.

·         Proclaimed that NO ONE is lost forever, that’s not the logic of the gospel.

·         Persecuted ALL traditional minded priests.

·         Persecuted religious institutions.

·         Celebrated abortionists and gave the cold shoulder to pro-lifers.

·         First ever to give a knighthood to an abortionist.

·         First exhortation by a pope who opens the door for abortion (Evangelii Gaudium).

·         Celebrated and allowed worship of a false deity called Pachamama in the Vatican.

·         Proclaimed 10 secrets of happiness and not 1 was Jesus.

·         Told the faithful that Jesus DID NOT multiply the fish and loaves with His divine power, rather and I quote him: “the flour and oil of the widow never ended.”

·         Proclaimed the Mother of God did NOT became Holy at birth, basically siding with protestants.

·         Proclaimed Martin Luther as a hero of the gospel (padre Pio called Martin Luther and his church as offsprings of satan)

·         Proclaimed that no longer should other religions should be evangelized to the point the Vatican released a statement declaring the Jews no longer needed evangelization.

·         Let gay couples to visit the Petrine office regularly.

·         Went to the UN and DID NOT proclaim the only way to get saved: Jesus, not even one time.

·         Allowed the Vatican to sign an abortionist decree by the UN.

·         Betrayed all the Chinese martyrs and true priests in China by signing the communist party religion in a good standing.

·         First to shut down the Latin mass.

·         First to proclaim the blessing of gay couples as long they don’t call it marriage.

AND many, many more… Apostasy is flowing from the top fulfilling revelations on how the waters would be bittered by a fallen star, and most priests and faithful sadly have embraced the lie (2 Thes 2:11-12). Blessing gay couples, letting their pseudo-bond to remain, letting people to believe their false religions and persecuting those who prefer to love God through the old tradition, the same traditions the devil hates so much. This is why to me he is a false prophet; his fruits speak about his intentions and he is a false prophet then he is an antipope, easy mathematics.

St. Athanasius WAS excommunicated many times, including by pope Liberius, today no one remembers Liberius and the Arian heresy was a dark stain in the Church history, that time, 95% of the Church embraced such heresy, but the last word always comes from God, today St Athanasius is obviously a saint and a doctor of the Church, through him, many souls were saved and Liberius isn’t remembered at all. Bergoglio IS an apostate and his beautiful BUT deadly fruits speak loudly, unfortunately people will follow their flesh and the world instead of God’s commands, even priests are getting confused and others crumble easily in fear, choosing the lie instead of being brave.

REMAIN FAITHFUL, open your eyes to the beautiful lies and even if threaten by excommunication, don’t worry, in the end God has the last word and it’s an All Powerful one. St Athanasius, pray for us.


A big hug in Jesus Christ.

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