Friday, July 11, 2014

Suffer with Benedict (the last world cup)

Here we are driven by what the world wants, here, with the media saying: Benedict vs. Francis what a tremendous nonsense! They have been doing this for a long time because they want this, they are seeking schism, no one really wants this schism, but the world demands it, as they are fed up with Jesus...

Benedict wasn't the best pope? Of course not, but he has responded to God's call, he is suffering for the church, and has become a victim to repair the church's own mistakes and His...

Benedict has been the bravest pope that has come out from Vatican II, but like ALL real popes, he was a hostage in his own office, we can realize this when he said "My authority ends at the door of my office" we have to realize that his years of reign, were like a Bipolar rule.

Let us remember when he said that Muslims are evil, then he meets with them, do remember when he said the condom was not the solution and then accepts it in populations of high risk (prostitution).

What I think about all this, is what our mother said "that popes have been hostage in their office by Masons" fulfilling exactlythat as he said, "My authority ends at the door of my office" it sheads lots of light and lots of questions... BUT...

Everything is answered with his resignation, his prophetic proclamation "Pray for me, so I don't run away from the wolves" and then runs away... not because he wanted to flee (look at his title - Pope Emeritus) but because God allowed it, so now his is suffering for the church, and soon he will die a horrible death, fulfilling the prophecy of Fatima.

For what it's been said above, he remains Pope, his purging any errors he made ​​or the church, but the real question is ... did he really made errors?, his bipolar reign says otherwise, perhaps he is the victim of masonic ring? Ask yourself ... He was one of the closest to John Paul II who fought tirelessly against communism. Then explain why he said to the remnant Church of China to join the Church established by the Chinese Communist Party?

Is it logical that he says that Muslims are evil and then back down to join them diplomatically? Or better yet, him saying condom is a mistake that does not solve anything for AIDS... and then afterwards approves it for high risk populations? It is only logical that Benedict was a prisoner and the man or men who gave the orders were others...

So when the Motu Proprio came to light, the Masons gave the green light to plans to assassinate him; plans were already made ​​but a decision wasn't made, because for a lot of things he was an obstacle; while everyone watches the world cup, and people gets caught up in what the media wants, someone suffers for us and that suffering is offered in reparation for us, because he knows what's coming for the church, is hard ...

He resigned and said clearly, "I retire to a life of prayer"... but the flesh knows that prayer is no fun and even less while kneeling...

Benedict suffers while we laugh, Benedict prays for the world as we look at the last world cup that this world is going to haave, the day and time is close, therefore, let's embrace Benedict in this world cup and his boss: Jesus... I beg you DO NOT watch this world cup final and give honor to Almighty God, please sanctify the holidays with your suffering and prayer, for the 1st time do what the world does not want you to do, don't watch TV this Sunday and suffer with Benedict for love of Jesus and His Catholic Church.

Rosaries up!


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