Sunday, July 28, 2024

Mockery is hate


In the 3 years our Lord preached His good news, not even 1 time He mocked the hypocrites, the sinners or the pagans. Why do the world constantly mocked Christians? Because mocking them is easy as they don’t love, mockery is something the world uses not for fun or humor, it’s hate… What we saw in France, the mockery of the new covenant of Jesus comes easy to them because they hate our Lord.

He who gave His life for many (not all), found that same mockery all the way to His death, as they laughed, cheered, clapped and celebrated His crucifixion, the same way France did while this was happening.

St. Theresa Benedicta of the cross (Edith Stein), said the following: “Do not accept anything that lacks love and do not accept anything as love that lacks truth. One without the other is a destructive lie.”

We understand how the Top of our Church is pushing destruction on us in the name of “mercy” and acceptance of others, despite the lack of preaching or demanding repentance, that is what the saint speaks about love with no truth in it, in other words, the Top preaches false mercy and as I have been telling people, ANY kind of Mercy (false or Divine), it attracts souls, false mercy will destroy them while Divine Mercy will lead them to the Lord.

Now, let’s analyze the ways of the world a bit, in this case mockery, please bear with me…

This French mockery was done on purpose, they wanted scandal, as scandal is the way the world loves to ruin souls, anyways, this WAS rehearsed, there’s NO way it was coincidence, but they claim INCLUSIVITY as their goal, so everyone must take it, because if not then the real bigot is you.

We have 2.2 billion Christians, whom most will compromise sadly, after all, it is sports, legends and glory for a nation to reach gold will be told for ages; Christians will still watch, after all, 80 to 90% of us are lukewarm or modernly said, cafeteria Catholics, I mean, Dodgers fans still watch their team despite ridiculing the Catholic Church with their trans nuns a while ago, no one now remembers.

Now, did the top condemn the Olympics? Some will say something here and there and then turn the page, a real pope would’ve stop in his two feet and urge all Catholics to flee from the Olympics, sadly we do have a false prophet on the very top, as a matter of fact some Bishops actually love it. Anyways, we have 1.2 billion atheists and that number is a bit misleading because it’s more, as many Chinese go to the communist party “catholic” church in China, atheists will love the mockery to our Lord, Muslims will cheer too and Jews will agree with it, no need to speak about other false religions.

This mockery was done on purpose alright, even if  they deny it, most Gays all around the will clap on this… eventually this Olympic games will be sadly watched, most ratings will come from Christians who don’t care, so that is my analysis, but I do want to make the most principal point: mockery doesn’t come from Jesus, it doesn’t come from God, this is not a silly humor scene, this is the way of the world, then why, oh why? Do Catholics love to mock their adversaries?

Most cartoons about false prophet Francis are a mockery, not a piece of humor, we are falling into their hands, as not only “cartoons” of false Francis and mediocre Bishops are found out there, even our Catholic leaders love to do it, I’ll ask again: Did our Lord EVER mocked His adversaries? Did Mons. Vigano (the only high prelate telling us about the falseness coming from the top), has he ever mocked the top? Did any saint ever mocked their adversaries?

Look, you could say a little bit of humor helps… right? But NOT if souls are on the line, humor and mockery aren’t the same, one wants to make you laugh without ridiculing another soul, mockery won’t save souls, actually it could ruin them, in a sense, mockery IS a form of bullying.

Mockery comes from anti-humility and without humility, NO one can enter Heaven, we all NEED to realize that we are working our salvation with fear and tremble and mockery won’t help anyone achieve those goals, mockery will not help you to become a saint, so ask the Lord for humility, you don’t need to be taught humility in purgatory.

Again, did Jesus ever mock His adversaries? Did ANY saint? Even Apostles never mocked Judas, not even Jesus… I ask the question as many Catholics mock false prophet Francis, his minions and mediocre Bishops ALL the time… they shouldn’t! That only shows about us, we aren’t working to become saints, we are doing the same thing the world does, we are falling into a worldly trap, which has two outcomes: hell or purgatory, which our Lord told us NOT to work for, He told us to strive to go through the narrow door and such door requires HUMILITY… How can you embrace humility with and anti-humility thing like mockery? If mockery is your tool ask the Lord for healing, go to confession and change.

While France was plotting to do such blasphemy to please the world and its master; our Lord showed the French and the world a sign of His Divine Mercy, when a blackout covered a good chunk of Paris the Basilica of the Sacred Heart was shining with light, the same Sacred Heart the world chooses to mock every year in June with its homosexual “pride.”

My brethren, making “fun” of those who are false will only gain hearts of stone, so please stay away from it and stay away from the things of this world, the Olympics have chosen their side since long (I’m not talking about the athletes), they have chosen the devil and the world, you shouldn’t watch these games, but most will, because sadly we are working towards hell or purgatory, not to become saints.

Remain faithful despite the destruction from the top, strive to become saints in these dark times, seek humility, tell the truth with love always.


A big hug in Jesus Christ. Amen