Saturday, January 25, 2025

Tears for Jesus

 One day, I went to my dentist, it was time, I needed some love and maintenance for my teeth; while they were working on me, I thought of our Lord, asked Him not to leave me alone, please take me by my hand while the evil drill worked my teeth like if there’s gold in them. At that moment, pleading and pleading my Lord Jesus not to leave me, suddenly innocence took me, such a wonderful and rare thing in an adult world, such a gift I departed from and hasn’t existed in me for years since I was a child, I asked God: “Lord, have you ever had a tooth pulled out?” And He answered me…

“While I was at the Sanhedrin, just after answering the high priest, an officer hit me in the face.”

Without Him telling me more, I understood, such blow made it easy for a tooth of our Majesty and Lord to be expelled or broken from Him due to pure violence, I remember the sadness Jesus showed while remembering those moments, for Him it was yesterday, for me, more than 2000 years ago, time for the Eternal One is just another tool, a tool that prevails over us, but over Him nothing but His Beauty and Glory.

How many things Jesus endured… How He had to die so violently… How wicked we truly are… Spite of all: HIS MERCY IS ETERNAL!

I want you to know, my brothers and sisters, you’re not reading the words of a saint, I’m not a  seer or visionary, I don’t give messages from Above like many of our beloved prophets, I only write and write, sometimes without knowing what I’m doing, knowing the impact or lack thereof of my words, God told me to speak about His Mercy, that is what I do, I cannot see the future, I don’t have holy stigmata, I only have my heavy, bitter but sweet cross, walking with it (like you), waiting on Him, for His glorious return or my departure from this world into His Arms.

I know many will doubt what happened to me while visiting my dentist and her drilling deep into my soul, it doesn’t matter, you’ll say it was my imagination or perhaps that I’m a phony or false person, it’s ok, I’m not looking for fanfare or celebration, I just want to do what He asked me to do, so please: EXPERIENCE HIS MERCY TODAY. Please, I want you to close your eyes and in silent prayer to Jesus, for just 1 minute, say internally in silence: “LORD, DON’T LEAVE ME ALONE”.


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This life passes by in just a blink of our eyes, how beautiful it is to have found our Lord, how good is to enjoy our Beloved but broken Catholic Church, in pieces yes, all because of the enemy within at the very top, but despite this, never annihilated due to our Faith. Please join me, while we have our sweet Lord with us in that spirit of love, hope and faith in which God never leaves us on our own and be kind and participate in the following (meditate and don’t be scandalized as you read the following words, please):

• Jesus descends within the bread and wine to an altar decorated worldly, with colors celebrating Halloween (I personally saw this in St Petersburg Florida).

• Somewhere out there, assistants at the Mass are taking communion in their hands,  and after they eat it then they shake off from their hands the excess of pieces of bread by cleansing their palms shaking it against each other, by doing this they let pieces fall to the ground so that EVERYONE walks on them, like the Romans and Jews did while our Lord walked with the Cross in His back to Golgotha. (I saw this practice by a mass usher).

• Bishops celebrate their “pastoral solutions,” which are nothing more than doing something DIFFERENT from what God established.

• At Mass, some priest somewhere in the world prohibits kneeling before our God in the transubstantiated bread, and also refuses to give the Eucharist on the tongue.

• Bishops, many of them, celebrate homosexuality as something beautiful and divine, as if it is a gift from heaven, promote blessing and participation of homosexual couples.

• The procession, the choir, the life of the celebration, active homosexuals work in it, because their “faith” and disoriented behavior are celebrated.

• Priests don’t care nor place love into the celebration of the Mass, so much so, that I’d witness one not caring about the consecrated wine falling into their hands or floor and boasted about it saying it was good.

• Circuses and worldly celebrations are seen in certain Masses.

• The Top not only prohibits evangelizing false religions, but promote false bishops and creates a false church (China).

• Giving the Holy Flesh and Blood of God to whomever and however is already routine, not knowing, believing or caring, those who receive the Eucharist unworthily receive Judgment.

• Charity and compassion in many hearts don’t exist anymore, no one seeks to speak about God and promote the salvation His only Son Jesus provides, as today's society and top brass of the Catholic Church, has canceled them so much, they no longer have the flame they once had before, all due of being scare of what others might say, what others might do.

• Now, it is easier for the false ones to spread lies, there’s no fear, the world defends them, it feels like there’s NO Apostles, I mean, no one wants to become martyrs, entire conferences have brought shame and dishonor to themselves by embracing evil and the very top saying: “ANY RELIGION IS GOOD”, “ATHEISTS DO GOOD”, “GOD MADE YOU GAY”. “BLESS GAY COUPLES as long it is not called marriage.” That, for the false church, is more than gold… And for Jesus? Suffering.


Blessed Catherine Emmerich had a vision of Jesus in Gethsemane, she saw when Jesus cried out to the Father to cancel His chalice, but He preferred that His Will be done and not His; Jesus suffered what was to come in advance, but the request to avoid the passion was because of the great number of LUKEWARM souls God was about to suffer a lot, it was only Just, that God suffered for all, including us lukewarm, so there would be NO appeals at the Final Judgment.

Meditate on all these words, let tears and tears for our Lord cover your face, God has suffered then and suffers today tremendously. He’s passion is renewed daily due to our stubbornness, He endures it all because He loves us and wants our good. Cry, my brothers and sisters seeing the bloody fists of our Lord knocking at the door of our hearts and the hearts of priests who like to celebrate the perverse, many disobedient priests doing the opposite of what was taught, some others in silence in the face of darkness covering the sheep, and by that helping destroying the old structures of the Church, structures today no one wants to defend, but the same for which many saints happily gave their lives, for the health of our Catholic faith. There is a promise, and these are my last words for today, a promise of many God has given us through His only Son, our Lord and only Savior Jesus Christ, that in the very end: GOD HIMSELF WILL WIPE AWAY OUR TEARS (Rev 7:17), I hope you cry a lot, that you cry rivers, I also hope you do that in secret, DON’T LET ANYONE SEE YOUR TEARS, they are exclusive precious thing for Jesus, Who does NOT leave us alone, who still knocks at the door of our hearts no matter what we have done, He will change everything, it doesn’t matter if you are super evil, for Him nothing is impossible, because that is how beautiful His Mercy is.

Remain in the faith that our ancestors gave us and flee from the beautiful lies. Jesus is the same yesterday, now and forever.


A big hug, Jesus Christ. Amen

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Mad Trad trap


Mad Traditionalists, a term created by novus ordo goers, which designated those with active finger pointing Catholics as heretics or perhaps not “catholic” enough, it is truly sad to see many people ready to cast stones when they’re not free from sin themselves.

It is a bad name nobody needs to use, but novus ordo people kept on being hammered, not only from false religions and the world, but also by our dear brethren in arms, so they don’t react well and call them names like “mad trads”; when you read the conversations, debates or demonstrations, sometimes you see how traditionalists indeed don’t use love at all for their fellow brethren, this is how it is understandable such term originated.

When I started my catholic path (this time for real), after years and years in the charismatic movement, the catechumenal way, evangelizing at retreats, preaching in the streets, going house by house trying spreading the gospel and using music to get Catholics close to Jesus; I’ve never… ever in my life experienced such type of conduct, in which, many who represent and defend the mass ALL SAINTS loved and die saving, actively despised novus ordo Catholics calling them heretics and worse.

Again, persecution was a thing I’ve never experienced in my novus ordo days, it all happened once I became more perceptive of God, His Teachings and my discovery of the Latin Mass through a homosexual who most people love to hate nowadays, Mr. Michael Voris.

Many Catholics love to hate, if it were a sport, football or baseball weren’t at the top, hating another Catholics for their mistakes would be the thing… how little we fear God, me included, I hope death gets us exactly after a good confession, because this hating other people while saying it is zeal is just bad.

St. Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), once said, that a truth preached without love is a destructive lie… telling novus ordo goers their mass is invalid (which is not true), or telling them they’re heretics and worse is a sign of such destructive lie, the novus ordo can be whatever you want, but the Eucharist still transubstantiates there, remember, there’s no proof the good thief had baptized yet he is saved by grace, so let the new wine be with new wineskins and the old wine with the old wineskin.

The Eucharist, the Holy Flesh of God, still happens in the novus ordo DESPITE the mockery, permissiveness, perverseness, constant sacrileges and indifferences there… One thing is, to teach the correct way and another is to lash people with their cross in their backs. There are better ways to say the truth, and there’s no better way to say it with love.

To me the Novus Ordo is the way to Golgotha all the way from Pilate’s judgement, walking with the Cross Jesus had to endure the lashes, stones, mockery, falls, laughter, jokes, spats, seeing people He healed happy due to His suffering, those who proclaimed Him as the son of David a few days before now shouting at the top of their lungs: “crucify Him”, Jesus no longer having tears due to the extreme dehydration due to His Blood loss, leaving pieces of His Flesh in the ground due to the constant beating…THAT is for me the novus ordo, but still, Jesus was in it.

The traditional Latin mass is like when Apostle John and our Holy Mother Mary approached Jesus at the Cross, such a solemn moment telling St John who his Mother now was along with Jesus giving up His soul to Almighty Father, THAT to me is the old mass, the one MOST saints died defending. Some traditionalists hide behind zeal, there wasn’t ANY zeal at Golgotha, none whatsoever, no ill words from Mother Mary or St John, only tears.

Those who keep trying to hide inside their false sense of zeal will find out in Heaven how mistaken they were, so please heed my words carefully, STOP saying a truth without love, it is better to catch with honey than with vinegar, proclaiming the truth is hard as the perspective it is easily lost with so many enemies around (visible and invisible), there’s no better zeal when love makes you act.

Going to the novus ordo it’s NOT an act of heresy, I try not go to such mass because of the spats and mockery our Lord suffers there, both at the altar and with our brethren, I couldn’t handle it anymore while each time I watched the mistakes done, how one of the most under the radar sins committed by everybody there (I used to do as well), the Eucharist in the hand.

Again, I don’t recommend the novus ordo mass for anyone, but lack of recommendation it’s not a repudiation or prohibition, actually I do go with my mother and that’s where I married my wife, remember 95%+ of Catholics are novus ordo goers, I prefer the old mass because I get to be like that woman who suffered from constant hemorrhages and within the crowd then touched Jesus mantle and got healed, this is why even saints who couldn’t speak Latin die for it, now that is a zeal I want, so much love to die for the faith.

Mad traditionalism is a sign of pharisees, it is not zeal, it is a term that needs to end, but traditionalist keep claiming zeal instead, which, for some is true, but for the majority it’s not, also, novus ordo people who use such term needs to stop and just roll with the punches, or better said: lashes. We are living the times of apostasy by the very top, which it was prophesied since long by St Paul, in order for the antichrist to appear and Jesus to return, look how entire conferences of Bishops throughout the world ARE aligning with darkness, proclaiming Francis false mercy on homosexuals and any other hard headed sinner, as “real mercy” and the worst part is that everybody is buying it, either with their omission, silence or proclamation.

Proclaim the truth with love, let us try and avoid mocking people, it is best to stay silent if you’re going to mock people on their faith, tell the truth with love no matter what.

REMAIN faithful to our lovely but destroyed Catholic Church, in pieces yes… but never annihilated and that’s a promise from God.


A big hug in Jesu Christ