From all the
peoples of the world God chose you, in my mind, other nations would’ve been
more reasonable than you but God knows best; according to the Holy Bible, there
wasn’t a nation more stubborn and closed minded than you, God wanted you and
There hasn’t
been a nation on earth that has killed, chase away, and mocked prophets from
God like you’ve done; also, murdered the highest prophet ever to come to the
world, the only begotten Son of Almighty Father, my Lord and Savior: Jesus
Don’t get me
wrong, I wish we were united in faith, clearly, we aren’t, but I still hope for
the sake of your souls it happens fast.
When God used
Moses to free you from Egypt, you doubted, all the plagues fell and more doubt was
shown, after the Sea opened for your ancestors to pass doubt wouldn’t leave
you, it didn’t matter clouds of fire lead your nation through the darkness of
the night, doubt was more sinister than such darkness, no matter how many
miracles were displayed on your behalf, you chose a calf instead of your God.
God Himself,
frustrated with you Israel, had enough and was about to destroy you, but He
knew Moses would intervene on your behalf, Moses stopped God’s Justice by
appealing to His endless Mercy. One thing about Divine Mercy is that it always
come with some measure of Divine Justice, as the first set of Holy Commandments
tablets were destroyed with the calf and all of those who embraced such, but
did that stopped you from being stubborn? It did not.
The good thing
you do Israel is remembering the past, the traditions coming down from your
ancestors is remarkable, it is one thing my faith always tried to destroy but couldn’t
(thanks be to God); you remember Israel, but not everything, there should be a
day of recognition in your customs, a day of penance remembering the systematic
persecution and murdering of all God’s prophets, and mainly my Lord Jesus
Jesus was and is
the Messiah, throughout Israel’s history, no other man has ever cured the sick,
expelled demons and resurrected the dead like He did, no other walked on water,
no other turn waters into wine, NO other forgave sins by just saying so, and NO
other suffered the gruesome death like He did… YOUR PEOPLE killed the Messiah
yes, but He, while torn to pieces nailed to the Cross looked to Heaven and with
a firm voice pleaded to Almighty Father to forgive you Israel.
Heaven is for
those who forgive, God forgives and gives Mercy, but also display His Justice
and this is why I must say: Israel, your nation is guilty as well for trying to
erase ANY scripture describing how the Messiah was going to be punished and killed in
such a gruesome way like you did with our Lord, Israel has chosen to ignore the
Word of God, like if Isaiah 53 didn’t’ exist. To this day you still mock Him, persecute
Christianity behind the scenes, even proudly say, by some of your members, that
you would kill Him again and I don’t doubt you would, you’re that stubborn and close
We Catholics
need to learn to forgive but never forget who kill our Lord, the Jewish nation
were the ones first in line are NO longer first due to their stony hearts. YOU
are Israel, and despite everything YOU are one of the two witnesses, but that
doesn’t mean because you were first chosen, all of you are saved, you AREN’T,
there’s only one way for salvation… ONE! Only through the Name above all Names:
My little hope
is for you to listen, this is the ONLY way for salvation: no other name can
save but Jesus.
Didn’t king
David surpass king Saul? Even so, for this case, it was Father Almighty who chose
His Son to open your eyes but you instead closed them by force, God knew it
would happen this way, so He said through His prophet Isaiah, you weren’t
counting on Jesus Divinity and when He rose from the dead, with His death and
resurrection Jesus sealed Heaven’s door forever, only through Him we can pass
through that door, God made this happened and we are marveled.
Hate and
unforgiveness won’t get anyone nowhere, some false Christians love doing the
same, they hate and won’t forgive everything or anyone, that’s something we
need to heal, but you too need to heal such dear Israel, the New pact IS with
Jesus and it is my little hope that you hear me and truly desire to find Him soon
as He resurrected.
Abandon your doubts
for once and embrace God’s words through Isaiah 53, I challenge you to reach
out to God in prayer and sacrifice and ask the Almighty for clarity about Jesus
and you’ll know why all rabbis won’t read Isaiah 53, as stubbornness as taken
deep root with your rabbis way too long. Jesus IS the Messiah, that rock God
tells you should believe in (psalm 118:22 and Isaiah 28:16-17), believe in God’s
Mercy in Jesus His only begotten Son, believe scripture. Please pray Israel:
Almighty one… First Love and Great Eternal above all… Allow me a single second
of Your Wisdom, illuminate my soul with Your precious Mercy, let me know of Your
plan… Is Jesus that plan? Let me know now my Lord; Your Salvation is beautiful
and I want to enjoy it for me and my family, don’t cast me aside, hear my voice
Lord of the Armies, this is my moment with You, and if Jesus is Your Son, Your
Plan, the Messiah, then let me join Him. Jesus, if You are real, here I am, I
ask in the Name of Your Father to come be with me. Amen”
For those who
listened… Welcome, Heaven awaits with our Lord Jesus, get baptized and know the
traditions of the Apostles, in time you’ll be ready to eat the Eucharist and
with love we’ll both be humble enough and learn to forgive, but never forget as
not even God forgets.
A big hug in
Jesus Christ