Saturday, August 3, 2024

Who is the pope right now


Who is the pope right now? That is a good question, I mean, us Catholics live like if we don’t have one, but we do, France with the Olympics mocks our Lord and Maduro in Venezuela tricks the common-sense world, while Christians crave a voice from ANY Shepherd in such confusing and dark times and too few can be found, but no pope speaks.

Again… is there a valid pope we can rely on? The answer is NO. There are no men on earth that has the keys of Heaven, nor the authority right now, there is only a false pope on top, the evidence is out there for anyone to see.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the first ever to reach St Peter’s throne while being excommunicated multiple times, one for being a communist and the other for being a freemason, there’s ample evidence of this out there, he actually boasted about his ties to communism, in Argentina many people knew about his ties with freemasonry, but let’s forget about all that, just forget it… if he was a true priest, a true catholic, a true Bishop let alone pope, his actions would’ve speak for him clearly, his fruits would’ve told another story, yet he has walked the path of the anathemized for a very long time as his fruits speak.

Francis detested traditionalists way back when he was an Argentinian Bishop, he persecuted whoever was in his way, he went against magisterium time and time and again for the sake of the world, and the antichurch movement proselytized his rise into the Vatican even before Benedict XVI got elected, the St. Gallen mafia did this for him, gaining another excommunication on top of the others cementing his anathema.

Those who were scared for their jobs praise the new Bishop in Rome, hailing him like a saint and a breath of fresh air, false prophets everywhere celebrated their hero, now there’s no time to waste, the chaff no longer needs to work in the shadows, no more evangelizing other false religions – we are all friends, every Bishop should resign by age 75 pushing his enemies out and have his minions in (Cupich is one example of many), synods galore to open the door for their agenda.

Gay priests took courage after the infamous “who am I to judge”, Franciscans could be seen in gay parades welcoming the unrepentant, his friends celebrating the “gifts” from gay people and how the church should be open to them, bishops could be heard telling their flock: “homosexuality could be holy” and celebrating gay mass showing their openness to abomination.

Heaven knew about all of this coming? Sure, right after that lightning hit the Vatican when Benedict announced his “resignation”, white smoke coming out exactly at 7:06 (6:66) and fast moving forward to the proclamation of fiducia supplicans in December 2023 (I don’t believe in coincidences), lightning stroke a St. Peter statue holding the keys of Heaven in Argentina, both the halo and the keys were destroyed but the statue remained unharmed (no longer holy, no longer it had the keys).

Today it’s been a week since France and the Olympics mocked our Lord Jesus, yet Jorge Mario Bergoglio chose to congratulate gay promoter James Martin, telling him how “happy” he was another false prophet, cardinal Gregory, was scheduled to celebrate mass for their gay conference.

Petrus Romanus is NOT Francis, right now on earth we don’t have a pope, Petrus Romanus is Apostle Peter who reigns the true Church from Heaven, sadly, the false church runs everything else. Heaven is happy we are embracing our faith and not following the rule of those who celebrate sin. So, NO… Bergoglio isn’t the pope, he is the destroyer prophesied by revelations and St. Francis of Assisi, the one preparing the way for the antichrist and his fruits speak loudly, unfortunately, high ranking prelates will not say anything now, they will once he is gone, but his fruits will linger for a bit, as his minions have been promoted and are proud of his work, they are truly happy to be the chaff.

This is why Vigano was correct to say Francis couldn’t pencil him a heretic because the heretic has been Bergoglio since long, so there is NO pope but our dear St. Peter in Heaven… Do you remember what St. Peter said when the corrupted top of the Church was in his face back then?

“We must obey God rather than men”. Acts 5:29

God doesn’t make mistakes, we do, if I’m mistaken about Francis then… How is it that his fruits speak ill of him all the time? Saying our Holy Mother wasn’t born sinless, saying our Lord did not multiply the loaves and fish is just small sample size compared with the adoration of Pachamama in the Vatican, the blessing of gay unions and irregular couples, and the proclamation of “all religions are good in the eyes of God”, his fruits show nothing but apostasy.

Apostasy runs deep in this man’s bones, this is why he doesn’t care about being excommunicated or being anathemized, I mean, he doesn’t really believe… There’s a reason he kneels before men and not Jesus most of the time, there’s a reason he doesn’t believe in hell; so NO, there is no pope here on earth, only Petrus Romanus in Heaven, please, open your eyes remain faithful and resist.

“Dear Lord, help me remain in my faith, help become one with You, please allow me to be Yours, don’t leave me alone in this storm, help me in my hour of need, I am not worthy of You I know, but have Mercy on my soul, have Mercy on my love ones and have Mercy on my Church.” Amen


A big hug in Jesus Christ.

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