Tuesday, December 18, 2018

MDM and The Great Avalanche.

My Brethren I would like to greet you in our Lord’s Peace, I am of no importance, I am no seer, nor great prophet, I’m just not staying silent about Jesus Great Mercy.

Throughout our lifetimes we are kings, prophets and priests that’s the teaching of our dear Catholic Church, we are kings because we were made at God’s Image and He IS the King, He gave His only begotten Son for us to acquire everlasting life, Jesus is King of us kings who accepted His lovely Mercy, Jesus the King of kings.

We are prophets when we embrace His Holy word, we teach to avoid wrongdoing and warn of the consequences of rejecting His Divine Love, Jesus is the Ultimate prophet because He is God, Jesus Prophet of all prophets.

We are also priests whenever a soul is in danger and no real priest is available, we can pray for that persons soul, encourage them to embrace repentance and hug His Sweet Mercy, we could even baptize in the Name of the Holy Trinity, again, all this when there’s no real priest and the soul’s at the gate of death and danger of eternal perdition, this we do with His Mighty Hand upon us, Jesus the Great Priest, Priest of all priests.

I have to tell you about something that will happen soon: the Warning and the Illumination of conscience, but also something sometimes overlooked a bit and that is the great avalanche of people running toward the confessionals and to Christians for information on what just happened to them right after the illumination of conscience.

For those who don’t know, the Warning will be a Great Cross that will appear in the Sky for all the world to see at the same time and such Act of Mercy signature will be laid on the trees of Garabandal forever, the illumination of conscience is God’s Great act of Mercy in which every person in the world regardless of religion will see how God sees them, we will burn with God’s indignation because of our sins.

Now… The Avalanche of people after the Warning running towards the confessional and to Christians who are supposed to know about such things will happen… Asia, Africa, Oceania, Europe, the Americas (North, central and south), the endless islands around the world will run to them.

Like many real prophets did proclaimed the confessionals will be full and priests will be lacking… Christians who will be out there proclaiming the Truth will get many running towards them.

The Great Avalanche will go forth as people will run to the confessionals like when it happened the night of the screams in Garabandal, the entire town ran to confession.

God will carry out His Mighty Will prophesied by many true prophets like Prophet Joel, Apostle John, Saint Edmund Campion, Blessed Elizabeth Canori-Mora, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, Pope Pius IX, the Garabandal true seers (Conchita, Mari Loli, Jacinta, Mari Cruz), Father Gobbi and Maria of Divine Mercy (MDM).

Pope Pius IX: “There will be a great prodigy which will fill the world with awe”.

Blessed Anna Maria Taigi: “A great purification will come upon the world preceded by an illumination of conscience in which everyone will see themselves as God sees them”

Blessed Elizabeth Canori-Mora: “A great light appeared upon the earth which was the sign of the reconciliation of God with man”

Saint Edmund Campion:   “Pronounced a great day, not wherein any temporal potentate should minister, but wherein the Terrible Judge should reveal all men’s consciences and try every man of each kind of Religion”

Conchita Gonzalez: “People will feel completely alone in the world at that moment, regardless of where they are, alone with their conscience and before God. They will then see all their sins and what their sins have caused”.

Maria of Divine Mercy: The world, My daughter, is being given this special Gift – the Book of Truth – to show My children what they now need to do in order to prepare for The Warning, the Illumination of Conscience, which is being given to mankind to help prepare them adequately for My Second Coming”. January 28, 2011

I do not speak for our dear sister MDM or any of the Garabandal seers, but it is my humble opinion the Avalanche of people after the Warning will happened as they try to reach a state of grace and their lack of information on what just happened to them.

Many Christians will be overrun by people seeking to repair their relationships with God; India MDM readers and followers of Christ will have a tough task at hand, it is imperative for them to know exactly what to tell them, direct catholics to a confessional, instruct those who aren’t Catholic about praying for 7 days the Crusade prayer 24, assure them that many will try to deprive them from this Great Act of God’s Mercy by saying it didn’t happened and that Jesus is about to come into the World for the 2nd time right after the antichrist appears.

After the Warning and the Illumination of conscience, the world will stay in a state of shock, many won’t report to work, some places will be like a time stopped for them and God’s enemies (who are prepared beforehand for such an event), will tell all throughout the world this act of Mercy didn’t happened and the Great Cross in the Sky (The Warning) was just something that space nature produced, many will fall for it.

Conversion, prayer, penance and sacrifice will mitigate many of the terrible events will happen afterwards… and do know, mitigation isn’t a full stop, mitigation is nothing more than diluting or alleviation of the great schism by the false prophet, the 3rd world war, the persecution of Christians and the revelation of the antichrist… this will happen right after the Warning.

The enemies of God will embrace such chaos to enhance their lies about the Great Warning and the Illumination of conscience in order to handle souls to hell; this is why we must persevere in our duties revealed to the prophets and recently to our dear sister MDM to pray for the salvation of souls through the daily recitation of the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the sweet crusade prayers.

This avalanche will come and go, many will convert, many will fold, many will embrace such a Great Act of Divine Mercy for a little while and then fall away sadly.

The Remnant Army will get their 20 million and proclaim Truth to the world, martyrdom will be the currency among them, happy those who find Martyrdom proclaiming Christ in those days, happy those who go to Heaven and don’t have to witness such dark days, but even more happy those who stay alive and persevere in Jesus Teachings and witness His Glorious 2nd coming.

MDM warned us about the terrible days ahead in order to build hope; this generation will witness our Lord’s Great Mercy in the form of the Illumination of conscience and His Glorious return.

The Warning and the Illumination of conscience or like some call it: the new Pentecost, is about to fall into the world, the deceiver will step up his game so it is a must for all of us in this marathon for the salvation of souls to stand firm to the Teachings of Christ, to be well informed of His 2nd coming, to pray our Blessed Lady’s Holy Rosary many times as possible (3 a day to be exact), pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the crusade prayers.

Everything has been told through His beloved prophets, Maria of Divine Mercy is in the desert waiting for the day to arrive, the Book of Truth reveals His Warning to mankind, my hope now is to remain true, to remain firm and please our Lord’s wishes through such dark times.

Remember to pray, pray and pray, also to be prepared for many running your way, prepare for so much darkness ahead, the proclamation of the Schism, the Great 3rd World War (you should have a stash of food for at least 10 days for you and your family), the antichrist and then the 3 days of darkness (you should have a blessed candle during those days and stay shut in your home praying), this 3 days of darkness will precede Jesus 2nd return, on the 3rd day like when He resuscitated He will be seen coming back for you and for me.
Perhaps these are my last words to you…

May you stay firm, may you seek to amend, may you find humility, may you denounce lies presented as truth, may you recognize who the King of Kings, the Lord of prophets, The Priest of priests is… and pray you’ll recognize Him soon.

A big hug in Jesus Christ. Amen

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