Monday, July 9, 2018

Pope Benedict XVI the Brave

600 defrocked pedophile priests weren’t enough for the world, you walked tough against communists yet you saw what the traitors around you were trying to do, to establish the communist China church as part of the one true faith, Cardinal Kung sounded the alarm and you stopped them.

My dear true pope… perhaps you don’t see yourself as good, perhaps some might say you were terrible, but I say to you with my heart in my hand, that you are Peter and I stand with you.

I’m just another sheep, who got his heart broken with your incomplete resignation, but now I am happy to know that you outsmarted the wolves around you, knowing what was coming, honoring our Mother of Fatima when you gave them the structures.

Yes you stood up to Mohammed and the cowards made you walk back, but the words were truthful and truth never dies, Islam is not a religion of peace.

You acknowledge the decadence build in the new rite making your enemies grind their teeth, then you took the excommunications to the SSPX Bishops and made Latin essential for the laity, proclaimed the ancient rite not prohibited and vital for those who wanted to love God through it.

You are indeed, that white Bishop who will be martyred by the world, your suffering perhaps is not seen by all, but it’s known it’s there… The Church will become small you once prophesied, giving echo to many prophecies from our dear Patriarchs, Saints, Martyrs and Popes… the Church is becoming small as the anti-church grows and grows.

From your hometown Germany they are attacking your legacy and the prophecies, puppets of the false prophet: Judas clothed as Peter: Francis… Germany is the assistant of the Antichrist’s assistant, despite that, you are taking your time, to let them know who’s boss.

God is boss, our Lord Jesus did not came down from the Cross like they wanted Him to do, you will be known as Benedict the brave, you know this is the only way to go back to Divine Grace and let the smoke of satan out forever, the chaff must be separated from the wheat and this is the only way.

You are brave despite you know you did mistakes, you know and you have said it nostra aetate is dangerous… the ecumenism fathers had it with you, resisted, pushed you out and promoted their “guy”, no more teaching Latin in Churches, no more doing Tridentine masses without permission, instead false mercy everywhere and hellish  confusion everyone.

This was allowed because we didn’t believe and I know you know you had a hand in all of this in the beginning, but like Peter you came back to your senses and tried to amend little by little.

When you resigned I felt like naked in the streets, many felt the same way I did… but seen the signs from Heaven and the rotten fruits from the Top, I know God allowed this to let Jesus return and take chaff and let them burn.

Pope Benedict you will be known as pope Benedict the brave, because not anyone can do what you have with you Lord’s permission, many wish you were dead my dear dry martyr, but the pinnacle of it all will make their wish into action and let your blood spilled violently into the ground.

Like St Ignatius knew the lions were coming, you knew the wolves were around you but didn’t hide from them, but soon they will grow weary and attack… like the Martyrs of the past your will let your flesh be taken away, you know this… you are indeed brave.

I wish I could hug you in person true pope, but I’ll let a seminarian trick do, I’ll imagine you’re in front of me and I’ll hug you in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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