Sunday, June 17, 2018

To Judge or not to judge (Gloria TV blues)

Judging... it is imperative that we put our brains to work, God Himself tells us to JUDGE with righteous Judgment (John 7:24), when the devil convinces us to "respect" the actions of the other, that is, not to say anything about their evil act, we are contradicting God by not correcting with love the error of our little brother.

“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.” Matthew 18:15

We see around the world, that when someone is in a perverse error, homosexuality, adultery, any kind of corruption... they immediately use the card of "respect", exploited by the devil through his freemasons, one of the most famous was Benito Juarez... eclipsing God's mandate among people who do not know God very well.

If today, Mario Bergoglio tells the world (many of us already suspect it), if he said he was a freemason, we would not find it a surprise, he behaves as one in giving freedoms that the Gospel does not give and one that gave homosexuals great joy: "Who am I to Judge?"

"The spiritual man judges everything" 1 Cor 2:15

A person from Gloria TV (which I will not name), approached me in the private chat to, among other things, subtly and indirectly tell me to stop judging the Church and Bergoglio in the wake of a challenge I gave them, I challenged them that if they found in any of Francis speeches of the EU parlament, UN and the USA congress, if they found the Name above all names, Jesus, then I would close my account, since he doesn’t even by a sneeze mentions His Name. 

This person told me that she does not judge anyone and that judging the church and Bergoglio must be left to God, but from the photographic evidence you will see here, she does judge, as her country (Argentina) recently approved abortion.  (Left 1 right 2, below left 3, below 4)

(Translation 1 - they hate looked like men, <she was speaking about the women who voted yes for abortion> 2 they hate 3 Yuca I don't judge anyone, 4 they do satanic rites)

We have to understand, YOU HAVE TO JUDGE, you judge the appearance of food, of any situation, but we CANNO’T JUDGE ACCORDING TO APPEARANCES, WE JUDGE THE FRUITS, we have to judge people’s actions.

Francis was silent in Ireland and Argentina and today he comes with his pretty face saying that killing a baby is for Nazis, why he said NOTHING when he praised and awarded Emma Bonino who murdered more than 400 babies and awarded a Dutch woman promoter of abortion and homosexuality.

His secretary joins the freemasonic class of the world in Bildeberg, his Bishops in Ireland welcome synod to gay couples, elevate pro-gay bishops to cardinals, he lets the Hollywood pro-abortion elite do and undo within the Holy Temple and we should not judge?

My little sister, unfortunately and with love, I say to you and to all Bergoglians: you are extremely wrong; Saints, Patriarchs, Martyrs and Holy Popes of the Church have taught us that we should NOT follow ANYONE who contradicts the teachings of Jesus and that we must make their will NOT BE DONE and to do this we must judge the fruits (St. Robert Bellarmine doctor of the faith is an example of many who said this.)

JUDGING is a necessity so we won’t be deceived, BUT we must judge according to the fruits, if we follow the fruits we will see that Francis is destroying the faith of many who don’t know their faith well, those are easy prey of any homily of beautiful words but much poison.

That's why you have to keep your eyes open, pray for our priests, pray for the Church, because confusion is the legal currency of the Bergoglians... JUDGE the fruits and correct with love always and pray for the soul of those who persecute us, not their destructive intentions.

God bless you.

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