Monday, May 14, 2018

Hell exists Francis

Between 2013 and 2018 “pope” Francis has been a tirelessly worker, giving 327 homilies, 3 exhortations, 1 encyclical, 1 in conjunction with pope benedict XVI… not mentioning his tons  and tons of letters, medications, motu propios, messages, the list goes on and on.

With his homilies and exhortations alone there are more than 400,000 words of beautiful literature, words that have reached millions of people around the world, faithful and non-faithful.

Yet no conversions that have been documented on the non-faithful, his loyal atheists friends continue persisting in their sin, the people who are welcome by him are not called to repent, but those who happen to say anything on his erroneous approach, or his strange teachings contradicting Jesus own words, are being called names all around the world: Legalists, self-centered, sedevancantists, demons, pelagians and my all-time favorite one… rigid.

There’s no doubt that Bergoglio has tons of beautiful words to push his strange agenda forward, most Catholics and clergy are buying in, it doesn’t matter the consequences to the faith of 2000 years, the faith is shrinking to a new approach: “encounterism.”

It is clear that for them it’s no longer the Teachings of our Lord, when you can pick and choose what to believe and follow, though “encountering our brothers” no matter their believe if there’s any, becoming “one” is the ultimate goal of this new worldly church of encounterism.

The truth about Catholic faith does not matter to them anymore… homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, communism, atheism, false religions, all in their eyes have all triumph, while the desire to become martyrs have plummeted for those who pledge to protect us from error.

Close to half a million words of beautiful literature are drilling holes to the boat here and there since 2013. Five years later, this man continues to give interviews to a pro-gay, pro-abortion, pro-any evil out there atheist and why would that be? Each time it happens the Vatican has to do a PR maneuver to ease the train wreck, why…

The explanation to all Bergoglio idolizers is simple because Scalfari is his friend, to Francis inner circle it´s nothing but a pat in the back saying: “We are doing this with no opposition, we are winning”

Bergoglio in his latest interview with atheist Scalfari said he doesn´t believe in hell, which erases each time our Lord talked about hell in the Bible, 75 passages are no longer “relevant” to the new Bergoglian faith… why this would be? Because they have their own rules to follow…

297. It is a matter of REACHING OUT TO EVERYONE, of needing to help each person find his or her proper way of participating in the ecclesial com-munity and thus to experience being touched by an “unmerited, unconditional and gratuitous” mercy. NO ONE CAN BE CONDEMNED FOREVER, be-cause that is not the logic of the Gospel! AL 297

After this paragraph who could say that “pope” Francis has a Catholic faith? No one can be condemned forever, really? Contradicting Jesus Himself, so if they can’t be condemned forever, then why working our salvation with fear and tremble? Why believe Jesus about hell? Why believe what happened in Fatima is even true as our Lady spoke much about hell…

I wanted to check his beautiful and treacherous homilies and exhortations and see his fruits… in 327 homilies since 2013 he mentions hell only 7 times, in his laudato si  green encyclical only once (148), no mention at all in evangelii gaudium and amoris laetitia and finally, only once in the gaudete et exsultate exhortation (115).

About those 7 times he mentioned hell in 5 years, he is not trying to teach about hell, he is encouraging about some social issue (17 February 2016 in Juarez about violence and drugs), or when he went to Fatima (13 may 2017 when talked about the apparition), or encouraging people about the Joy of doing good and mercy.

Close to half million words and all we have from his encyclicals, exhortations and homilies, NO sound teaching about hell and its existence, only references about trolling on internet, Eco diversity, “Bergoglian” mercy and throwing a bone to the Fatima apparition.

Have been saying for years, that Mario Bergoglio was never Catholic, as he allowed his curas villeros in Argentina to do exactly what his minions are doing now, giving the Eucharist to divorce and remarried, he always threw away sound doctrine in favor of false religions and the well documented behind the scenes gay homage to LGBT groups and his shocking “blessing” of gay couples while not calling it a “marriage.”

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves… Therefore by their fruits you will know them…“ Mat 7:15, 20

No one wants to listen… only a Catholic can become pope, but no one seems to care, he was a heretic then doing the same heretic things now and our clergy is caving in.

Despite all this… our Church will never die, that’s a Divine promise; it’ll become small while the one church of the world becomes big.

We need to remain faithful, remain vocal, engage every lie presented as truth and pray for those who persecute us. Hell does exists and those who run it are delighted with this man… sad to see all of this, sad for our children, sad for those who we love but stand by this man as a saint, it was all foretold (Luke 12:53), in the end we know the future, our Church survives.

Remain Faithful and resist… a big hug in Jesus Christ. Amen

Dr. Rafael González
Author of Destroyer and The Treasure of the Heavens: The biggest robbery in history, the art of war and diamonds books.
Notes: *Laudato si 148, *Gaudete et exsultate 115, *Amoris laetitia  297, *29 November 2015 homily, *17 February 2016 homily, *20 March 2016 homily, *3 April 2016 homily, *20 November 2016, *13 May 2017 homily, *28 June 2017 homily.

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