Monday, June 30, 2014


He was walking towards a man who asked:

-“Are you catholic”

“Yes I am” he replied, he wasn't expecting what was coming, he thought he was in a friendly community, then a slap in the face and laughter brought him to reality, he went down to the ground, and after a while he realize what was going on, he stood up, went to the same guy again and showed him the other cheek… Immediately with anger and fury this huge man began to beat him down, it wasn't a slap only, punches and kicks were given and the first drop of blood touched the ground…

Catholic: “May my blood be of help for you to get saved.”

Then he took his rosary out and while kneeling began to pray the rosary for the salvation of that man and all around him, people in shock stood froze and the man became more violent when he showed him a large construction wood stick…

-“So you’re better than me, better than all the rest…?”

He did not replied he continued counting his beads, when he was struck in the head with the stick which opened his head and much blood came down… but he didn't move, it was like nothing happened to him, much blood was coming down… the people around started to kneel down to pray the rosary too, while an old lady came to put a gauze on this man's head…

When he saw that all were praying a tear came down from his left eye, the abuser’s mother was among the praying people, he kneel and asked God for forgiveness…

Many people right now all over the world is being persecuted, some are the victims that heaven needs to bring to righteousness the sinners, some others are martyrs whose blood is spilled to cleanse the church… many are killed in unspeakable ways, others raped, others slaved, others chopped like for the fun of an audience; tears and blood meet.

Jesus, is taking part in this new beating, this horrors are His, because He is the Master and Teacher, no one has suffered like He did, so… He must teach you to carry your cross to the Golgotha, but He never leaves you alone in this path, He… after a while, you will see Him carrying the cross with you and sharing your pain, which doesn't hurt like before, now watching the Master is worthwhile, His smile puts you almost in heaven, and when the time comes, you’ll reach the top of the Hill with Him…

There, He will give you another miracle, as John listened the sweet sound of His Merciful Heart, you will too hear the Melodious sound of the waves of Mercy for you and the world, He will put you down to sleep like a Father does to His precious princess, put you in bed, which is the cross to sleep for a little while… Then you’ll say:

"I wasn't worthy but you taught me to be yours, so please remember me when you come in to your Kingdom", and the lasts words you’ll hear “Amen I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.

The good pain of Christ, those by His friends who please Him in all His commands, those pains are His, because He never leaves you alone in this path of righteousness, which hurts so much, His tears will encounter yours; since His death and resurrection all the pain of the ones that are His flock, that pain is His, you are not alone walking to the Golgotha.

His friends have walked with Him and suffered with Him, giving the Gospel by example and voice, many have believe because of those going to the Golgotha to share the good pains that only gives you glory in Him.

The most horrendous pain is the one that he shares with "no one", the pain that is inflicted upon Him by the people that are supposed to know Him, treason makes His sweat fall like blood on the ground.

Judas walked the earth with Him, saw Lazarus come out of the grave, saw lepers cleanse out of their miseries, he saw when Jesus walked upon the waters, Judas saw many evil spirits go out screaming from men, he went out with the 72 and proselytized, but instead took the 30 silver coins.

Many have seen small miracles and big ones as well, but they rather sell the Gospel, they have studied the lives of the saints and the teachings of our forefathers, but instead prefer some other strange teachings…

Thomas More died because Henry the VIII wanted to divorce his legitimate wife and re-marry, so because of this king, a traitor, Saint Thomas More was decapitated and his pains were with Jesus, the majority of the Bishops nailing Jesus to the cross again like pharisees happened, and the procession to the Golgotha went with pure hatred for the sacred, instead the gain of power was placed, their own 30 silver coins.

The bad pains, the ones that makes Jesus suffered the stripes of open flesh, the thorns to the skull and one to His sweet eye... the big cross with all the spitballs and mockery, until the nails go in once again.

Proselytism brought us Saint Thomas More and many martyrs, St John the Baptist is weeping as many in silence are behaving like Herod, proselytism have brought the many who have shared the good pains with our Lord…

Today we need to make a decision, are we going to let the Lord taught us the way to the Golgotha and be a good disciple, or are we going to get our 30 silver coins…

Catholics were born for greatness, said pope Benedict XVI and this greatness lies in the cross which is hold by the nails impale to our flesh, proselytism is a good thing, Catholicism is a beautiful thing, when we give ourselves to Jesus the Master and Teacher... Don’t let anybody deceive you, Jesus is that Catholic God and I believe in a Catholic God, and I hope you do too.

Blessings in our Lord Jesus Amen.

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