Monday, February 10, 2025

Hear me Israel: open letter for the Jewish Nation


From all the peoples of the world God chose you, in my mind, other nations would’ve been more reasonable than you but God knows best; according to the Holy Bible, there wasn’t a nation more stubborn and closed minded than you, God wanted you and got.

There hasn’t been a nation on earth that has killed, chase away, and mocked prophets from God like you’ve done; also, murdered the highest prophet ever to come to the world, the only begotten Son of Almighty Father, my Lord and Savior: Jesus Christ.

Don’t get me wrong, I wish we were united in faith, clearly, we aren’t, but I still hope for the sake of your souls it happens fast.

When God used Moses to free you from Egypt, you doubted, all the plagues fell and more doubt was shown, after the Sea opened for your ancestors to pass doubt wouldn’t leave you, it didn’t matter clouds of fire lead your nation through the darkness of the night, doubt was more sinister than such darkness, no matter how many miracles were displayed on your behalf, you chose a calf instead of your God.

God Himself, frustrated with you Israel, had enough and was about to destroy you, but He knew Moses would intervene on your behalf, Moses stopped God’s Justice by appealing to His endless Mercy. One thing about Divine Mercy is that it always come with some measure of Divine Justice, as the first set of Holy Commandments tablets were destroyed with the calf and all of those who embraced such, but did that stopped you from being stubborn? It did not.

The good thing you do Israel is remembering the past, the traditions coming down from your ancestors is remarkable, it is one thing my faith always tried to destroy but couldn’t (thanks be to God); you remember Israel, but not everything, there should be a day of recognition in your customs, a day of penance remembering the systematic persecution and murdering of all God’s prophets, and mainly my Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus was and is the Messiah, throughout Israel’s history, no other man has ever cured the sick, expelled demons and resurrected the dead like He did, no other walked on water, no other turn waters into wine, NO other forgave sins by just saying so, and NO other suffered the gruesome death like He did… YOUR PEOPLE killed the Messiah yes, but He, while torn to pieces nailed to the Cross looked to Heaven and with a firm voice pleaded to Almighty Father to forgive you Israel.

Heaven is for those who forgive, God forgives and gives Mercy, but also display His Justice and this is why I must say: Israel, your nation is guilty as well for trying to erase ANY scripture describing how the  Messiah was going to be punished and killed in such a gruesome way like you did with our Lord, Israel has chosen to ignore the Word of God, like if Isaiah 53 didn’t’ exist. To this day you still mock Him, persecute Christianity behind the scenes, even proudly say, by some of your members, that you would kill Him again and I don’t doubt you would, you’re that stubborn and close minded.

We Catholics need to learn to forgive but never forget who kill our Lord, the Jewish nation were the ones first in line are NO longer first due to their stony hearts. YOU are Israel, and despite everything YOU are one of the two witnesses, but that doesn’t mean because you were first chosen, all of you are saved, you AREN’T, there’s only one way for salvation… ONE! Only through the Name above all Names: Jesus.

My little hope is for you to listen, this is the ONLY way for salvation: no other name can save but Jesus.

Didn’t king David surpass king Saul? Even so, for this case, it was Father Almighty who chose His Son to open your eyes but you instead closed them by force, God knew it would happen this way, so He said through His prophet Isaiah, you weren’t counting on Jesus Divinity and when He rose from the dead, with His death and resurrection Jesus sealed Heaven’s door forever, only through Him we can pass through that door, God made this happened and we are marveled.

Hate and unforgiveness won’t get anyone nowhere, some false Christians love doing the same, they hate and won’t forgive everything or anyone, that’s something we need to heal, but you too need to heal such dear Israel, the New pact IS with Jesus and it is my little hope that you hear me and truly desire to find Him soon as He resurrected.

Abandon your doubts for once and embrace God’s words through Isaiah 53, I challenge you to reach out to God in prayer and sacrifice and ask the Almighty for clarity about Jesus and you’ll know why all rabbis won’t read Isaiah 53, as stubbornness as taken deep root with your rabbis way too long. Jesus IS the Messiah, that rock God tells you should believe in (psalm 118:22 and Isaiah 28:16-17), believe in God’s Mercy in Jesus His only begotten Son, believe scripture. Please pray Israel:

“God… Almighty one… First Love and Great Eternal above all… Allow me a single second of Your Wisdom, illuminate my soul with Your precious Mercy, let me know of Your plan… Is Jesus that plan? Let me know now my Lord; Your Salvation is beautiful and I want to enjoy it for me and my family, don’t cast me aside, hear my voice Lord of the Armies, this is my moment with You, and if Jesus is Your Son, Your Plan, the Messiah, then let me join Him. Jesus, if You are real, here I am, I ask in the Name of Your Father to come be with me. Amen”

For those who listened… Welcome, Heaven awaits with our Lord Jesus, get baptized and know the traditions of the Apostles, in time you’ll be ready to eat the Eucharist and with love we’ll both be humble enough and learn to forgive, but never forget as not even God forgets.

A big hug in Jesus Christ

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Tears for Jesus

 One day, I went to my dentist, it was time, I needed some love and maintenance for my teeth; while they were working on me, I thought of our Lord, asked Him not to leave me alone, please take me by my hand while the evil drill worked my teeth like if there’s gold in them. At that moment, pleading and pleading my Lord Jesus not to leave me, suddenly innocence took me, such a wonderful and rare thing in an adult world, such a gift I departed from and hasn’t existed in me for years since I was a child, I asked God: “Lord, have you ever had a tooth pulled out?” And He answered me…

“While I was at the Sanhedrin, just after answering the high priest, an officer hit me in the face.”

Without Him telling me more, I understood, such blow made it easy for a tooth of our Majesty and Lord to be expelled or broken from Him due to pure violence, I remember the sadness Jesus showed while remembering those moments, for Him it was yesterday, for me, more than 2000 years ago, time for the Eternal One is just another tool, a tool that prevails over us, but over Him nothing but His Beauty and Glory.

How many things Jesus endured… How He had to die so violently… How wicked we truly are… Spite of all: HIS MERCY IS ETERNAL!

I want you to know, my brothers and sisters, you’re not reading the words of a saint, I’m not a  seer or visionary, I don’t give messages from Above like many of our beloved prophets, I only write and write, sometimes without knowing what I’m doing, knowing the impact or lack thereof of my words, God told me to speak about His Mercy, that is what I do, I cannot see the future, I don’t have holy stigmata, I only have my heavy, bitter but sweet cross, walking with it (like you), waiting on Him, for His glorious return or my departure from this world into His Arms.

I know many will doubt what happened to me while visiting my dentist and her drilling deep into my soul, it doesn’t matter, you’ll say it was my imagination or perhaps that I’m a phony or false person, it’s ok, I’m not looking for fanfare or celebration, I just want to do what He asked me to do, so please: EXPERIENCE HIS MERCY TODAY. Please, I want you to close your eyes and in silent prayer to Jesus, for just 1 minute, say internally in silence: “LORD, DON’T LEAVE ME ALONE”.


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This life passes by in just a blink of our eyes, how beautiful it is to have found our Lord, how good is to enjoy our Beloved but broken Catholic Church, in pieces yes, all because of the enemy within at the very top, but despite this, never annihilated due to our Faith. Please join me, while we have our sweet Lord with us in that spirit of love, hope and faith in which God never leaves us on our own and be kind and participate in the following (meditate and don’t be scandalized as you read the following words, please):

• Jesus descends within the bread and wine to an altar decorated worldly, with colors celebrating Halloween (I personally saw this in St Petersburg Florida).

• Somewhere out there, assistants at the Mass are taking communion in their hands,  and after they eat it then they shake off from their hands the excess of pieces of bread by cleansing their palms shaking it against each other, by doing this they let pieces fall to the ground so that EVERYONE walks on them, like the Romans and Jews did while our Lord walked with the Cross in His back to Golgotha. (I saw this practice by a mass usher).

• Bishops celebrate their “pastoral solutions,” which are nothing more than doing something DIFFERENT from what God established.

• At Mass, some priest somewhere in the world prohibits kneeling before our God in the transubstantiated bread, and also refuses to give the Eucharist on the tongue.

• Bishops, many of them, celebrate homosexuality as something beautiful and divine, as if it is a gift from heaven, promote blessing and participation of homosexual couples.

• The procession, the choir, the life of the celebration, active homosexuals work in it, because their “faith” and disoriented behavior are celebrated.

• Priests don’t care nor place love into the celebration of the Mass, so much so, that I’d witness one not caring about the consecrated wine falling into their hands or floor and boasted about it saying it was good.

• Circuses and worldly celebrations are seen in certain Masses.

• The Top not only prohibits evangelizing false religions, but promote false bishops and creates a false church (China).

• Giving the Holy Flesh and Blood of God to whomever and however is already routine, not knowing, believing or caring, those who receive the Eucharist unworthily receive Judgment.

• Charity and compassion in many hearts don’t exist anymore, no one seeks to speak about God and promote the salvation His only Son Jesus provides, as today's society and top brass of the Catholic Church, has canceled them so much, they no longer have the flame they once had before, all due of being scare of what others might say, what others might do.

• Now, it is easier for the false ones to spread lies, there’s no fear, the world defends them, it feels like there’s NO Apostles, I mean, no one wants to become martyrs, entire conferences have brought shame and dishonor to themselves by embracing evil and the very top saying: “ANY RELIGION IS GOOD”, “ATHEISTS DO GOOD”, “GOD MADE YOU GAY”. “BLESS GAY COUPLES as long it is not called marriage.” That, for the false church, is more than gold… And for Jesus? Suffering.


Blessed Catherine Emmerich had a vision of Jesus in Gethsemane, she saw when Jesus cried out to the Father to cancel His chalice, but He preferred that His Will be done and not His; Jesus suffered what was to come in advance, but the request to avoid the passion was because of the great number of LUKEWARM souls God was about to suffer a lot, it was only Just, that God suffered for all, including us lukewarm, so there would be NO appeals at the Final Judgment.

Meditate on all these words, let tears and tears for our Lord cover your face, God has suffered then and suffers today tremendously. He’s passion is renewed daily due to our stubbornness, He endures it all because He loves us and wants our good. Cry, my brothers and sisters seeing the bloody fists of our Lord knocking at the door of our hearts and the hearts of priests who like to celebrate the perverse, many disobedient priests doing the opposite of what was taught, some others in silence in the face of darkness covering the sheep, and by that helping destroying the old structures of the Church, structures today no one wants to defend, but the same for which many saints happily gave their lives, for the health of our Catholic faith. There is a promise, and these are my last words for today, a promise of many God has given us through His only Son, our Lord and only Savior Jesus Christ, that in the very end: GOD HIMSELF WILL WIPE AWAY OUR TEARS (Rev 7:17), I hope you cry a lot, that you cry rivers, I also hope you do that in secret, DON’T LET ANYONE SEE YOUR TEARS, they are exclusive precious thing for Jesus, Who does NOT leave us alone, who still knocks at the door of our hearts no matter what we have done, He will change everything, it doesn’t matter if you are super evil, for Him nothing is impossible, because that is how beautiful His Mercy is.

Remain in the faith that our ancestors gave us and flee from the beautiful lies. Jesus is the same yesterday, now and forever.


A big hug, Jesus Christ. Amen

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Mad Trad trap


Mad Traditionalists, a term created by novus ordo goers, which designated those with active finger pointing Catholics as heretics or perhaps not “catholic” enough, it is truly sad to see many people ready to cast stones when they’re not free from sin themselves.

It is a bad name nobody needs to use, but novus ordo people kept on being hammered, not only from false religions and the world, but also by our dear brethren in arms, so they don’t react well and call them names like “mad trads”; when you read the conversations, debates or demonstrations, sometimes you see how traditionalists indeed don’t use love at all for their fellow brethren, this is how it is understandable such term originated.

When I started my catholic path (this time for real), after years and years in the charismatic movement, the catechumenal way, evangelizing at retreats, preaching in the streets, going house by house trying spreading the gospel and using music to get Catholics close to Jesus; I’ve never… ever in my life experienced such type of conduct, in which, many who represent and defend the mass ALL SAINTS loved and die saving, actively despised novus ordo Catholics calling them heretics and worse.

Again, persecution was a thing I’ve never experienced in my novus ordo days, it all happened once I became more perceptive of God, His Teachings and my discovery of the Latin Mass through a homosexual who most people love to hate nowadays, Mr. Michael Voris.

Many Catholics love to hate, if it were a sport, football or baseball weren’t at the top, hating another Catholics for their mistakes would be the thing… how little we fear God, me included, I hope death gets us exactly after a good confession, because this hating other people while saying it is zeal is just bad.

St. Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), once said, that a truth preached without love is a destructive lie… telling novus ordo goers their mass is invalid (which is not true), or telling them they’re heretics and worse is a sign of such destructive lie, the novus ordo can be whatever you want, but the Eucharist still transubstantiates there, remember, there’s no proof the good thief had baptized yet he is saved by grace, so let the new wine be with new wineskins and the old wine with the old wineskin.

The Eucharist, the Holy Flesh of God, still happens in the novus ordo DESPITE the mockery, permissiveness, perverseness, constant sacrileges and indifferences there… One thing is, to teach the correct way and another is to lash people with their cross in their backs. There are better ways to say the truth, and there’s no better way to say it with love.

To me the Novus Ordo is the way to Golgotha all the way from Pilate’s judgement, walking with the Cross Jesus had to endure the lashes, stones, mockery, falls, laughter, jokes, spats, seeing people He healed happy due to His suffering, those who proclaimed Him as the son of David a few days before now shouting at the top of their lungs: “crucify Him”, Jesus no longer having tears due to the extreme dehydration due to His Blood loss, leaving pieces of His Flesh in the ground due to the constant beating…THAT is for me the novus ordo, but still, Jesus was in it.

The traditional Latin mass is like when Apostle John and our Holy Mother Mary approached Jesus at the Cross, such a solemn moment telling St John who his Mother now was along with Jesus giving up His soul to Almighty Father, THAT to me is the old mass, the one MOST saints died defending. Some traditionalists hide behind zeal, there wasn’t ANY zeal at Golgotha, none whatsoever, no ill words from Mother Mary or St John, only tears.

Those who keep trying to hide inside their false sense of zeal will find out in Heaven how mistaken they were, so please heed my words carefully, STOP saying a truth without love, it is better to catch with honey than with vinegar, proclaiming the truth is hard as the perspective it is easily lost with so many enemies around (visible and invisible), there’s no better zeal when love makes you act.

Going to the novus ordo it’s NOT an act of heresy, I try not go to such mass because of the spats and mockery our Lord suffers there, both at the altar and with our brethren, I couldn’t handle it anymore while each time I watched the mistakes done, how one of the most under the radar sins committed by everybody there (I used to do as well), the Eucharist in the hand.

Again, I don’t recommend the novus ordo mass for anyone, but lack of recommendation it’s not a repudiation or prohibition, actually I do go with my mother and that’s where I married my wife, remember 95%+ of Catholics are novus ordo goers, I prefer the old mass because I get to be like that woman who suffered from constant hemorrhages and within the crowd then touched Jesus mantle and got healed, this is why even saints who couldn’t speak Latin die for it, now that is a zeal I want, so much love to die for the faith.

Mad traditionalism is a sign of pharisees, it is not zeal, it is a term that needs to end, but traditionalist keep claiming zeal instead, which, for some is true, but for the majority it’s not, also, novus ordo people who use such term needs to stop and just roll with the punches, or better said: lashes. We are living the times of apostasy by the very top, which it was prophesied since long by St Paul, in order for the antichrist to appear and Jesus to return, look how entire conferences of Bishops throughout the world ARE aligning with darkness, proclaiming Francis false mercy on homosexuals and any other hard headed sinner, as “real mercy” and the worst part is that everybody is buying it, either with their omission, silence or proclamation.

Proclaim the truth with love, let us try and avoid mocking people, it is best to stay silent if you’re going to mock people on their faith, tell the truth with love no matter what.

REMAIN faithful to our lovely but destroyed Catholic Church, in pieces yes… but never annihilated and that’s a promise from God.


A big hug in Jesu Christ

Sunday, December 22, 2024

When Stars fall


Before the world ever thought of movie or rock stars, God already used such term for His priests: “stars”, if you go to Revelation on how the tail of the dragon swiped a third of the stars in the sky, such fell into the earth.

“A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.” And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.  The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.” Revelations 12:1-6

The Woman is the Church and the stars in the crown are the Apostles, the descendants of the apostles are the ones who will experience the bash from the enemy, a third were cast down, but that was enough for the Crown not to have the beauty the 12 Apostles endured through trials and martyrdom, our dear forefathers took the chalice of suffering our Lord took and fulfilled their part as promised, but their descendants got lazy and the enemy took them down.

When a Queen shows her crown looks more beautiful and unique, if the crown has only 8 stars instead of 12 it’s no longer beautiful and perhaps no longer a crown.

When such stars fall destruction follows, look how in another part of Revelations the star wormwood falls and turn the waters bitter, waters are the good news of Jesus and when a soul accepts the news, it is known such salvation taste perfect, fulfilling and satisfies the thirst; but once wormwood touches down the waters are no longer satisfying, never fulfills the thirst, our throats burn out of its bitterness, without water we die forever.

A seminarian who answers the call, suffer much in order to become a priest, a star, the light provided from any star chases darkness away, but when a star falls no longer has the ability to dispel the darkness, serves little light alright, but no longer is in the position the Lord had for it, like the Lord said: You don’t put a lamp underneath a bed…”, the star needs to recognize it has fallen, recognize he’s giving away bitterness to those living in thirst.

Nowadays Bishops are celebrated as “stars” alright, there’s a reason Jesus fled each time the world sought Him to make Him King when proclaiming the Gospel, He avoided celebration, the sweetness of attention to Himself, He only wanted God’s love, only His Father’s attention was all He needed away from the world… Yet his disciple’s lineage, the Apostles of today take the love the world gives as they celebrate the world’s grave sins.

Blessing homosexual couples, giving the Eucharist to the unrepentant, celebrating false religions like if they’re true, basically telling curious souls about Catholicism that any religion is a path to God, mocking and persecuting traditional Catholics, proclaiming evangelizing other false religions is no longer necessary (even though the Apostles did evangelize those), telling the world homosexuality is a gift from Heaven, celebrating synodality as the way and not tradition, pointing the finger on clericalism while dressing white everyday and dismissing the immaculate conception entirely and the multiplication of fishes and loaves as Divine and above all NEVER teaching Jesus is the only way to be saved.

When a star fall, or better said… when a priest/Bishop/ Apostle falls to earth, it can only go back to sky by an act of God, a miracle, because now on earth all they do is not provide light to the souls they were suppose to protect while up high, the water is now contaminated, it’s bitter, and the elect embraces such poison.

St. Francis walked for years going to the middle east and hopefully acquiring the gift of martyrdom, he preached the Gospel to Muslims and converted the sultan, the saint was brave, but God didn’t allow his coveted martyrdom wish, nowadays, IT FEELS NOBODY WANTS TO BE MARTYRS, nobody is trying, they don’t say anything… The greatest historical scandal of this era is how the descendants of the Apostles, Jesus priests/Bishops ARE SILENT about the antigospel preached by the enemy within.

“I don’t believe in a Catholic God” false prophet Francis once said, which consolidates his fruit of NEVER proclaiming to anyone Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father, it is truly hard to watch when most catholic preachers everywhere when mentioning Francis are in a mode of “taking the good and leaving the bad”, instead of warning people on his rampant heresies and apostasy, which his minions love to propagate heavily.

Many stars have fallen, and I truly hope for a miracle, most Bishops are complicit, some by omission others because they love it, they don’t believe anymore, the world is their master now.

We are living the time when the Woman flees to the desert, hopefully some of the remaining stars of the crown wake their brightness up, we need them, our faith dwindles on the edge with so much antigospel dressed as good news, some people are leaving the faith altogether, and most are embracing the lie.

Embracing the lie is easier while stars are on the ground, and the confirmation of sins celebrated, it is a sad day to be catholic, but also heroic if you stand your ground, the enemy is pushing the Woman to the desert, they want a formal schism, they are salivating just thinking about it, but, REMAIN FAITHFUL, stand pat… let them kick us out from the structures, we take with us our faith.

The bishops of this era can’t stand with honor in front of the rest who did their jobs, but again, despite their laziness and omissions REMAIN FAITHFUL, STAND YOUR GROUND, JESUS IS COMING SOON.


A big hug in Jesus Christ

Monday, December 2, 2024

Even in Lukewarmness: fight on



I’ve always felt unique, like no other human in this world, since very little anything outside of me felt so unreal, it wasn’t loneliness per se, it wasn’t something I did or something I had like some sort of Guinness world record IQ, and all of us have felt like this, like the protagonists of our world, and it is due because of God’s Love.

We are His, we all felt like this throughout our lives, each one of us felt this way, the entire creation watching the most amazing human being live, each one of us throughout history, from Adam and Eve to Musk and each of those in the worst poverty or health situation, each of us, the center stage of everything, it isn’t because of our own strength, no… It’s due to God’s Love.

I remember a Chinese woman at my favorite Chinese restaurant in St. Peterburg Florida, I gave her my first book “The Treasure of the Heavens…”, when read the entire book, she told me that I was “lucky”, she shared the book with her family and they all got a conclusion: “lucky.”

Luck it is a big phrase in the Asian community, something in their culture essential for both spiritual and the day-by-day existence in society, but it’s not “luck”, what it is for her (even though she doesn’t realize it), for you and me, is that God love us so much, so much He even let His only begotten Son Jesus to suffer the most horrendous sufferings and death… for us.

Despite that absolute truth, we are full of ourselves, act selfish, sin hard and just close the door on our Lord’s face, all for the taste of a sinful moment, a second of pleasure, for worldly glory that stain our souls with the stain of perdition… I know, because I am a champion on such things, but I also know, our Lord doesn’t turn away His lovely face from the punches, He truly loves us.

A Testimonial: “I don’t know If I was awake or perhaps dreaming, I saw Almighty Father, He had someone in His hand, that someone was me, then the warmth of His Breath gave me life, I could feel that warmth for days and days, I haven’t felt such warmth in my entire earthly live with something or someone else, warmth so ethereal, beautiful and full of life… My Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit appeared beside Him and they shared their happiness for creating me, I was allowed to see my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit face, but wasn’t allowed to see our Loving Father’s face.”

But I know this testimonial is also true for everybody else, as all souls are His (Ez 18:4).

Despite Their happiness I know who I am: a hard headed sinner, someone who has broken so many promises, who sins and sins and sins again… yet, I come back and come back to Him, even if sometimes my prayers taste like cardboard, my mind screams for something else, easily distracted by anything, despite that, I come back and again to fight on, the thing is NOT TO GIVE UP, even if the enemy is dressed in white, we must NEVER give up and remain in prayer, faithful and love Him.

Even in the brink of despair, in defeat and shame… Let’s COME BACK to Him, He is at the door, the fight is not entirely over, you are still in it to win ONLY through Him, even if we aren’t “feeling” our prayers, even if the enemy is within, distracting you, pulling you away with mental attacks, our soul needs our Lord, let us stand our ground, our Lord is coming.

Jesus promised us, that in the end He will wipe away our tears even if today He’s bleeding His knuckles banging at your heart’s door, He will never go away, He will never leave us alone, He always keep His promises.

Don’t get me wrong, if we don’t change our wicked ways perdition would be our end, even popes go to hell, popularity or being “lucky” is not a guarantee of salvation, only in Jesus there’s salvation if I end up in hell it’s because quitting the fight, abandoning Jesus, hell is for those who reject God and their lives end with such horrible stain, so don’t surrender, even if your prayers taste like cardboard like it happens to me all the time, your faith and love for God will bear fruits, so continue the Rosary, chaplets and embrace the sacraments, continue the path to sainthood, and remember, in the end: God wins!

“Oh, Mary conceived without sin, pray to your Son our Lord Jesus Christ to change the water of our lives into another color. Change Lord Jesus, like You did in Cana, the waters of our lives into wine, so our lives have color, the color of Your Love.” Amen.

A big hug in Jesus Christ

Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Catholic tragedy


St. John the Baptist called members of the old Church “vipers” (Matthew 3:7), he also warned them about the impeding judgment coming for their heads; Jesus called pharisees “whitewashed graves” (Matthew 23:27), “sons of the devil” (John 8:44), “hypocrites” (Matthew 23:13), St Peter implied the pharisees were murderers (Acts 4:8-12), St Paul called the high priest “whitewashed wall” (Acts 23:3).

Throughout salvation’s history, telling the truth to the people of God is imperative in order for souls to know the dangers coming from the children of the devil, those who undermined Jesus salvation message.

The goal of each Apostle or priest, is to fulfilled our Lord’s command and preach the message of salvation to all corners of the world, but today it is hard to distinguish the truth coming from our own priests because they are more preoccupied in pushing the world’s beautiful lies proclaimed by their own leadership.

Tragedy falls on us when priests don’t do what they promised our Lord they would, as strange teachings have been pouring down from the top for more than 10 years. I remember back in the day when many catholic priests and personalities used to wonder constantly about Francis “intentions” despite him undermining the very core of what Christians do, evangelization, when he demonized such as nonsense to the point the Vatican declared Jews shouldn’t be evangelized anymore.

Apostles proselytized, in other words, evangelized that Jesus is the ONLY way to get saved (Acts 4:12); we know Jesus IS the only way to Almighty Father, despite that Bergoglio made the Vatican available to thieves and robbers, it’s not just the Pachamama incident, it is the persistence of preaching and doing something different from what our Lord taught us.

We see a clear attack on tradition, a real denial on Jesus commands, a discard to what the prophets taught for an Oprah style worldly “all people get salvation” through whatever religion and then explain to the whole catholic world, religion is embraced by “attraction”, not because of Jesus.

Jesus told us falseness is seen through the person’s own fruits and having the nerve to pin every single problem of the Church on clericalism while you dress in white each day is rich, telling priests all over the world they should reject the bible by blessing gay unions as long they don’t call it marriage and how all religions are a  path to God is straight up apostasy, yet the silence from priests on such departure from Catholic teaching is the greatest tragedy the Catholic Church has ever suffered.

We have entire countries of laity fallen away, 80%+ of Catholics don’t believe in the real presence of God in the Eucharist, you see just hundreds mass goers in some places when it should’ve been thousands in European countries and some areas in the USA, priests are constantly leaving the herd to the wind, gay masses and permissiveness, for example look popular Bishop now soon to be cardinal Ambo David from the Philippines, who with his bishop buddies did not condemn the blessing of gay couples, on the contrary they embraced fiducia from hell.

Now his excellency, for doing such “service” to the false church is now being awarded with the position of cardinal. People have a problem when you call out anyone due to their own rotten fruits the very names the Apostles and Jesus used, I mean, calling Francis vulgar names is not good, but when you look into the fruits, we have to repeat what our Lord said on false prophets: “…by their fruits you shall know them.” So yes, Francis is a false prophet and no true pope can be such a persistent false one.

Francis will die some day and after it happens, NOBODY will be surprised if we get solid data on him being a freemason like we did with archbishop Carlo Maria Martini, YET the silence from our clergy is so amazing, I mean, we all knew how he undermined Catholicism before reaching the throne of St. Peter, how he was PR’ed by the antichurch at the conclave (St. Gallen mafia), the constant buddy-buddy love with communism and atheism which all popes of the past fought so hard, it’s disheartening.

Silence is rampant inside our Church on such clear-cut departure from Jesus teachings and His prophets, few clergy and prestige catholic leaders when they do hit on this, they do indirectly by calling out the fruits, NEVER calling the viper a viper, whitewashed tomb or false prophet, it has become in my eyes and some others as the most profound tragedy Catholicism has ever faced since the days of martyrdom at the Roman coliseum, and yes, perdition is worse than the most gruesome death.

“…Woe to me if I don’t preach the Gospel.” 1 Cor 9:16

The ONLY door to Almighty Father IS Jesus, there’s NO other way, priests should know better, as a matter of fact, they do know better but most prefer to reject our Lord, they choose the world over the Truth, the Life and the Way… Our Lord doesn’t applaud them or click likes, He prefers persecution out of doing what He commanded His priests to do… Did Jesus say Pachamama or Baal (the abortion industry) are the way?

Priests are not calling the source of beautiful lies and rampant apostasy as viper or false prophet, and this man is rewarding whomever do his bad fruits bidding into high places, 111 cardinals he has elevated and none of them are denouncing him, on the contrary, either by their word or silence they do praise him.

The bible tells us apostasy needs to happen in order for our Lord to comeback (2 Thes 2:3), but this silent tragedy by priests and catholic leaders transcend everywhere, the world, Heaven and hell; while disappointment throughout Heaven is felt, demons cheer in hell.

Will anyone? Will any priest do what the entire generations throughout the Catholic ages died doing? Or perhaps they will continue with their silence while the Eucharist continues to be given to the unrepentant, many goes ahead and bless gay couples and preach any religion is good.

Do Bergoglio cares? No, he doesn’t believe at all, he has NEVER preached Jesus as the only way to God, that shows you right there how clear his intentions are.

“Lord, let us cowards embrace the grace of bravery, let us denounce strange teachings from the children of the devil, allow us to honor You and Your beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ by doing Your Commands. Jesus, increase our faith, be with us, never leave us in the wilderness alone, defend us from the false prophets and let priests return to Your fold.” Amen


Remain faithful my brethren…

A big hug in Jesus Christ.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Something is about happen

Lazarus came out from the crypt, yet those who saw him rise wanted him dead… What about the son of the widow? And the daughter of Jairus? Despite all of this and more, the people who welcomed Him as the Son of David with joy, raising and waiving palms in the air chanting: “Hosanna in the highest!” Turn around and cried out crucify Him!

After Jesus died, the feeling amongst those people was like if, the end arrived, the dead were rising up, the very foundations of the earth were shaken, BUT… Did anyone believe later on? The Apostles were running and hiding, they feared for their lives, they weren’t thinking about sensing how faith was amongst the Jews, but sensing from what transpired, people later on went about their lives like nothing happened.

That same degree of cold-hearted indifference is found with the same people who saw Egypt’s plagues and how Almighty Father lead them through the wilderness with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night… The frigid and solid hearts of men eclipsed the sweet Mercy of God given to them, the opportunity to humbled themselves and embrace His Love was sided as most prefer the ways of the world. So please…

The DAY IS COMING, when God once more show His sweet Mercy upon the world, will let all men know He is God.

“Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of Heaven, with power and great glory.” Matthew 24:30

SOMETHING is coming, God is making this happen, humanity has mocked Him way too much, they are erasing His Word as we speak, they’re eclipsing His Teachings, disregarding His Commandments, despite that, His Love for all men is way too great, His Mercy is that profound… Jesus sign (The cross), will emerge in the skies for ALL to see, all will know He is God, and then… Yes, notice those 2 words by Matthew: and then…

Those 2 Holy words sound to me as some time will pass by, the Warning and the illumination of conscience will happen and time will pass for everything else to happen: The enemies to disregard such as nothing, the stoppage of the Eucharist, the abomination of desolation and the reveal of the antichrist.

So the warning and the Illumination of conscience they’re about to happen, but some are skeptical on both of them despite both prophesied by saints and also, it comes up in the lips of Jesus when He spoke the parable of the bridesmaids, the maids are woken by a warning: “The groom is coming…”, then all the bridesmaids who woke up KNEW the level of oil their lamps had, the unprepared didn’t had any oil, the prepared weren’t afraid to be left out.

The Bridesmaids were all sleeping and they all got woken up at the SAME time, they all HEARD the voice, they all KNEW who the groom was and so… the level of oil. How many times during your lives you go to sleep and woke up immediately prepared for all things? They ALL heard, they ALL knew, they ALL saw.

SOMETHING big is coming, the time for humanity to humble themselves is upon us… GET READY!

NOW, after this miracle of Divine Mercy, the enemies of God will combat the Warning and the Illumination of conscience with silly arguments and levels of hypocrisy like they always do, people will take the bait because of their rock-solid hearts, like most funerals, people will cry that day, but the next day life’s goes on, priests will either fold or find courage and renew their vows to fight the world.

Talking about the warning and the illumination of conscience is a big red flag for Catholics who promote it, most people love to hear the “story” for a little bit, but won’t CHANGE their wicked lives accordingly. With a false prophet as pope, who, in many ways and levels have shown he is an enemy of Jesus but people prefer to disregard his heresies; this man minions will fight tooth and nails all of it now and then, I mean, they have been doing it for decades… Why the children of the devil would stop?

All the prophecies are happening RIGHT NOW before our very eyes with both the Vatican and the Jews in relation with the world, while the Bergoglio’s Vatican are REJECTING thousands of years of Catholic teaching and Jesus own words, Israel is surrounded by enemies, which by today were being hammered by Jewish military.

Before the reveal of the antichrist, the warning and the illumination of conscience will happen, both will be quickly explained by the enemies of God as natural occurrence and not from Divine origin, the apostasy will continue rampant by the false church and people will throw away this Divine Mercy miracle from God, I mean, if the most amazing Divine Mercy miracle of all time (The Eucharist), has been cast aside every day for ages and ages… Can you imagine how this miracle will not be too?

We have someone at the top contradicting Catholic faith every single day, souls have fallen away and got confused over his beautiful lies, yet, people continue their lives like nothing is going on, but God let us know this beforehand through His prophets, because He loves us.

PREPARED YOURSELVES, go to the Eucharist while still the Lord, because the Holy Sacrifice will be taken away fulfilling Daniel’s prophecy on the Eucharist being stopped (Daniel 12:11), pray the Rosary, repair/amend, remain faithful until the end. (It would be wise to stock up some food for your families as well).

Brace for what’s coming, be prepared… OUR LORD WILL NOT LEAVE US ALONE, we belong to Him, even if the antichurch excommunicate us! Jesus will have our backs, He will lead the way.

“Jesus, give us Your Mercy, come into my heart, though, I don’t know how to open such doors, so please my Lord, take control… Let me dissolve into Your Mercy and let me be Yours, forever.” Amen.


A big hug in Jesus Christ

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Truths Catholics don’t want to hear


St Jerome once said, only 10 out 100,000 Catholics enter Heaven. Totally true, most of us (me included), we’re working towards either purgatory or hell (sadly), our efforts are not achieving the extra mile to become saints, purgatory a place we shouldn’t try to go to, all of our plans should be to go straight up to Heaven, letting Jesus and His Father make the Impossible possible, but is true most Catholics are not trying to become saints.

·         Most Catholics don’t even know what the brown scapular is, I remember a lady in the Church asking my mother if I was a deacon because she saw my scapular on me; sadly, she’s not alone.

·         Those who know what the brown scapular is don’t wear them and if they do, THEY MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES MOST DO, they wear the scapular inside their clothes, I mean, according to our Blessed Mother, the scapular IS A SIGN OF SALVATION… Question: Do signs are visible while covered? Signs are meant to be SEEN, it will not be seen if it is inside your clothes, the scapular not only needs you to strive in a path of holiness it is a sign and signs are displayed, like the first Christians did, it is supposed to let the world know you are a devout follower of our Blessed Lady, and worshiper of Her Son.

·         Another mistake people do (about the brown scapular), they don’t let a priest pray the Carmelite prayers and impose the scapular upon you.

·         Maria of Divine Mercy, a seer who warned Catholics 1 year before it happened, how true pope Benedict XVI was going to be cast out (Benedict resigned a year later) and Francis was the false prophet (and his fruits have shown he is); Maria was framed by false witnesses and people tuned out on her prophecies, but Francis prove her right and those of us who knew her, watched how some false witnesses did a number on her in the news and social media, like the pharisees did with our Lord presenting false witnesses.

·         Francis is an antipope, it is easy to see due to his fruits, he has proclaimed to the whole world he isn’t catholic, he doesn’t believe. There’s a reason why he said he doesn’t believe in a catholic God, a reason why he said Sundays is for the family, a reason why in more than a decade he has bended his knees a couple of times before the Eucharist while giving many excuses why he doesn’t kneel, but surely prostrates many times in front of politicians, Muslims, gays while kissing or washing their feet.

·         Francis never teaches about hell because he doesn’t believe it exists.

·         Francis doesn’t believe in the immaculate conception, so following that logic, Lourdes is nothing to him, but Medjugorje is a true apparition because such speaks about how God embraces all religions, the same hellish nonsense he has proclaim many times.

·         Bishops are no where to be found about defending the faith, many nation’s bishops have embraced the heretical gay proclamation of Francis (fiducia supplicans) as valid (Philippines is one example of many).

·         Francis has denied the Catholic teachings so many times, souls have been lost due to his apostasy and worldly cheerleading… How many people will embrace Catholicism after the supreme leader of Catholics says “all religions are good?”

·         Francis has been anathemized due to his depart from Catholicism.

·         Some Catholics love to swallow our Lord in the Eucharist, which is wrong, the definition of the word Jesus Himself used is EAT, swallowing is a part of the process of eating, our Lord never said swallow, He says EAT, He wants you to, now I understand swallowing the Eucharist has become in a way a tradition for some, but such tradition is not rooted in the bible, it is cute but I realize some have scandalized when noting some people motion their mandibles for eating.

·         Vatican II is not popular in Heaven, but it is another walk to Golgotha, it is my understanding Vatican II allowed the chaff to become proud of being who they are and eventually, bit by bit, the chaff have shown themselves for all to see, this anti-pontificate allows them to thrive.

·         No great saint has been born into the world after the start of Vatican II, remember, born AFTER 1959 when it was announced (NO mother Theresa was born in 1910 an JPII in 1920), the key here is after 1959; we had martyrs and perhaps some saints, but NO great saints. Notice there’s a difference between St Francis of Assisi and St Hippolytus, or St Martin de Porres and Fray Leon of Assisi. (Now, each person who is in Heaven is a saint, but not in the same stature of some saints or great saints).

·         No true pope can be a false prophet, no false prophet can be true pope. Right now, the wheel has been taken over by Heaven, and here on earth, the freemasons are at the top ruining the faith of many, be careful.

·         Most priests don’t even know what persecution is, let alone the desire to become martyrs, the only desire by most is for celebration of themselves, the applause and becoming friends of the world.

·         Communists are being protected by the Vatican reign, communities in Nicaragua are being dismantled by the regime and nothing is said by anyone, the Venezuela regime are friends with the antipope and China’s demands are done like commandments by the Vatican and Christians suffer the antichrist agenda.


What can you expect when a popular false prophet/antipope is on top, silent bishops roam wild and cafeteria Catholics celebrate anti-Catholicism, I mean, 80% of Catholics don’t believe in the presence of our Lord in the Eucharist (that % is also true for clergy), so yes, it is a sad time to be a Catholic, but the Apostles and prophets said this would happen. PLEASE… REMAIN FAITHFUL, despite the blatant omission and silence of the bishops, the nastiness coming out from the mouth of the false prophet, and don’t be saddened by perhaps the future excommunication of the few who are proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ inside the one true faith our Catholic Church.

“Lord, the heat coming from the sun gets me at all sides, the sand is hot, no green anywhere, only mirages here and there promoting falseness, PLEASE, be my water, caress me with Your Love, cool me down, don’t allow me to falter and let Your angels take me soon enough before the enemy comes, help Your Church, don’t let anyone be deceived, don’t let anyone follow beautiful lies preached by the false teachers, REMIND your priests of their promise, let them once again desire to please You, remind them how sweet would be martyrdom while professing the faith.” Amen


A big hug in Jesus Christ


Sunday, September 15, 2024

IF you ask for Mercy be prepared for also for Justice


St. Thomas Aquinas once taught: “Divine Mercy without Justice is the mother of dissolution”; and it is dissolution we find anywhere in the Church, from traditionalists preaching novus ordo goers are cafeteria Catholics, from novus ordo goers being so omissive and permissive hurting our Lord’s Heart, but also heretics calling all the shots and people taking the bait.

Whose fault, is it? Priests… There is no doubt in my mind, heart and soul we are living in a dream composed by freemasons and enemies of the Church and priests are allowing it.

When some of us started down the path of trying to teach about Divine Mercy, I personally found a dilemma, in which, (and I know most people who taught Divine Mercy found the same): Priests were teaching Divine Mercy has nothing to do with Divine Justice, when both come from the same source: Divine Love, in other word, God.

I remember talking with a priest about the monstrosity of today and he basically told me, priests nowadays ARE trying to build bridges of friendship, they were out and about like fairies making friends.

Then, the mother of my children told me one time that I wasn’t preaching Mercy but Judging people way too much, sadly, she wouldn’t budge when I tried to explain to her Mercy and Justice always are balancing each other, one cannot go alone without the other, one goes were the other goes and that showed me a truth: IF YOU ASK FOR MERCY, BE PREPARED FOR JUSTICE AS WELL, but priests are making friends.

Justice can come in the form of amending your wrongs, reparations, there’s NO doubt, whoever asks for Mercy has a better chance IF they’re SINCERE, and being sincere within your soul is about abandonment at His Feet, knowing you don’t deserve His Mercy and the resolve you put about personal CHANGE, repentance goes a long way this way and true repentance always demands reparation and amendments in your life, this is a form of Justice.

CHANGE, something that Justice demands so much, not all Justice have to be with fire coming down from the Heavens, but it sure is difficult when your life goes through the obstacles you yourself created and also allow the world to make it difficult for you to overcome.

We have many people complicating Divine Mercy, to the point that part of the laity navigates in oceans of falsities, false mercy, one example could be most people don’t believe God will punish the wicked due to His Mercy… How many friends did the Lord made while whipping the Jews hard for their money hunger ways inside the Temple? Yet the clergy is concentrated in kissing the ring of the devil by celebrating sin as the most wonderful thing.

Complicating things is this apostate pope, he is leading the charge in the beautiful lies department to the point of clear apostasy and most priests look the other way and follow the leader on the path of lies dressed beautifully as truth; some because they don’t care, some because they don’t believe, others because they are afraid of losing their jobs, when the truth is: IT’S NOT A JOB BUT A VOCATION, A PROMISE, they swore to drink the chalice our Lord took, but they prefer to be safe for now, it’ll be sad when our Lord judges them and the apologies will no longer function.

It is true, priests are judge way harder than the common people, but… they’re supposed to know better (Please let’s pray for them).

I remember talking to a very popular priest in the Philippines, asked him about such rampant apostasy from Francis and his response was shocking: “This is the fault of those around him, it is not him.” If there’s a word for singling out the evil deeds on the executives and not the CEO, please let me know, but the buck stops with heretic number one: Francis.

Telling all the Catholics around the world priests should bless gay couples, and now solidify his Abu Dhabi apostasy by saying all religions ARE a way to God. I remember his excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider trying Francis to take back such horrendous contradiction to our Lord’s teaching, in which Jesus said no one goes to the Father except through Him and now, Francis confirms what we all knew then that poor Bishop Schneider didn’t, Francis is delighted on being of the world, he doesn’t believe in catholic teachings, even though, once in a blue moon he could proclaim it, he is an apostate and delighted to be so, because he doesn’t actually believe.

Yet, people will look the other way, priests mostly… it is a sad time to be Catholic, but it’s a promise our Lord made, the Church will not be destroyed, but sure is taking a beating from the inside.

This generation of priests no longer teach on sound teaching, they prefer the applaud of the world, BUT nevertheless, we must remain faithful despite the desert being so hard on us.

“My Lord, I ask Your sweet Divine Mercy for all Christians as all of us are being plunge in strange teachings, false Mercy and heresies left and right; give the proper tools to your servants the priests, shield them with courage to rise up against the worldliness inside the Church. I pray for those who have turn their backs on You my Lord, I pray for their souls, not their evil intentions. Let your people embrace truth once again, as truth is Mercy and also Justice. Amen”


A big hug in Jesus Christ

Friday, August 16, 2024

Coredemptrix of nations



Coredeemer of all nations, I bless You…

Eternal Morning, Glorious Light, Joyful Song in Sion.


Glorious Mother… Beautiful and Lovely!

In your Arms I want to nap…

Until I wake up in God’s Arms.

Precious Mother… Beautiful and Lovely!

In your Arms I want to nap…

Until I wake up in God’s Arms.


Coredeemer of all nations, show us thy Son.

Blessed Fruit of your Womb, our Salvation.


Glorious Mother… Beautiful and Lovely!

In your Arms I want to nap…

Until I wake up in God’s Arms.

Precious Mother… Beautiful and Lovely!

In your Arms I want to nap…

Until I wake up in God’s Arms.



Millions of hugs in Jesus Christ. Amen

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Francis is a liar


Telling the Truth about our Lord in a confused world IS an act of Mercy, so let me tell you the truth about the future, the only future the devil can see is his complete and devastating defeat, yet he doesn’t stop, he doesn’t relent and pass his defeat into the people ruining whoever takes the bait.

People of God are critical to withstand such darkness: priests, nuns, deacons, lay people who would let grace flow through them into you when you are at your weakest, one word of courage is enough to lift you up, because it is NOT them, it is the Lord working through them.

What mercy can you find in the following Francis statement: “Jesus didn’t multiply the loaves and fish with magic, what really happened was the flour and oil of the widow never end”, the problem about such statement is, it casts doubt into our Lord’s Divinity, if Jesus didn’t multiply the loaves and fish for almost 30,000 people, then He isn’t God.

What mercy can you find in the following Christmas speech: “Nobody is born a saint, they are made, and this is true also for them (Mary and Joseph)”, if Mary wasn’t born as the immaculate conception, then Jesus found sin her uterus, therefore He isn’t God, his Divinity again is in doubt.

What kind of mercy would you find in the following declaration: “All religions are well viewed by God”, if that declaration is true, then Jesus is not needed to get to the Father, so Jesus saying “nobody goes to the Father except through me”, would be nothing but a lie, again eclipsing His Divinity.

Where do you find God in the following mandate: “All gay couples and irregular couples should be blessed by priests.”

There isn’t Divine Mercy in any of those above, no respect for the revealed Truth; I mean, there’s a reason why in ALL of Francis reign seating in St. Peter’s Throne, he NEVER has declared to the world that Jesus IS God, there’s a reason Francis always have an excuse when he doesn’t kneel before Jesus in the Eucharist, but sure kneels with haste at the feet of men.

Another thing is persecuting traditionalists, pointing the finger to good Catholics and mocking catholic traditions, eclipsing religious life and proclaiming people will “integrate” or kneel to his (false) power… more than ever it’s time to resist such a false prophet and therefore antipope.

We shouldn’t obey men if it is while sacrificing God’s sweet Mercy… His Divine Mercy open doors for our spiritual growth, it also opens the door of Heaven for those who actively kneel to it, His Mercy is the sole reason why purgatory exists, Divine Mercy is nothing but the right arm of Divine Love, since God is Love and Truth is in it, eclipsing revealed Truth isn’t Mercy.

Why would Francis stand by baby killers? Because they are against God… Why would he ever open his office and friendship to atheists and Homosexuals? Because both reject God, please, don’t think it is a beautiful thing what he is doing, it sure looks beautiful, but beauty is deadly if there’s no truth in it… Could you please tell me the story of any atheist converting due to Francis fruits? Can you please tell me about any gays embracing chastity or a trans not being a trans? Exactly.

Most priests what they do in their homilies is to speak directly about such beautiful lies proclaimed by Francis, BUT won’t denounce the liar, this is a big problem, people don’t mind about the pope, I mean, who would go to their homes thinking about the pope when most governments are trying hard to destroy Christianity by any means.

Christians in France, Canada, UK, Spain, Australia (to give a few examples), are in the process to become 3rd string citizens like in China… Communists countries can do whatever they want, because they don’t believe Jesus is God, they don’t believe in God, they believe in falseness, look how the president of Nicaragua, Daniel Noriega came back to power, his slogan was “love”… similarities?

Francis has spoken more against traditionalists than communists, on the contrary, Francis has treated communists like family… but again, most Christians don’t think about the pope in their daily lives, and priests don’t preach about the liar at the top of the Vatican.

When the Olympics started mocking Christians, antipope Francis took 8 days to say through the Vatican that he was saddened about such a horrendous and satanic mockery of our Lord, but if he was so saddened... Then why he replied right away to gay promoter James Martin about how happy he was about cardinal Gregory celebrating a gay mass? Sad but happy about the same thing: mockery of our Lord (a gay mass is mockery).

Francis says in his latest interview, “traditionalists will yield”; all traditionalists are not in the same mind that pope Pious XII was the last pope as Francis says… Who cares if some think that way? I mean, Lutherans don’t recognize the authority of the pope and yet Francis treats them like rockstars. Novus Ordo, the Catechumenal way, Coptic, Orthodox ALL have the Eucharist, they all have the Lord, they cherish most of the Truth, unlike Francis.

Traditionalists aren’t throwing Molotov bombs into those catholic churches mentioned, they’re not trying to kill Muslims, or paint novus ordo churches with graffiti, they are trying to work their salvation with fear and tremble; Novus Ordo is WAY too permissive, yes, WAY too abusive towards our Lord, open to all things eclipsing what’s central: Christ.

There’s a reason why most Eucharist miracles in the last 60 plus years are found in Novus Ordo churches, a Eucharist miracle is both a tale of Divine Mercy and Divine Justice, Mercy towards those who need to see to believe, Justice because it shows EVERYONE the lack of faith… How many Eucharist miracles have happened since Vatican II in the Latin mass and how many in the Novus Ordo? See?

Traditionalists need to remain faithful to the Catholic traditions, they need to stand their ground despite persecution… The world is trying hard for one traditionalist to lose their minds and go in a shooting spree, that’s why they are push the hardest, they hate them because they love their Lord, this is why Francis hate them so much, it is not because they are breaking the “togetherness” of the Church, or because they want novus ordo Catholics to “convert” to the old ways, it sure would be nice, but it’s because they love the Lord and if you love Him, those of the devil hates them.

Francis hate is evident, his apostasy is more than obvious, even novus ordo people have seen him as a false prophet and therefore antipope, but prefer not to actively tell people because they don’t want to go against the stream, they have their lives to think about, most don’t want to be shunned.

What Francis do to those who openly say the truth about his falseness? Those priests are persecuted and canceled one way or the other, in my case, the world and his minions labeled me a religious nut, lost my family and friends, became in the eyes of the world a loser, I don’t care, don’t even care that in a little office at the Vatican my lowly name and others are bounce around, screening everything we say online about false prophet Francis.

My sole purpose is to satisfy my Lord (even though I’m unworthy), Who told me to tell the whole world about His Mercy and His Mercy is to say the Truth: NO homosexual will enter Heaven unless they embrace Jesus and deny their flesh, NO atheists will enter Heaven due to their unbelief, NO other way can take you to the Father only Jesus can, ALL religions need to convert to Catholicism and the best way to grow in faith is through Jesus and the traditions laid down by the Apostles and our Patriarchs, NOT by beautiful lies by false prophets.

Divine Mercy and Divine Justice comes from the same place: Love and God is Love, God doesn’t celebrate sin like Francis wants you to believe, Jesus will not save anyone who doesn’t want to be saved, hell is for those who wants to go there, please open your eyes, Francis is a liar and good one, Bergoglio wants your damnation and ruin… Why? Because he doesn’t believe… if he doesn’t believe Jesus is the only way, that’s why mocking Jesus isn’t a problem for him.

If you know you’re being lied to, you wouldn’t accept the lie, but when the lie comes from a trustworthy source, as the lie sounds beautiful and no one is disputing it, then it’s hard for the little ones not to be confused and embrace it… OPEN your eyes, Francis is a liar, he doesn’t believe Jesus is God, let alone the only way to get saved, God will not save anyone who rejects Him.

Again, open your eyes, Judas is here, an antipope talks to you from the top and such false prophet talks sweet. PLEASE REMAIN FAITHFUL AND RESIST.

A big hug in Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Who is the pope right now


Who is the pope right now? That is a good question, I mean, us Catholics live like if we don’t have one, but we do, France with the Olympics mocks our Lord and Maduro in Venezuela tricks the common-sense world, while Christians crave a voice from ANY Shepherd in such confusing and dark times and too few can be found, but no pope speaks.

Again… is there a valid pope we can rely on? The answer is NO. There are no men on earth that has the keys of Heaven, nor the authority right now, there is only a false pope on top, the evidence is out there for anyone to see.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the first ever to reach St Peter’s throne while being excommunicated multiple times, one for being a communist and the other for being a freemason, there’s ample evidence of this out there, he actually boasted about his ties to communism, in Argentina many people knew about his ties with freemasonry, but let’s forget about all that, just forget it… if he was a true priest, a true catholic, a true Bishop let alone pope, his actions would’ve speak for him clearly, his fruits would’ve told another story, yet he has walked the path of the anathemized for a very long time as his fruits speak.

Francis detested traditionalists way back when he was an Argentinian Bishop, he persecuted whoever was in his way, he went against magisterium time and time and again for the sake of the world, and the antichurch movement proselytized his rise into the Vatican even before Benedict XVI got elected, the St. Gallen mafia did this for him, gaining another excommunication on top of the others cementing his anathema.

Those who were scared for their jobs praise the new Bishop in Rome, hailing him like a saint and a breath of fresh air, false prophets everywhere celebrated their hero, now there’s no time to waste, the chaff no longer needs to work in the shadows, no more evangelizing other false religions – we are all friends, every Bishop should resign by age 75 pushing his enemies out and have his minions in (Cupich is one example of many), synods galore to open the door for their agenda.

Gay priests took courage after the infamous “who am I to judge”, Franciscans could be seen in gay parades welcoming the unrepentant, his friends celebrating the “gifts” from gay people and how the church should be open to them, bishops could be heard telling their flock: “homosexuality could be holy” and celebrating gay mass showing their openness to abomination.

Heaven knew about all of this coming? Sure, right after that lightning hit the Vatican when Benedict announced his “resignation”, white smoke coming out exactly at 7:06 (6:66) and fast moving forward to the proclamation of fiducia supplicans in December 2023 (I don’t believe in coincidences), lightning stroke a St. Peter statue holding the keys of Heaven in Argentina, both the halo and the keys were destroyed but the statue remained unharmed (no longer holy, no longer it had the keys).

Today it’s been a week since France and the Olympics mocked our Lord Jesus, yet Jorge Mario Bergoglio chose to congratulate gay promoter James Martin, telling him how “happy” he was another false prophet, cardinal Gregory, was scheduled to celebrate mass for their gay conference.

Petrus Romanus is NOT Francis, right now on earth we don’t have a pope, Petrus Romanus is Apostle Peter who reigns the true Church from Heaven, sadly, the false church runs everything else. Heaven is happy we are embracing our faith and not following the rule of those who celebrate sin. So, NO… Bergoglio isn’t the pope, he is the destroyer prophesied by revelations and St. Francis of Assisi, the one preparing the way for the antichrist and his fruits speak loudly, unfortunately, high ranking prelates will not say anything now, they will once he is gone, but his fruits will linger for a bit, as his minions have been promoted and are proud of his work, they are truly happy to be the chaff.

This is why Vigano was correct to say Francis couldn’t pencil him a heretic because the heretic has been Bergoglio since long, so there is NO pope but our dear St. Peter in Heaven… Do you remember what St. Peter said when the corrupted top of the Church was in his face back then?

“We must obey God rather than men”. Acts 5:29

God doesn’t make mistakes, we do, if I’m mistaken about Francis then… How is it that his fruits speak ill of him all the time? Saying our Holy Mother wasn’t born sinless, saying our Lord did not multiply the loaves and fish is just small sample size compared with the adoration of Pachamama in the Vatican, the blessing of gay unions and irregular couples, and the proclamation of “all religions are good in the eyes of God”, his fruits show nothing but apostasy.

Apostasy runs deep in this man’s bones, this is why he doesn’t care about being excommunicated or being anathemized, I mean, he doesn’t really believe… There’s a reason he kneels before men and not Jesus most of the time, there’s a reason he doesn’t believe in hell; so NO, there is no pope here on earth, only Petrus Romanus in Heaven, please, open your eyes remain faithful and resist.

“Dear Lord, help me remain in my faith, help become one with You, please allow me to be Yours, don’t leave me alone in this storm, help me in my hour of need, I am not worthy of You I know, but have Mercy on my soul, have Mercy on my love ones and have Mercy on my Church.” Amen


A big hug in Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Mockery is hate


In the 3 years our Lord preached His good news, not even 1 time He mocked the hypocrites, the sinners or the pagans. Why do the world constantly mocked Christians? Because mocking them is easy as they don’t love, mockery is something the world uses not for fun or humor, it’s hate… What we saw in France, the mockery of the new covenant of Jesus comes easy to them because they hate our Lord.

He who gave His life for many (not all), found that same mockery all the way to His death, as they laughed, cheered, clapped and celebrated His crucifixion, the same way France did while this was happening.

St. Theresa Benedicta of the cross (Edith Stein), said the following: “Do not accept anything that lacks love and do not accept anything as love that lacks truth. One without the other is a destructive lie.”

We understand how the Top of our Church is pushing destruction on us in the name of “mercy” and acceptance of others, despite the lack of preaching or demanding repentance, that is what the saint speaks about love with no truth in it, in other words, the Top preaches false mercy and as I have been telling people, ANY kind of Mercy (false or Divine), it attracts souls, false mercy will destroy them while Divine Mercy will lead them to the Lord.

Now, let’s analyze the ways of the world a bit, in this case mockery, please bear with me…

This French mockery was done on purpose, they wanted scandal, as scandal is the way the world loves to ruin souls, anyways, this WAS rehearsed, there’s NO way it was coincidence, but they claim INCLUSIVITY as their goal, so everyone must take it, because if not then the real bigot is you.

We have 2.2 billion Christians, whom most will compromise sadly, after all, it is sports, legends and glory for a nation to reach gold will be told for ages; Christians will still watch, after all, 80 to 90% of us are lukewarm or modernly said, cafeteria Catholics, I mean, Dodgers fans still watch their team despite ridiculing the Catholic Church with their trans nuns a while ago, no one now remembers.

Now, did the top condemn the Olympics? Some will say something here and there and then turn the page, a real pope would’ve stop in his two feet and urge all Catholics to flee from the Olympics, sadly we do have a false prophet on the very top, as a matter of fact some Bishops actually love it. Anyways, we have 1.2 billion atheists and that number is a bit misleading because it’s more, as many Chinese go to the communist party “catholic” church in China, atheists will love the mockery to our Lord, Muslims will cheer too and Jews will agree with it, no need to speak about other false religions.

This mockery was done on purpose alright, even if  they deny it, most Gays all around the will clap on this… eventually this Olympic games will be sadly watched, most ratings will come from Christians who don’t care, so that is my analysis, but I do want to make the most principal point: mockery doesn’t come from Jesus, it doesn’t come from God, this is not a silly humor scene, this is the way of the world, then why, oh why? Do Catholics love to mock their adversaries?

Most cartoons about false prophet Francis are a mockery, not a piece of humor, we are falling into their hands, as not only “cartoons” of false Francis and mediocre Bishops are found out there, even our Catholic leaders love to do it, I’ll ask again: Did our Lord EVER mocked His adversaries? Did Mons. Vigano (the only high prelate telling us about the falseness coming from the top), has he ever mocked the top? Did any saint ever mocked their adversaries?

Look, you could say a little bit of humor helps… right? But NOT if souls are on the line, humor and mockery aren’t the same, one wants to make you laugh without ridiculing another soul, mockery won’t save souls, actually it could ruin them, in a sense, mockery IS a form of bullying.

Mockery comes from anti-humility and without humility, NO one can enter Heaven, we all NEED to realize that we are working our salvation with fear and tremble and mockery won’t help anyone achieve those goals, mockery will not help you to become a saint, so ask the Lord for humility, you don’t need to be taught humility in purgatory.

Again, did Jesus ever mock His adversaries? Did ANY saint? Even Apostles never mocked Judas, not even Jesus… I ask the question as many Catholics mock false prophet Francis, his minions and mediocre Bishops ALL the time… they shouldn’t! That only shows about us, we aren’t working to become saints, we are doing the same thing the world does, we are falling into a worldly trap, which has two outcomes: hell or purgatory, which our Lord told us NOT to work for, He told us to strive to go through the narrow door and such door requires HUMILITY… How can you embrace humility with and anti-humility thing like mockery? If mockery is your tool ask the Lord for healing, go to confession and change.

While France was plotting to do such blasphemy to please the world and its master; our Lord showed the French and the world a sign of His Divine Mercy, when a blackout covered a good chunk of Paris the Basilica of the Sacred Heart was shining with light, the same Sacred Heart the world chooses to mock every year in June with its homosexual “pride.”

My brethren, making “fun” of those who are false will only gain hearts of stone, so please stay away from it and stay away from the things of this world, the Olympics have chosen their side since long (I’m not talking about the athletes), they have chosen the devil and the world, you shouldn’t watch these games, but most will, because sadly we are working towards hell or purgatory, not to become saints.

Remain faithful despite the destruction from the top, strive to become saints in these dark times, seek humility, tell the truth with love always.


A big hug in Jesus Christ. Amen