Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Catholic tragedy


St. John the Baptist called members of the old Church “vipers” (Matthew 3:7), he also warned them about the impeding judgment coming for their heads; Jesus called pharisees “whitewashed graves” (Matthew 23:27), “sons of the devil” (John 8:44), “hypocrites” (Matthew 23:13), St Peter implied the pharisees were murderers (Acts 4:8-12), St Paul called the high priest “whitewashed wall” (Acts 23:3).

Throughout salvation’s history, telling the truth to the people of God is imperative in order for souls to know the dangers coming from the children of the devil, those who undermined Jesus salvation message.

The goal of each Apostle or priest, is to fulfilled our Lord’s command and preach the message of salvation to all corners of the world, but today it is hard to distinguish the truth coming from our own priests because they are more preoccupied in pushing the world’s beautiful lies proclaimed by their own leadership.

Tragedy falls on us when priests don’t do what they promised our Lord they would, as strange teachings have been pouring down from the top for more than 10 years. I remember back in the day when many catholic priests and personalities used to wonder constantly about Francis “intentions” despite him undermining the very core of what Christians do, evangelization, when he demonized such as nonsense to the point the Vatican declared Jews shouldn’t be evangelized anymore.

Apostles proselytized, in other words, evangelized that Jesus is the ONLY way to get saved (Acts 4:12); we know Jesus IS the only way to Almighty Father, despite that Bergoglio made the Vatican available to thieves and robbers, it’s not just the Pachamama incident, it is the persistence of preaching and doing something different from what our Lord taught us.

We see a clear attack on tradition, a real denial on Jesus commands, a discard to what the prophets taught for an Oprah style worldly “all people get salvation” through whatever religion and then explain to the whole catholic world, religion is embraced by “attraction”, not because of Jesus.

Jesus told us falseness is seen through the person’s own fruits and having the nerve to pin every single problem of the Church on clericalism while you dress in white each day is rich, telling priests all over the world they should reject the bible by blessing gay unions as long they don’t call it marriage and how all religions are a  path to God is straight up apostasy, yet the silence from priests on such departure from Catholic teaching is the greatest tragedy the Catholic Church has ever suffered.

We have entire countries of laity fallen away, 80%+ of Catholics don’t believe in the real presence of God in the Eucharist, you see just hundreds mass goers in some places when it should’ve been thousands in European countries and some areas in the USA, priests are constantly leaving the herd to the wind, gay masses and permissiveness, for example look popular Bishop now soon to be cardinal Ambo David from the Philippines, who with his bishop buddies did not condemn the blessing of gay couples, on the contrary they embraced fiducia from hell.

Now his excellency, for doing such “service” to the false church is now being awarded with the position of cardinal. People have a problem when you call out anyone due to their own rotten fruits the very names the Apostles and Jesus used, I mean, calling Francis vulgar names is not good, but when you look into the fruits, we have to repeat what our Lord said on false prophets: “…by their fruits you shall know them.” So yes, Francis is a false prophet and no true pope can be such a persistent false one.

Francis will die some day and after it happens, NOBODY will be surprised if we get solid data on him being a freemason like we did with archbishop Carlo Maria Martini, YET the silence from our clergy is so amazing, I mean, we all knew how he undermined Catholicism before reaching the throne of St. Peter, how he was PR’ed by the antichurch at the conclave (St. Gallen mafia), the constant buddy-buddy love with communism and atheism which all popes of the past fought so hard, it’s disheartening.

Silence is rampant inside our Church on such clear-cut departure from Jesus teachings and His prophets, few clergy and prestige catholic leaders when they do hit on this, they do indirectly by calling out the fruits, NEVER calling the viper a viper, whitewashed tomb or false prophet, it has become in my eyes and some others as the most profound tragedy Catholicism has ever faced since the days of martyrdom at the Roman coliseum, and yes, perdition is worse than the most gruesome death.

“…Woe to me if I don’t preach the Gospel.” 1 Cor 9:16

The ONLY door to Almighty Father IS Jesus, there’s NO other way, priests should know better, as a matter of fact, they do know better but most prefer to reject our Lord, they choose the world over the Truth, the Life and the Way… Our Lord doesn’t applaud them or click likes, He prefers persecution out of doing what He commanded His priests to do… Did Jesus say Pachamama or Baal (the abortion industry) are the way?

Priests are not calling the source of beautiful lies and rampant apostasy as viper or false prophet, and this man is rewarding whomever do his bad fruits bidding into high places, 111 cardinals he has elevated and none of them are denouncing him, on the contrary, either by their word or silence they do praise him.

The bible tells us apostasy needs to happen in order for our Lord to comeback (2 Thes 2:3), but this silent tragedy by priests and catholic leaders transcend everywhere, the world, Heaven and hell; while disappointment throughout Heaven is felt, demons cheer in hell.

Will anyone? Will any priest do what the entire generations throughout the Catholic ages died doing? Or perhaps they will continue with their silence while the Eucharist continues to be given to the unrepentant, many goes ahead and bless gay couples and preach any religion is good.

Do Bergoglio cares? No, he doesn’t believe at all, he has NEVER preached Jesus as the only way to God, that shows you right there how clear his intentions are.

“Lord, let us cowards embrace the grace of bravery, let us denounce strange teachings from the children of the devil, allow us to honor You and Your beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ by doing Your Commands. Jesus, increase our faith, be with us, never leave us in the wilderness alone, defend us from the false prophets and let priests return to Your fold.” Amen


Remain faithful my brethren…

A big hug in Jesus Christ.