Saturday, December 30, 2023



What would be the #1 act of Divine Mercy given from God to each and every soul in all history of mankind? Jesus, hands down it is Jesus, the #2 would be our Holy Mother Mary, #3 would the Catholic Church and one that was there, even before they were born into this world, the #4 of all time, even before Moses (#5) … purgatory.

Purgatory is a place that none of us would want to go, as matter of fact, we should all strive to go directly to Heaven as saints, but, according to St Jerome, for each 100,000 Catholics only 10 enter Heaven, that information coming from the mouth of the saint are indeed frightening; in the beginning I was shocked by the numbers the saint said long ago, but through discernment I finally understood the saint, only 10 do go to Heaven because those are saints when they die, the rest, they either go to purgatory or hell.

God made purgatory in order to cleanse people of lesser sins, it is written, “nothing unclean shall enter” Rev 21:27, venial sins will be cleansed and also temporal reparations for everything you didn’t repair in this lifetime, will be the cause for souls to be cleansed in the Merciful fires of purgatory, not everyone believes purgatory exists, even priests don’t believe… this is why the lack of knowledge about it within the faithful as most priests don’t teach about it.

Obviously, protestants don’t believe in purgatory is like their sad believe that you are saved by faith alone, it keeps them blind to the truth and the truth is, being save by faith alone is a contradiction to the good news of Jesus and the Word of God DOES NOT have contradictions, sadly, being saved by faith alone is a huge one.

If being saved by faith alone is the truth then Apostle Paul is lying about “working your salvation with fear and tremble”, Apostle James would be contradicting God saying “a man is justified by works NOT by faith ONLY.” Faith alone is nothing but a contradiction to relax men into thinking that God will be all merciful and will forget His Divine Justice… sounds familiar? The crowd of all mercy in the Catholic Church is as large as the number of St Jerome, Yes God IS all Merciful but His Divine Justice comes from the same source as Divine Mercy, God is love says Apostle John, so there is NO Divine Mercy without Justice, is like saying within Divine Love there’s no truth.

Purgatory IS Divine Mercy and also Divine Justice, one cannot go without the other, God cannot contradict Himself even if your favorite Priest, Pope or Protestant pastor says otherwise.

Purgatory exists because of God’s eternal Love for us, so… those other 99,000 Catholics St Jerome mentioned not to enter Heaven, SOME of them will reach purgatory and there, they will fulfill our Lord’s words when He said to the Apostle’s complain about no one would get saved after hearing “it’ll be easier for a Camel to enter the eye of a needle than a rich man entering Heaven”, this is when our Lord puts them at ease replying: “… for men is impossible, but for God all things are possible.” Now that’s Divine Mercy.

The most compelling proof that purgatory exists is detailed by the Holy Spirit in the Bible, when Jesus after dying, He went to the souls who were imprisoned and PREACH to them, it doesn’t say that perhaps He will comfort them or maybe He thought He’ll say something, no! Jesus PREACH to them, souls who were imprisoned, and when you preach, you are actively trying to change souls to grasp salvation for them, that is the definition of preaching.

Jesus is the same yesterday, so yesterday He preached to those imprisoned souls, who, weren’t having fun being in jail, Jesus is the same today…. He will preach to those who will be go to that very same prison those souls were and the same preaching will occur, and because He is the same tomorrow, He will continue to preach to them until He comes again, always seeking change, seeking the impossible to become possible.

Catholics need to understand for once and for all, that Divine Mercy ALONE is a contradiction, Purgatory exists and IS Divine Mercy but also Divine Justice, the fire corrects the impossible, reparations ARE met and then, in God’s time, the souls grasped the necessary change, then, this is when the soul can enter Heaven.

Mortal sin is what opens the doors of hell for all souls who rebel, mortal sins are on their own, serious and evil offenses like theft, gluttony, active homosexuality, adultery, but sometimes the pile up of venial sins could be troublesome, people who like to put tattoos in their bodies for example, I truly believe that anyone, who doesn’t know God dislikes tattoos are committing a venial sin, so therefore have purchased for themselves a ticket to purgatory if no mortal sin is within them at the time of death, now, can you imagine those who know and don’t care? This is when a venial sin becomes a mortal one and it is only sad when priests, even this false prophet Bergoglio, proclaims that tattoos are not sins.

False prophets will do what they do best, they will relax your spiritual defenses in order for you to fall deeper and deeper, when the time of your calling comes, then nothing can be done when sin after sin becomes a mountain of neglect and omission with the knowledge that it was a sin.

Tattoos are one small example of how bad the situation is out there, and let be clear, this is not for you or anyone to become a pharisee against those who are tattooed, no… it is for you to know, that sometimes, a mountain of small sins can become grave ones (you only need 1 grave sin to be condemned), false prophets like all demons wants your doom, and we need our brothers and sisters to NOT become complaisant… work your salvation with fear and tremble, that’s the absolute truth.

Divine Mercy is real, Jesus Mercy goes everywhere with Divine Justice as well, it is an entire fallacy to say that Jesus Mercy will overlook Divine Justice when both are identical twins, both came from Divine Love, and the best proof that both goes together is purgatory, Divine Love made it for us and we all need to start living our faith by trying to be a saint, to be one of those 10 Catholics St Jerome mentioned.

These words are meant to open your eyes, we are living in dark times and the top is helping to throw souls into eternal damnation, you could be the most awesome gay person in the world, but if you don’t embrace the teachings of God and strive to achieve sainthood, not Heaven or purgatory will open for you, you could be the most active catholic in the world, but if you have an adulterous relationship purgatory is not for you, you could be the most amazing politician but acting like Robin Hood will only give you popularity and eventually hell will receive you as a thief, stealing IS a grave sin.

Even though purgatory IS an act of Divine Mercy and at the same time Divine Justice, people shouldn’t strive to go there, we should all make our very best effort to pass through the narrow door, be part of the maidens with their lamps fill with oil, use our gifts and talents for the salvation of souls and become Saints through Christ our Lord. Amen.


A big hug in Jesu Christ



“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge” says the Lord in the book of Hosea (4:6), but the Lord give us priests, and all around the world they should be ready to pinpoint darkness for all of us who don’t know left from right.

Now, what happens when the priest is the one pushing such darkness upon us? They were supposed to teach us the righteous path… but they instead push what the world wants.

When false prophet Jorge Mario Bergoglio took the chair of St Peter, NO one said anything about him confirming atheists on their disbelief, many stood in silence allowing the roar of the world hail him as a modern day saint, many quickly defended him citing “personal belief”, despite Francis saying in the aftermath of the Philippines earthquake that his: “Letters, speeches, motu propios, homilies, encyclicals and exhortations ARE teachings”, and any good catholic do knows a teaching (magisterium = teaching) is not a personal belief, but even though, they kept defending the indefensible.

When the false prophet proclaimed to the entire world through his first two exhortations (Evangelii Gaudium and Amoris Laetitia), that the unrepentant could have the Eucharist NO one said anything, there wasn’t a line put forth in Africa or anywhere in the world protesting such apostasy to proclaim to the world.

When Francis told the world that ALL religions were viewed well by God, a couple here and there said something but there wasn’t a line to be followed in any country in which priests would say unequivocally: Francis IS a heretic, he is a false prophet.

People need to understand, we are living in an unprecedent era in which information travels in seconds and it is grasp by anyone, so any heresy IS taken as teaching if there’s no one to confront it.

Silence was met when NO nation, NO group of priests anywhere said a thing to the faithful when it was proclaimed by Francis and later by the Vatican, that religious proselytism is nonsense, this is when the Vatican said Jews no longer needed to be evangelized.

There are many James Martin type of priests out there telling all: homosexuality is gift from heaven… Francis now proclaims what we already knew from his days as Bishop in Argentina, homosexuals couples can receive a blessing as long they don’t call it marriage.

The “perfect” Pastoral solution, the magisterium doesn’t change according to the falsehood crowd, but other things are to be pursuit. What a clear contradiction to the magisterium yet, because it is a pastoral solution, it is ok. Pastoral solutions are always… ALWAYS, contrary to the Holy Word revealed, it is a modernism that threatens the soul of many by calming their flesh and serving the world, not God.

St. Patrick’s prayer (breastplate), says something that is undeniably true to this case I’m making today: “God’s Word speak for me”, yet many priests prefer to deny the magisterium in favor of many pastoral solutions that CONFIRMS PEOPLE’S GRAVE SINS.

Priest’s silence is devastating to souls when they don’t single out the many false prophets out there, including the biggest of them all: Antipope Francis, whom, at least in deeds (fruits), have proven to be a false prophet, actually, he has shown to be a freemason and communist.


When you confirm atheists in their disbelief, Muslims to continue their false religion, the unrepentant to have the Eucharist (divorce and remarried and also protestants), Gays to remain with their same sex spouse, Jews not to evangelized, worshiping nature instead of Jesus… you CONFIRM people in their grave sins and when their time is up without repentance, such confirmation made available by those priests obeying false prophet Francis will condemn them as well.

Silence sometimes IS destructive too, many priests have thought first about their careers instead of saving souls, they were selfish instead of seeking a little crucifixion for themselves… it seems there is no desire at all to become martyrs of the faith, no desire whatsoever to light a candle in the dark.

One or two priests out of hundreds here and there, will tell their flock without NAMING Bergoglio on his grave errors, by doing so, they let their flock go to their homes and let them be an easy prey when the destroyer talks to them via email, by blog, TV or any social media out there... the chaff no longer hides, as matter of fact they are proud to face and mislead you by calling everything they do mercy.

Compassion, empathy and love have a whole new meaning nowadays when there’s no Justice in them, lies dressed as truth everywhere in a matter of seconds traveled the world, brainwashing the flock anywhere and everywhere, while silence by those who swore to drink the chalice of suffering becomes more and more deafening.

Souls are being destroyed forever right now all because most priests are silent to the new viper race, didn’t John the Baptist spoke the truth to those in power? What did he gain? Prison and his head on a platter? NO… he gained Heaven for himself as he did his Master’s desires, he surely was God’s instrument, indeed.

May you break your silence my friend, may you speak the truth everywhere you go, may you fulfill you Master Jesus, in all His wonderful desires… Yes, APOSTASY was prophesied, apostasy is what IS going on and apostasy will happen in order for Jesus to return, but may He who lives forever find you doing His bid, silence is good for prayer and for reflexional situations, but it is never good for defending the flock… May you rekindle your promise to suffer like He did when He proclaim the Truth, as well as the many Apostles, Patriarchs, Martyrs and Saints did before you.

A big hug in Jesus Christ. Amen

Sunday, November 12, 2023



What is the most important thing for a priest? To please God, nothing else… pleasing God is easy on paper, the priest only needs to follow God’s commands, now, I say is easy with a little smile on my face, as I noted two words: “on paper”, Holy Scripture is there for us to read and follow, the problem it’s our flesh, the world and the devil whom makes it hard.

Our leaders only need to proclaim the gospel as it was intended, our Patriarchs, saints and martyrs did so for thousands of years, we ALL knew: the good news of Jesus Christ was set to be preached to ALL nations, that ANYONE who would not believe condemned themselves, that homosexuality was grave sin and active homosexuals would NOT go to heaven, those who HATED the Son also hated the Father, that Martin Luther IS a false prophet, hell EXISTS, Mother Mary was born as the INMACULATE CONCEPTION and those who CENSURE tradition are friends of the world and whosoever are friends with the world are enemies of God, with sadness I have to say that NONE OF THAT IS TRUE ANYMORE IN THE CHURCH as it right now.

I remember how many Muslims were misled by Francis as he said this in front of many immigrant Muslims in Italy at the very beginning of his disastrous papacy: “Christians with the Bible, Muslims with the coran, with the faith of their fathers who will take them far”

The news of salvation was denied there and all the Muslims in the world who saw it on TV remained in their erroneous faith, Jesus wasn’t given to those in spiritual danger. How about atheists? He hasn’t tried to preach to atheists to believe, as a matter-of-fact Francis did say he would never tell an atheist that he or she, if continue in their disbelief, were condemned.

First time in the history of salvation that someone at the very top of the Church preached so many things contrary to Jesus own teachings, how can we ever forget when Bergoglio told the Catholic Church that religious proselytism IS a solemn nonsense, converting Jews was NO longer necessary and ALL religions ARE viewed well by God.

If we could only see how many souls have plunge into hell because of his active confusion, unfortunately that knowledge is exclusive for God only, but… can you imagine if any of those mentioned above, Muslims, atheists and even Catholics embraced those beautiful lies Bergoglio has taught and proclaimed for more than a decade now?

I remember a good catholic friend of mine telling me this: “You’re right about Francis but we can’t overlook the good things he has done.” I was appalled by such a thing he said… what good is for a father not to chastised their offsprings when bad things are done? A Father chastises their love ones wouldn’t become evil, it sounds unreal, but evil sets in and bit by bit corrupting everything, it only took a few words to encourage the Jewish people to betray God and worship a golden calf, evil bit by bit set in and when taken out from Egypt their flesh listened to what it wanted to hear.

People are tricked easily into darkness by what their flesh wants to hear and this is exactly what the very top of the Church has done for more than 10 years, with beautiful lies confusion has been actively made available to the masses, souls have fall into perdition due to such strange and constant teachings from Bergoglio and his followers.

His fruits speak loud and strong, yet no one from the cardinal’s college or bishop anywhere have dare to call him a false prophet, Jesus did more than 2000 years ago, God called Bergoglio a false prophet, St Francis called him the destroyer, Apostle St Paul called him apostate, Apostle St. John called him wormwood and the beast of the earth, yet no Bishop. Cardinal or priest calls him false prophet.

Priests are responsible for their sheep and the very few that do speak about Bergoglio’s beautiful lies do so without naming him directly and prefer to teach the truth while naming the error as that, a mistake, no declaration of heresy, no “we must resist Francis”, they only keep kicking the can down the road and avoid any unnecessary persecution by the Bergoglian police, the thing is, Jesus was persecuted by His own, they beat him up and crucify Him, that bitter chalice IS supposed to be drank by every single priest who took on the holy orders sacrament, crucifixion is always in their path if they love the Lord, if they hate Him they will find a very comfortable a lax life in this world, but the next they will be in hell with all the souls they took with them, hopefully they convert, hopefully they do cherish such a bitter chalice for the sake of the salvation of souls.

Apostasy is, slowly but surely, gaining traction within the Church, it was foretold long ago by Apostle St Paul this would happen, apostasy would be set up and the man of lawlessness would be revealed, the Holy Temple would be corrupted as the eternal sacrifice would be stopped according to prophet Daniel, corruption is being called mercy and pastoral solutions being done, proclaiming darkness as something beautiful and heavenly, blessing wickedness and sometimes even calling it a surprise from the Holy Spirit… this people has zero fear of God, none whatsoever.

Ten years and little more of deceitfulness, AND no one speaks for the souls, nobody says anything about the lost souls during this reign of destruction, no one wants to be martyrs, nobody wants a milliliter of passion, nobody wants to be crucified… it is just sad to watch; some are happy saying ‘they didn’t change anything”, well, wake up… they are blessing homosexuals unions left and right and giving the eucharist to the divorce and remarried, throwing the pearl to the mud.

Abortion advocates are received like heroes, pachamama worshipers given special access, nonbelievers hailed as saints, and the unrepentant allowed to remain in their grave sins, but the worst still to come yet it’s been 10 years and many lost souls, many confused and still, they still call him “pope” instead of false prophet, antipope or apostate, again, his fruits speak for themselves and it is our Lord Jesus who’s calling him for what he is: “…by their fruits you shall know them…”

Remain faithful, apostasy was prophesied, this needed to happen so the chaff reveal themselves, they’re no longer hidden, they show their faces now with no issues, they are proud of their doing, but in the end God wins, in the meantime, prophets will speak and too few will listen, I mean, It is historically proven, each time something of such happens only few listen, those who truly love and fear God, sadly the majority are the ones that drowns.

Again and this is my central point… NOBODY talks about the lost souls Bergoglio has handed to hell… and some dare to talk about some petrine office like if the Cross is some sort of a company, like if the Santa Marta Hotel is save central, Jesus saves, not Bergoglio and he is NOT pope because he has shown clearly and consistently that he is a false prophet and the many souls he has doomed are being ripped eternally and many more and on their way, will ANYONE stand to him? Will those who swore to drink from Jesus chalice show up for a little crucifixion? Will anyone show us the Beacon called the Truth the Life and the Way in a sea of confusion? Will anyone protect the faith of the little ones? I hope and pray someone will for the sake of the souls.


A big hug in Jesus Christ. Amen

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Forgive me Bergoglio...


I know nothing at all, I admit that, I live my Catholicism according to my past, with the Holy Spirit today and waiting for Jesus tomorrow.

I was born and lived in the novus ordo, the mass many know today as the "normal" mass, unfortunately such mass has nothing of being normal; I use to be charismatic, then (when I got married), I briefly experimented being a catechumen, today God knows what I have to go through to get to the Latin mass here in Florida, mass which practically doesn’t exist in my beloved Dominican Republic.

Back then, I did participated in various spiritual retreats, that’s when I met Jesus; It was in the year 1992, the first of few times I’ve ever seen Jesus in my life, the thing is, that despite having been raised in Catholic schools and my lovely mother taught me tender prayers to God, for silly trifles within my life, one day I’d decided to take my life that same year, again, I admit total ignorance, I was very stupid about Catholicism, if I had known more, or believed more, I’ve never would’ve decided to seek suicide.

God had to intervene, one Saturday at 8 pm while they were praying for me with their hands on my head, God came and I saw Him, to my surprise He wasn’t dead; now, understand something my dear traditionalists, everyone has something wrong, the charismatics (the vast majority), live their spirituality using their feelings instead of faith, catechumens live through obedience to men and not always to God, the traditionalists are famous of not turning the other cheek when they get hit in the other, that is, they live to criticize, but that is not the bad part, their problem is when they live to criticize others without love.

September 19, 1992 I saw God, Jesus, sitting on His throne, bigger than a building, still wearing His crown of thorns, He told me (on me planning to commit suicide): “Rafael, how can you do that? Don't you know I am your King? I’d cried and cried, did so with great pain, regretting having decided to take my life on November 22 of that same year.

From that moment I no longer wanted to kill myself, from that point on, got better and tried to live my Catholicism.

30 years have passed since that time when I saw Jesus, my faith has gone through many good and bad moments like any Catholic... walked my life seeking to satisfy God's mandate by speaking about His Divine Mercy to whoever wanted to listen and the thing I’d found the most was persecution, pain and personal loss. Despite all this, I’ve continued every day looking for a way to satisfy our Lord, always wondering, almost daily, if I was doing the right thing, each time asking God himself to tell me like that time when He came and saved me, but God has better and more important things to do than telling me every single little thing, my best friend priest, who's now is in heaven, Fr. Edward Wal, always told me to keep on going.

Within the internet I’ve been insulted in various ways by people I don’t know personally, despite trying to reach everyone through my words with love, the insults rained down, even within my own family, I’ve lost the affection of some of my relatives, lost my wife, my children are no longer engaging me, some of my childhood friends have given me the cold shoulder and I honestly don't blame them, I’ve became radioactive, or better said, like one lifelong friend told me: inflexible.




I’d prayed to God: ‘please get me back what I’ve lost so far’, but no response, then I did turn my back on God for a while and all I did was to make more and more mistakes, in the end, I’ve returned to God and see, everything that had been prophesied by holy people about Francis was being fulfilled in everyone's faces, fulfilled stronger than ever, all the prayers I’ve made for the soul of Francis for his conversion failed, Bergoglio has become, the false prophet predicted in the apocalypse, he is Wormwood, the beast of the earth or simply: the false prophet.

Years preaching that Mercy without Justice was a fallacy, a mirage and by preaching such found me only loss, insults, deaf ears and more than anything loneliness.

It doesn’t matter, my hope right now is that WE CAN UNITE without having to point accusatory fingers at each other, to tell the truth with love, denounce the lies with courage and obey God rather than men.

Our pointless battles must remain in the past, the desert awaits us, recently the false prophet proclaimed to the world: ‘traditionalists are outside the Church’, as a matter of fact, THAT was their main goal from the start, to steal the structures for themselves, but thank God we have our faith. We must NOT obey, we must NOT accept anything other than sound doctrine, NO pastoral solutions far from the teachings of Jesus Christ, have the courage to continue despite personal ruin and the obstacles the world will put in our way.

I don't deserve to be included among cardinal Roche’s famous “keyboard warriors”, what's more, I don't deserve anything good in this life for turning my back on my Lord Jesus so many times; I'm just a Novus Ordo kid who fell in love with the Tridentine mass despite knowing nothing of Latin, practically nothing of the law, I'm a living ignorant, I don't have any ecclesiastical power, all I have is the sweet words of Jesus whom promised to wipe away every tear from us.

There’s my hope, that’s my happiness, I wait for that day anxiously, I wish it happened yesterday already, sweet and mysterious words full of Divine Mercy... that same word which has Truth and Justice designates Francis as a false prophet, remember? “…by their fruits you shall know them.” If Bergoglio himself is a false prophet, as his fruits speak loudly, and by fruits, I mean his erratic and grave actions towards the souls of the flock, actions visible for all to see, then, if he is a false prophet therefore, he is an antipope.

The traditionalist forces of the Church have taken years to see this, years since 2013, many of us have been pointing this out, Francis is an antipope, a living disaster destroying everything in his path, and he does it with beautiful words.

Lie after lie, blasphemy after blasphemy, heresy after heresy, little by little riding on the horse of apostasy.

We MUST persevere in the catholic faith, BUT do so without accusing those of the novus ordo, the catechumenate, or even Emmaus fleeing towards the desert... we are witnessing how the false church destroys anyone and everything while the world applauds. I call for unity, I ask that we stop acting like them, we must tell the truth without mocking anyone, seek to obey God and not men, the herd is on fire and Bergoglio continues to pour gasoline, is there perhaps any holy priest out there who wants to defend us? Is there a priest willing and able to become a martyr? Will any bishop walk with us into the desert?


Bergoglio abandoned Jesus, he left the teachings of the Apostles, he obviously left Catholicism, it is time NOT to obey those who seek our spiritual ruin, WE HAVE to obey God and NOT men, we are the Church fleeing into the desert, UNITED and saying things with love, without mocking or accusing brethren just to satisfy ego.

Forgive me Bergoglio, but you are a hopeless case for me, I can no longer keep praying for your soul, it has become difficult for me to do it, it feels like pouring water into a glass full of holes, now, please don't do like me, I'm a spiritual illiterate, if you want continue and pray for his soul to see if he converts in time, from now on I’ll only pray to God for the flock so it doesn’t fall away and for priests not to fear becoming martyrs, for them to obey God and NOT men. Come Lord Jesus. Amen.


A big hug in Jesus Christ. Amen

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Personal belief: Francis defense crew

Jesus said to His disciples about how they were going to drink from the chalice He would suffer, although Judas was smirking on the back, you see, Judas didn’t believe as others did, even after seeing the dead rise and those who were sick cured, the only thing he did believe was in his own gain.

Now, do you see anywhere within the bible, God teaching His people through the personal believes of His prophets? No, each time the prophet did something from their personal thought process they found themselves in trouble, as men, clearly does not think as God does, but He allowed His prophets to find trouble when they stray away due to their personal thoughts.

The prophet learns from the failure of their experience, next time he would prefer to let God do through them what He wants. Today we find ourselves, that the errors of the world are being proclaimed as “teachings”, proclaimed as Gospel by many within the Catholic Church, mostly by the one who at the time of his rise was proclaimed as breath of fresh air, a saint of the people: “pope” Francis.

To me he isn’t pope, his fruits speak of a false prophet, a true vicar of Christ would NOT stand with the world’s gospel, a true vicar would’ve desire to bring light instead of darkness. Since 2013 this man has given us only bitter waters for all to drink and the main defense he had within the herd was all his errors were due to his “personal believes.”

Understand that if you have a personal believe IT IS yours to keep, you don’t go about every instance out there to make people believe the earth is flat for example, with a true priest it just doesn’t happen IF YOU’RE TRULY A SHEPPERD OF GOD.

Judas wasn’t a true Shepperd and despite that, he cast out demons, brought health to the sick and watch the Glory of God, literally… up close. If you are a true priest, true prophet and true servant of God you would now (if you abandon yourself to Him), that His teachings NEVER change.

Many people out there, since Jorge Mario Bergoglio took the seat of St. Peter (all thanks to the P.R machine of the St. Gallen mafia), has defended his consistent errors are because of his personal believes, they go to great lengths defending heresies, blasphemies and even Apostasy done by him. The most telling sign of someone who defends Francis is their silence when confronted with the error, it is not a one-time silence, omission you find every day, other times it is the obvious when by word they defend him saying it’s all due to his personal belief system, not magisterium.

What is magisterium? Magisterium is another word for teaching, teachings bringing light to confused minds of the people, such confusion which might eat away the faith of most; false prophet Francis has always been very consistent on his numerous errors, but people kept defending him claiming personal believe instead of actual magisterium.

Francis in the plane back to Rome from the Philippines said of his hard work, his speeches, homilies, encyclicals, etc… WERE TEACHINGS. Remember, magisterium and teachings are the same, the problem here is that his teachings are nothing but beautiful lies that go against with clear and sound teaching, even teachings coming from Jesus Himself.

No one was there, like Apostle Paul was when Peter stray away and he had to correct him in front of the entire congregation, no Cardenal, Bishop, not even pope Benedict XVI said anything when Francis said, “religious proselytism was nonsense”, when he said “no one is condemned forever that is not the logic of the gospel” or when he sold out the Church to both the UN and China.


 Today we hear how Francis comes in front of the world and put his “papacy” on the line to honor sodomy and a few days later proclaimed to all the tribunals around the world that civil unions ARE true marriage, then, some started to panic, claiming nobody were there to correct the pope on his personal believes; if you see the video in which he told many tribunal leaders of the Church this lie, watch how he READS the document in which claims civil unions are indeed real marriage, do realize that such document was approve by him, this is not the first time he has said such an horrendous, but beautiful proclamation, so at least he is consistent on his errors.

This is not coincidence or personal belief, if you read the bible, you would’ve known that God speaks about how truth would be ignored (Romans 1:18-24), how the waters would become bitter (Revelations 8:11) and how Christ would come back after apostasy got established within (2 Thessalonians 2:3). God will definitely intervene, we all need to resist the lies presented as truth, flee those who try to ruin our faith, NOT to start another religion, NOT to behave like they are, but go about with love, prayer and hope in Him, in the end the one true faith will be restore through Him and by Him.

Many popes did mistakes, but those mistakes, in the case of the post conciliar popes lead us to this moment, in which the weeds no longer work in secret, all of them, are sticking their necks proudly out there, when those who collect the harvest comes and take the wheat home, what do you think will happen to them? Right to the fire if there’s no change to the better, as weeds could change into wheat ONLY by the Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ, if and only if, they truly convert and amend and for that to happen we all need to pray, only Divine Mercy can do this and His Justice at the same time will come down to those who wouldn’t ask for His salvation.

Unfortunately, Francis doesn’t believe the fish and the loaves were multiplied by Divine Power, but instead he said the flour and the oil of the widow never ended, so, sadly I truly don’t think he would change and amend to convert into wheat, the destruction he has implemented reach the entire world and the worst is yet to come, trust me, something is in the works and is about to show, it is much, much worse.

The antichrist needs the apostasy to happen, needs the temple to be corrupted in every inch and everywhere for him to step inside, the antichrist is about to appear and for him it is awesome that Francis is so willing and able to cast holiness away, the abomination of desolation is about to be set up and God warned us, is just that we didn’t want to listen… so prayer, sacrifice and hope in Jesus is our must right now, as everything is about to fall, as the weeds are working so hard for it, it is sad, but at the same time I cry out for Jesus to come right now and set everything straight… Don’t you?

A big hug in Jesus Christ.